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Everything posted by theBalthazar

  1. It is difficult to test for me. Because if I take Druid for exemple, I will choose a side and build arround (more logical). The loss will be felt only by its absence. Spiritshift ? > Shifter. (focus strength) Spells ? > Fury. (Focus resolve) I can test Basic druid (the base class is the big loser besides !), mixed in everything, but I know this is now not optimal. But yeah, I will still try... : p (Mitigate Cipher, Paladin and Druid especially. To see the difference.)
  2. I am actually on the beta. Case of Druid. I do few tests and imagine the future change... Spiritshift : Base Damage 19-30 (18 Might) +5 might... (15 % damage) 25-38. So 6 - 8 damage per attack with 5 pts of attributes. And we talk about ~8-15. (24 % to 45 % if we count negative points) ----------------------- So, with the future change, druid will lost min 24 % damage (I let you imagine the loss...). It is all, except a minor change... You are drastically less powerful. What do you think about this math Gromnir ? I can always play the game yes : p But it is false to tell that it's pretty minor change... It is worst than I imagined...
  3. Hello, Simple question. We have often ? ? ? ? (Reflex ? Deflection ? Fire AR ?) against unknown ennemies. Why not allocated a skill that allow to have this information immediately. Work wells in Original Sin for exemple. "Lore Master". With X points : Informations about others defenses. XX points : about deflection. XXX points : About all Armor rating. etc. etc.
  4. It is not a balance focus. Josh said it was for "no bad build" rather than no dump stat. Ok, no Problem. But in a sense Wizard + Ranger is now not the best build... Max Differential : 45 % (24 % + 21 %) Resolve 3 Strengh 18 -------- With a Ranger + Fighter Max Differential : 0 % (All in Strength) Resolve 3 Strength 18 Perhaps, it is not a bad build... But it look like...
  5. Played yes... But honnestly ? You find the cipher particulary efficient ? Factually I understand. Compared to other classes... And on top of that, you back stab him with a nerf ? : p In most of tiers list, Cipher has the donkey's cap (Great last) This will just encourage people to truncate the potential of the three classes. Druid ? Wes but without spells, or only buff spells. Paladin ? Only strength side and passives. Cipher ? Even more problematic because it's an intricate operation. One feeds the other.
  6. Cipher 25 % Core Ability. (+5 % base damage ?) +20 % With passive (no change) Replace the 24 % of might ? Or it is not enough ? 24 / 2 = 12 for each pole (Round to 10 %...). Again divided by two, because this is base damage. (at the hoof... : p) So ref number : 5 % for base damage. 10 % for multiplicative damage. -------------- Druid ? Boost of 10 % of damage of all shift ? 10 % Boost for spells ? ---- Paladin Flame of devotion +10 % fire damage Heal of hand + 10 % ? etc ?
  7. Possible that Josh Sawyer want that we were testing, before that we should make a criticism. The problem is : globally its work. In terms of pure concept. That or something else. But there is comprehensible disfavor consequences for some classes.Where the principle of equity is not respected. Perhaps it is intended. Perhaps not. But this, we can say it before we even play. Because these are "logical switches". It's all the more unfortunate that the paladin was starting to become fun for me. Not god tiers, but very fun. Cipher wasn't need that. Druid was awsome in spirit**** but awful with spells. So I resume with a physical class : the panel of your class is fully referrent to Strengh (Core+Active Abilities). Resolve dump. With a druid : For the same value of attribute, spiritshifting is strength, spells is resolve. I can not use my entire panel at the same power, when other classes can. To equal attribute points. Which leads to an ultimate question? Intended or not ? Compensation or not ? I also think that it displeases people on paper because it can discourage them to multi-class in a way too crazy, mixing physical and magic for exemple. By optimizing, they will realize it, and some combos (Wizard + Barbarian) may not be used frequently. Or for buff aspect only (not the full potential...).
  8. resolved summon weapon create a another way to play. I think it is a better option. A soul weapon controled by determination (resolve) = can work RP speakly. Not false... Pure concept have an advantage. Mixed concept pay for their crime of diversification. while it's not even a multiclass for once. If that problem concerned only multiclass, I could appreciate the idea of this change. But here, internal concept are not in equity. (Druid, Cipher, Paladin mainly).
  9. Frankly, Sawyer want so much control the viable/optimal point, it is impossible to miss a character, even with a 3 in recommended stat. In a general way. So, it is not completely an argument in this situation. But there is a very clear loss for paladins, druids and cipher. One can not deny it. A quantitative loss, you who love numbers at 18 Might : 24 % if you are focus on Spells side. If I a am a druid, my spiritshift loss 24 % of Might. If I am a cipher I gain less -24 % focus each strike. Or, you sacrifice an another stat to give Strength and Resolve, but the fact is here. It is not a problem, except for the...equity of each classes. Now I know Fighter + Barbarian is better. I min-max, I'm dodging resolve. But for Druid/paladin/cipher ? (single class!...) Impossible... There is also a fairly dry loss for those who were going to be multiclass hybrid.
  10. Indeed. If not what is the interrest ? Cast time + no bonuses.
  11. For me, not enougth, because, now damage is splitted. So 5 % ? OK Dexterity became too interresting. AS + accuracy... Especially that... ...Perception is not equilibrate. Josh want to avoid bad build. Here, if you are not ranged, perception is globally useless. Accuracy is better to perception : Better split ratio. Not a bad idea. Implement are very special weapons. I like that. Area of effect in resolve = why not, it is logical on the paper. determination = amplitude of spells. Amplitude with buff ok I agree. And affliction duration it is a good idea.
  12. Resistance is perhaps a bad term (confusion with "atribute afflictions resistance"), but this was the idea.
  13. = Resistance to afflictions = time reduction !^^ % of real number. 20 Seconds ? 15 resolve ? (5x5 = 25 %) = 15 seconds.
  14. Indeed. Attribute Distribution 1.1 (According to the old system) Might : 3 % damage / 2 fortitude defense [Physical and Magical oriented] Constitution : +5% health / 2 fortitude defense [Health oriented] Dexterity : 3% action speed / +1 deflection / 2 reflex defense [Nimbleness oriented] Perception : +1 accuracy / 2 reflex defense [Perception of distances] Intelligence : 5% general duration / 5% area of effect / 2 willpower defense [Magic amplitude oriented] Resolve : 5% resistance to afflictions / +1 power level for empower / 2 willpower defense [Determination/resistance oriented] -------------- Attribute Distribution 1.1 (According to the new system) Strength : 5 % physical damage / 2 fortitude defense [Physical oriented] Constitution : +5% health / 2 fortitude defense [Health oriented] Dexterity : 5% action speed / +1 deflection / 2 reflex defense [Nimbleness oriented] Perception : +1 accuracy / 2 reflex defense / 5% area of effect [Perception of distances] Intelligence : 5% general duration / 5 % magical damage / 2 willpower defense [Magical oriented] Resolve : 5% resistance to afflictions / +1 power level for empower / 2 willpower defense [Determination/resistance oriented] ----------- EXPLICATIVE EDIT : Resistance to afflictions = reduction of time afflictions. 15 resolve = 5 % x 5 = 25 %. / = -25 % time on receive afflictions.
  15. For me, for balancing of the game, Paladin / Druid / Cipher must gain a boost. There are the most affected by this change. And there was not among the killer classes (devoted / Berserker / Helwalker) to say 'no need' to boost. So, it is not good for them atm...
  16. everything depends on the strength of the power level. it can be regulated. Buff. You have an emergancy = heal of priest. (empower because this is an emergency). If not, you pay with an investment in resolve for that, for others classes. And resolve become more attractive. You can also easily return to previous system. (area of effect return at intelligence, and you kill +% damage spell)
  17. I had a good night's sleep. I am back for a proposition. Attribute Distribution 1.0 (According to the new system) Strength : 5 % damage / 2 fortitude defense [Physical oriented] Constitution : +5% health / 2 fortitude defense [Health oriented] Dexterity : 3% action speed / +1 deflection / 2 reflex defense [Nimbleness oriented] Perception : +1 accuracy / 2 reflex defense / 5% area of effect [Perception of distances] Intelligence : 5% affliction duration / 5% spell damage / 2 willpower defense [Magical oriented+DEBUFF oriented] Resolve : 3% duration / +1 power level for empower / 2 willpower defense [bUFF oriented] ----- Empower = Determination no ? So ...^^ Resolve. Deflection = Agility
  18. Josh said : Also an interresting approach with empower... +1 empower strength level each point. Like, with 20 resolve = very strong empower. (+10 power level ?) Base : 10 In negative : -7 power level. So 10 -7 = only 3 power level each empower. With the max side : 10 + 10 = 20 Power level. (Yes it is a big number, but you see the principle : p)
  19. Yes but how you accumulate points ? It seems to me that, more damage you give more focus you take ? So here there is a connection between two concepts ?
  20. It is a dump stat if you are on a magical core. Wizard + Priest for exemple. In this case, you can put 3 in strength. I imagine if you are druid, or cipher, or multiclass Magical/physical, you can put in the two, easily ?
  21. With new system : Physical : Ranger / Fighter / Barbarian / Monk / Paladin / Rogue. Magical : Priest / Wizard / Chanter Mixed : Cipher / Druid. ---------------------- * The most problematics classes are mixed. Cipher = auto-attack with strength (Obligation...), cast spells. Druid : strength when spiritshift, resolve for spells. * I think to chanter, but normally : Dragon thrashed = resolve now ?
  22. Yes, this is the end of hybrid build. Not a problem now, with bad casters, but as soon as they are more attractive .... A way to limit multiclass in a sense. Or you make physical or magical concept. Priest + Wizard and Fighter+Barbarian, more easily than Fighter + Wizard.
  23. There is not major problem refferring to this change. I view only one : Multiclass Wizard / Fighter (You will becoming sundenly less effective with Damage Dealing spells). Priest are not totally concerned (especially for buff), only "offensive" spells. Also, Druid : Impossible to stay efficient with spiritshifting (strength ?) and spells (Resolve) at the same time.
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