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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Yeah, there is a fix for this but the website that original hosted it has removed the file for the time being.
  2. I just got back from a long night of dancing with friends - mainly the Milonga and Argentine Tango. We're already planing on a repeat next month. EDIT: Evidently the local Gothic community has some avid Tango dancers, as there were more goth chicks at the studio* than I have seen anywhere that was not a specific meeting or event catered to that crowd. EDIT #2: Samm, a leek is a type of onion; although, if they were very small, the plants might have been scallions. *Or at least it seemed that way.
  3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
  4. Well, that's a step in the right direction although it's still a little strict for my tastes.
  5. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky, Fallout 2, Fallout, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Neverwinter Nights I, The Political Machine 2008, American McGee's Alice, Arcanum, Resident Evil 4, Hitman IV: Bloodmoney, Tomb Raider: Legend, and Freelancer. 12; I think that's all...
  6. SO much drama here at the Obsidian Forums, glad to see I'm not the only one who has had some lately - although I would rather it be good drama and not bad. Anyways, I'm sort of in a relationship at the moment and it's going ok -she's awesome; British, more of a geckling than I am, and dances- but another friend who I've known practically forever is starting to strongly hint that she would like to break-up with her boyfriend and get involved with me. There's a bit more to the story that I will not get into, but basically I would really like to be there for my one friend but not mess things up with the other as we really do seem to be hitting it off. At the moment I'm simply continuing to hold the course and I'm actually going to meet the former, my current relationship, later tonight.
  7. It looks like RE5 is going to be coming to the PC after all!
  8. You can only have X number at the same time depending on your plan, but there is not a limit on how many you can get during a month and so there is no penalty for getting a movie, finding out you don't like it, and sending it back so another film will be sent.
  9. It's just a flat monthly rate, not a charge for each DVD; if I don't like them I'll just send them back and get something else.
  10. Cronos - great movie, too bad it's so hard to find. Next I think I'll grit my teeth and see how bad the Resident Evil films are, I've heard they weren't that awful and I have Netflix so I can always send them back if I cannot stand them.
  11. Lulz, I didn't notice that...
  12. Yeah, I find that both surprising and a little hard to believe; although it would be concerning if it were true.
  13. Letting enemy NPCs snipe you from a mile away without any difficulty while your effective rage is about three feet or so...
  14. Hatter might want to read this... The conservative case against sarah palin EDIT: The cited facts have been reported other places, but other then that I don't know anything about this source - I just stumbled upon it and thought it was relevant.
  15. Ok, Clear Sky is good so far but not as great as I thought it would be. I guess that's what I get for pre-ordering a game, but, yeah, I would have almost certainly still have bought it. The combat is kicking my ass again though, looks like I've gotten soft since I last played the original.
  16. I still install AoE II, SW Battlegrounds, and AoM every once and awhile - haven't tried AoE III though.
  17. Well, someone evidently backed into my car this night - but, luckily, the damage seems minor and cosmetic. Oh well, at least I got S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky today and had an otherwise great evening.
  18. Single-player Clear Sky, however I just got back home after spending the night out with a friend and I cannot say anything about it at the moment as the patch has not downloaded yet (30% as of this posting). I'll have more information up by the weekend.
  19. They violate the EULA. The EULA is not legally binding. Depends on which country you live in In the US it looks like it is (free registration required). There have been cases on either side, the issue of EULAs in the US is a gray area.
  20. What sort of mods are you trying to use? Some item mod require the KSE, while others can be found in-game. im trying to use the Droid planet mod. I put it in my Override Folder. but im on GO-TOs ship right now so i can check wen i get off if i did it right Ok, did you use a fresh game and are you sure it is supposed to work then?
  21. Again, glad you're ok.
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