I've got a game of Half Life going and Left 4 Dead is still a major draw, and I should be picking up a copy of both Underworld and the NWN 2 expansion next week so they'll be on the slate.
And here I thought this was going to be about some ISP cracking down on Bittorrent. Anyways, good riddance - I hope more pirates are blown out of the water in the near future.
Yeah, I would have liked a more S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-like system where you really had to choose what weapons you were going to use and ration your ammunition accordingly.
Considering the amount of pre-orders that happened before the demo shipped I doubt that Left 4 Dead would have bombed without it. Still, it most likely helped sell more than a couple of copies.
I would say that this is an individual decision.
And I would say that they can release something as a sequel but it might not be viewed as proper sequel by all the fans of the old products.
And my reality is that I would have prefered it be called something else. Anyways, this is getting rather pointless. What do people think about expansions? Will there be some or is Bethesda going to jump to Fallout 4/IV?