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Everything posted by astr0creep

  1. Can you link the preview or was it on tv?
  2. Then the only answer is Anarchy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Animals have no government, yet they have a social structure and no anarchy. A lesson to be learned?
  3. So um... what are you Americans waiting for? Isn't your gun law just for that kind of situation, protecting yourselves and removing your corrupted government from power?
  4. To make it for the Darwin awards, he would've made the statement, then go home, then die of a brain hemerage from a security camera falling on his head. :D
  5. I can be pretty wild sometimes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  6. Remaking Torment? No. A Tormant movie from Uwe Boll? Eventually yes.
  7. Star Wars Battlefront 2 PC. Finishing it tonight (single player) Tomorrow I will try Empire at War.
  8. 1984 by George Orwell. Hitchicker's guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams Star Wars 1st Trilogy Original Edition by George Lucas, Frank Marshall and Lawrence Kasdan The NeverEnding Story by Wolfgang Petersen Explorers The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien The Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson E.T. by Steven Spielberg
  9. Aeris's death. The end sequence from Halo 1 where you drive the Warthog out of the ship is amazing. Yesterday I was playing Battlefront 2. I am at the Tantive IV mission and I hadn't use a Hero in a while. Suddenly at the bottom of the screen I see the caption "Press F1 to play as Darth Vader"... Every other Jedi/Hero in the game runs around or are very fast and they all kick some butt for a short while. When I activate Vader, he enters the ship through that same door in the same hallway that is seen in Ep4 and he walks. He walks around like a really bada** mofo. He cuts down those rebel soldiers with fantastic ease, one swing 2 kills ease and he's super tough. I was woohoo-ing so loud my wife came in the room all shocked. That sequence made my weekend whole. And of course... Psycho Mantis.
  10. What got me into gaming in the first place was Wolfenstein3D. Some kid was able to install it in the computer class at school and we would play during class. It was a "computer use" class so even if we were supposed to make a little drawing or something, any usage of the machine was ok. Until the teacher realized it was a game about shooting Nazis in the face. I didn't have a computer or a console at home since my father was religiously against all forms of entertainment except for playing sports and work, so I am a child of the arcades. I remember a version of Duke Nukem that was a first-Person Sidescroller that really kicked ass. And I played and mastered Mortal Kombat 2 for a few years. When I finally got a computer it was a 386 and played a lot of Space Quest, then Betrayal at Krondor and Finally DOOM, XCom and Master of Orion changed my life. I played those 3 games way beyond their popular lifespan and I still play them sometimes today. DOOM still has no equal to me when it comes to simple atmospheric, visceral, gory action. X-Wing/Tie Fighter, Wing Commander, Ultima Underworld 1 & 2. Then I had a break for a few years when I worked a lot and went to school. My free time was spent writing, drawing and building Star Wars and Star Trek model ships. I would also go out with coworkers and get drunk out of my mind. And then I bought a Playstation with Final Fantasy 7. I played that game exclusively for months, finished it twice in a row with both times all my characters at level 99and crying almost everytime at the end of Disk 1. After FF7 my game of choice was Metal Gear Solid. Shorter but I still played it for weeks, over and over again. I just couldn't put it down, crying almost everytime when Otacon takes SniperWolf in his arms... A few games have hooked me since but not as much or as passionately as those mentionned above.
  11. That was a really good episode. The last 3 were amazing actually but Captain's Hand was like wow! One of the best for this show, ever. ***SPOILER*** The new law thing was so so but I completely approve with President Roslin's decision in the context of the show. In real life I am pro-choice but in the show, they do need to reproduce, it is a matter of survival. If they don't do enough by choice, it needs to be forced somehow. It could be too early in the show's timeline for this though. As for Baltar's choice, I think he is the one "Great leader that will bring the colonies to Earth but will die before reaching the promised land" spoken of in the Prophecy, not Roslin. ***END OF SPOILER*** Someone in the above posts mentioned acting. Most of it is usually top notch but sometimes the actors have a bad day or something and it shows. Grace Park's work includes a Degrassi ripoff called Edgemont in which she plays a lesbian teen with all the cliched situations you can imagine. I think she does pretty well in BSG but her character, although FULL of potential, hasn't been used very well in season 2 since she is confined to the brig. Compared to most other current tv shows, including that stupid crap (imo) Desperate Housewives, BSG's actors are well above average.
  12. Yes it does. So if there are extra fees now, even though our debir cards allow the banks to fire employees, what will it be like when technology advances? And shouldn't we put money where it counts, like finding actual cures for diseases instead of medication that simply alleviate symptoms?
  13. Same. I only use debit unless I have no money in my account, then I use credit. Sucks when the debit/credit machine is down though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did that. And then I went bankrupt because I never had money in my account... Plus, using a debit card is not free. Depending on the financial institution, here in Canada it costs from 1$ to 3$ everytime we use a debit card. Plus, if you use a debit card from a bank in an ATM from another bank it costs almost double. What worries me about electronic payment is identity theft, like most people. Some can already steal cell phone signals and use your own account to make calls and then you get charged. I don't really want to think about the electronic signal from a chip to a reader being stolen and funds diverted somewhere it doesn't belong. It's all very fast and practical in theory but the bottom line is that there is still nothing as secure as cold hard cash, provided you keep the amount you carry secret. Then it's just a matter of statistics wether you get mugged or not. Plus there will be uncontrolled shopping sprees because of the ease of payment. Think about your wife in a shopping center with your chipped card in her purse and everytime she leaves a store with an item it gets scanned and you get charged for it. If she doesn't need to wait for the cashier anymore... Brrr I shiver in fear.
  14. Your? " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Feck, wrong thread. I'm soooooo gonna follow Astr0creep to Hell now. :"> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://savage-dream.de/audio/Home_mp3/High...ell%20-ACDC.mp3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey thats my favorite song! And you could've at least give us the original, not a poor cover version
  15. Your? " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Feck, wrong thread. I'm soooooo gonna follow Astr0creep to Hell now. :"> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sex, drugs and rock n roll. An eternal party without the hangovers.
  16. This morning for breakfast I had a cup of nice hot coffee with a big fat sweet DANISH PASTRY And so I shall burn in Hell for eating a DANISH PASTRY DANISH PASTRY DANISH PASTRY DANISH PASTRY DANISH PASTRY DANISH PASTRY DANISH PASTRY DANISH PASTRY Yummy.
  17. You don't need to be a barbarian from 2000 years ago to go kill people for not believing the way you do. Just take a good look at the extremists of today and they are still killing. Man, I hate religious nutjobs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is what I meant. It's nice to see someone pick up those subtleties
  18. That is the nature of written history. It changes with every iteration, with every new conqueror.
  19. That's the way a lot of history is preserved my friend, through writing. If that's your logic, you might as well say all of history can be a sham. And anyway, if you have no evidence, which you just admitted (one of the stupidest things to say), then you're just making things up and going with your gut feeling. Anyhoo, one does not learn about history by just "taking a trip" (not in the sense you're talking about). Culture, yes, not history. Our history is learned by what those in the past record. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't go on trip like the one I mentioned to learn about history. You go on that trip to learn about life, to experience things that you will never be able to staying in your living room reading the Bible and believing everything in it 100%. That is what Jesus did. He opened his mind to new things. He stopped waiting for the prophet and, unknowingly, became the Prophet. History is written by humans, with all their imagination, speculation and interpretation. If you would see, today, a man making an apple levitate, you would think he is either a God, an alien, a magician or Satan. What if in a hundred years humans discover a way to flex the brain in ways that allow them to make an apple levitate? Will that advanced man still be considered a freak or a pioneer? Imagine those people, 2000 years ago, who's knowledge barely extended beyond planting vegetables and religion, who knew nothing about physics, medical treatments, chemistry, hygiene, imagine them looking at a man cure blindness, walk on water and coming back from the dead. How could they know that eye crud will shut your eyes if you don't clean it, how could they know about shallow water in the middle of the ocean, how could they know about loss of consciousness and coma? They didn't because all their lives revolved around feeding and praying on some scriptures. About evidence or lack of it, you don't need evidence to know things. You need evidence to prove what you know. A few years ago here in Quebec, there was this big trial for the leader of a biker gang. He was being accused of organising the murders of two prison guards and a lot of other really bad things. That man was well known in Quebec, to a point of even being a hero to some sick people. Everyone KNEW he was guilty on all counts and others that were never brought up. Yet, through the trial that lasted over a year, he was always referred to as a presumed criminal. Although proof was needed to put him behind bars, the knowledge of his crimes was shared by everyone. Do you need proof that you love someone or do you know it? Do you need proof that God exists or not or do you know it? If you need proof for everything then you have no faith. This forum is not a court of law. We do not need to prove anything. I am telling you what I know from reading a lot of material from a lot of different sources, interpreting some from cross references and historic facts, just like any historian would do(I am not a historian, I am interested). We do not need to agree with each other's beliefs but we do need to respect each other. Otherwise we might as well start killing everyone that doesn't agree with us in the name of our beliefs like some barbarian tribe 2000 years ago.
  20. Why not post your "evidence", then? At least you could then back it up. Or are you just basing this on your "gut feeling"? I hope you realize also that it is rather unrealistic, except under the most "conveniant" circumstances, for a person born of a lowly carpenter to somehow be able to afford to travel the world and get an education. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I told you, I don't have evidence. Do you have evidence of anything that is written in the Bible? Of course you don't. All you have are what people have written down on paper over centuries, people who had as much credibility as you or me at the time. There is a difference between getting an education through schools and getting it the right way, by experiencing it. I don't know how old you are or maybe you did it already but if not, I suggest you find a way to go on a trip for a few months. Go somewhere far from your home, where you will be a complete stranger. You will see that in that short time, you will learn more about the world than you could've in ANY school. About unrealism, it is much more realistic to assume that Jesus tried to educate an ignorant people than to believe he was the son of God.
  21. The New Testament (not the Bible) came after his death, I know. But I don't see how you can say that a lot of Christianity is not what Jesus taught, unless you count many of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church (hardly taught by the apostles either). Are there any specific things you have in mind? As for the quote, yes, Jesus did say that, according to the Bible. One of the most famous is Mathew 26: 63-64: "The high priest said to him, "I charge you under oath by the living God; Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God." "Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven." That's not the only one, there are more. Sorry, but I have to leave and won't have time to post them all, but here are two more. I don't have time to write them all out. You'll have to look them up, I'm afraid. John 14: 9-14, John 3: 16-18 Anyway, my main point is not that he was the Son of God, though as a Christian I believe so, just that there is considerable evidence he said so. Can you back your statements up? Otherwise they're just made up by someone else. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ Most scholars agree he lived in Galilee for most of his life. I'd like to know where you read that he "traveled the world". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They agreed? So there was a debate? Then proof was not infallable otherwise there would not have been any debate. There is no "proof" of what I said earlier. I came to that conclusion from listening in church and in school, on teevee when those preachers are stealing and a lot of reading from official sources as well as from more "modern" texts. It just makes so much more sense to me (and others, I am not unique in that way) that Jesus was a more educated man, helping his people in ways they had never seen before and concluded in miracles, than him being the son of a God performing miracles in a supernatural way. I believe Jesus was a preacher, in the most modern of description, trying to gather a following in order to gain power. I do not believe in a God of any kind, I do not even believe in the Soul. Call me a heretic if you want. If you are willing to burn me at the stake I will call you a religious, retarded fanatic, no better than those people killing for a caricature in a newspaper.
  22. Are there any fields of wild diamonds I could pick?
  23. I'm talking about the statements he makes himself. Not what the apostles said. As for him being educated, that is simply untrue. His father was a carpenter, and he was a carpenter. He wasn't educated either, his social status was nothing more than that of the common people. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wrong. He left his home town at around 15 years old and returned years later in his early thirties. During this 15 years gap in history he traveled the known world and when he came back, he knew many things, including how to clean mucus-encrusted eyes to cure blindness, finding shallow waters, changing fishing location, etc. He just knew more things than his (still) ignorant people and his actions seemed like miracles to the (still) religious fanatics surrounding him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can you back that up? Otherwise, you're just making things up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can you back your statements up? Otherwise they're just made up by someone else.
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