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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Sometimes you have to reequip them. Sometimes a realod helps. Or restart the game. I've had issues with the Blood Testmanent Gloves (and also with spell chance items) since the beginning. Sometimes they work, the next time they won't (until I do one of the above).
  2. Ha - what a terrible name for an archmage. Sounds more like a character who burps a lot. I guess most people don't even know how to pronounce it. It normally is "Börör", but sadly few websites let you use "umlauts" when registering. I could imagine a burly but gnarly old guy, headmaster and founder of an adventurer's academy. A place where you can go if you want to discover your true potential and then unlock it. Like doing ingame character builds. There you could also hire mercs - but maybe special ones that other players developed. It would be our character build list - but inside the game. Hm, the more I think of it the more I like this idea. Ok, if somebody from OBS reads this: Come on, do it! Do it! You can even start a crowdfunding campain just for this small addon. I guess most people who write in the character build forum would pledge for that. You can even get my voice for grumpy dialogue lines - I have a fairly low voice and a nice german accent. Everybody likes a good, harsh german accent...
  3. Ah, yes. It bestows -3 to Accuracy and targets Will; I must've gotten confused. When I first tried it before TWM was out, the shield would target the wielder as well. It wouldn't bestow the Accuracy penalty on them, but if it scored a crit, it would trigger Frenzy from the Sanguine Plate, which was pretty nice at the beginning of combat Not sure it still works like that, though. When it happened to me was a very long time ago. If it still works like that it would be a must-have item for any Wild Orlan! His Stalwart Defiance would be up all the time.
  4. How come? You can simply buy it in Twin Elms. But as far as I know it only loweres enemies' ACC by 3. No will debuff. And other than Little Saviour, you have to hit with that aura. Still a nice shield. Another nice option for such a tanky fighter is the Executioner's Hood instead of the sanguine plate's helm. It also looks nice with the plate and gives you that sweet frightening aura that helps even more with tanking. Together with Redfield you'll lower enemies' ACC by 13.
  5. I meant that limiting the character customisation because there are only a few portraits is not a great idea. I wasn't saying that the game couldn't use more portraits. I also didn't say that everybody should make their own portraits with photoshop. I was just pointing out a solution for a problem. DonÄt know if the OP is able to do so, but it might have been an option. If you ask for a special character portrait (here in the forum) you will usually find someone who has done it, knows where to find one or is even willing to make you one. So it's not a problem you can't solve. I agree that more portraits would be great though.
  6. Hehe, that guy's so funny. Together with Hiravias he put several smiles on my face.
  7. Another approach is running through hazard fields like Chillfog or Malignant Cloud that your wizard casted. You'll reach debuffed enemies and also get wounds. It's friendly fire, but monks like pain, don't they?
  8. Yes, you need hits from enemies if you want to unlock you full potential. The good thing with a staff is that you can run behind your front line once things get too hefty for you and then you can still spend the wounds from the second row. That, or you take the talent that can give you wounds OR you lets your friends shoot you in the back. You can also take some abilities like stunning blows that work without wounds. You can then open the fight from the second row and then come forth and engage when you need wounds.
  9. There are also special options which can be unlocked if you have a certain background - clergyman for example, or if you are a preist of a certain god. Those are few, but they are there. But what I mean is not that you unlock special answers, but that choosing the right answers that match with your god's or order's dispositions will give you bonuses. For a priest of berath this means: if you choose a lot of stoic an rational answers and avoid cruel and passionate ones, your holy radiance becomes more powerful. With paladins it's their defensive buff via Faith and Conviction. Other classes couldn't care less for dispositions. Their values don't get influenced by their reputation.
  10. Erm... theme? Don't know. Nature Godlike just fits the Greenstone Staff aesthetically. But anything that is green would, I can think of a monk that is also part druid. You could use Aspirant's Mark which is great anyways. It will ad a little bit of druidic feel. Instead of using Nature Godlike you could also use a stag helmet with any other race. For example wild orlans look nice with all those "rugged" items like hide armor. Put on Blaidh Golan from the Sanatorium, later maybe Wayfarer's Hide from the WM Ogre's Cave. You'll look like a druid and have some of his powers, but you will also be a monk. With the Greenstained Boots you will also get a spell holding called "Nature's Trek" - adds more druidic stuff. Get a belt of Nature's Embrace - it gives you Woodskin when you receive a critical hit. Put your focus on disabling rather than dealing a ton of AoE damage. This can also be lots of fun. Use Force of Anguish all the other diabling abilites and also The Long Stride so that you can zip around the battlefield with high speed in order to take out dangerous foes like casters quickly. Use Flagellanth's Path to get back to your team members. You could then add some scrolls like Moonwell - it's nice for monks. Sounds quite nice now that I read it again. Funnily i did it the other way round in my current playthrough: I made a druid who's also part monk. With fists...
  11. Monk's abilities all work with melee weapons, too (besides The Long Pain which summons.. well... fists ). So it's totally viable to use any kind of melee weapon. There's even a soulbound staff that binds to monks - but I don't like it too much because of the looks. But combined with Torment's Reach it can be pretty good. And it will look awesome on a Nature Godlike monk I'd say. The first good staff is Durance's. It has a burning lash which is great that early in the game and it has crush/burn damage which is very handy if you meet crush resistant enemies. I always keep it as a backup staff beause of this. Then there's a speed enchanted quarterstaff named "Llawran's Stick" in lvl 3 of the endless paths. It's good enough to carry it through the whole game. The staffs that follow are not as great in my opinon. But some might be nice for special build ideas - like Taluntain's Staff which gives you 3 Fireball uses per rest. So yes, it will work. You'll miss out the Full Attack of Torment's Reach - but besides that, it's all cool. You can even use Torment's Reach from the second row that way.
  12. Or you just don't know how the mechanics work... yet. It's even possible (and not too hard) to kill all the dragons in this game while being solo on PoTD difficulty. Did it myself multiple times. It can be challenging, but it's not insanely difficult. You just have to know this game. Killing Firkraag in BG II also was difficult. But once you knew the tricks it was kind of easy. For example: I always used the unkillable wizard's eye for distraction. There are similar things you can do in PoE. Using confusion scrolls for example...
  13. I find a lot of high quality stuff at deviantart.com. Sometimes I even find a nice picture and then build a char around it.
  14. I mostly do builds and thest them. When they seem to be good I do a playthrough. I can't count how many playthroughs I did. And I had a lot of time because I took parental leave for my three little daughters - and they always slept a LOT when they were tiny. Even now two of them sleep for two to three hours every day - and 12 in the night. I also worked but not full time. And I don't sleep that much, too. 5 to 6 hours is enough. One of the few advantages if you are an old geezer. Now that time is over and I work a lot more than before. That's the reason that number didn't increase a lot during the last 6 months.
  15. Now that I think of it - maybe one could make a screenshot and use an online tool (if there is any) fir the "draw" effect.
  16. I could add that. Do you have a picture of a bow and/or quiver?
  17. With a bit of knowledge around Gimp or Photoshop you can make something nice from the existing ones. But to limit the options of character creation beause you have no portrait...? Come on, you can't be serious. That will only limit other players while it will not add anything to the game. If you feel better when character model and portrait match then just limit yourself and only choose the options that you can also see in a protrait, it's that simple I guess. They can't make a portrait for every combination. However - they could take the model you created during character creation, make a portrait shot and then put that through some filters in order to generate a custom protrait that looks kind of hand drawn. It will not have the quality of a original portrait done by an artist but it would be better than nothing I guess.
  18. Ouh - d!ck-measuring contest... I'm in! I still love it. Every part of it, including WM I & II. Well... besides the bugs and some other stuff. So let's say: most parts of it.
  19. As I said: Ravenwing in the Brackenbury Sanatorium is the best until you'll get and unlock Nightshroud (it's cool, but a fully enchanted Ravenwind will be better). Until then you'd have to use normal maces and enchant them yourself.
  20. It's totally ok. With this approach I mentioned - being solo and more focused on damage - I (personally) wouldn't even take Interdiction despite the fact that I normally like it a lot... ...because you will run out of talent points. I'd take Inspiring Radiance as soon as possible (ACC bonus stacks with everything, even Paladin's Zealous Focus or the priest's other ACC buffs), then Pallid Hand (will give you the ACC of a fighter), then Aggrandizing Radiance, then Weapon Focus. If you feel that you don't go into melee too often then you can skip things like Runner's Wounding Shot and Envenomed Strike and take Interdiction and Painful Interdiction instead. In the late game you might get the impression that you're casting a lot and don't go into melee at all except in very hard encounters. YOu can easily retrain then and skip all the melee stuff and totally concentrate on casting damaging stuff with your sky high MIG. On solo you will always have to hit stuff with your weapon if you don't want to rest after every fight - but with a party you don't need to. Haha - thanks. But I think a lot of people know this stuff even better. Esp. the ones that solo a lot - or even exclusively. They are very good with all those neat little tricks and how to squeeze the most out of this game when it comes to numbers. I also do solo palythroughs, but not even 50/50 - more like 20 solo/80 party. I like party synergy too much - even if it makes the game way too easy even on PotD once you see how the wind blows.
  21. All of the deities for priests are ok and get covered in some way. I think berath is the way to go if you want to be a vessel slayer. He really doesn't like cheating death. And he's the most important god in the dyrwood atm.
  22. Just don't be disappointed because of the early game: the priest is squishy at first and can't hit things. You need to level a bit and be patient.
  23. @rogue tank: What Jojobobo posted between spoiler tags works well. However: Fighter also works of course. They are really good with Disciplined Barrage + all kinds of spell bindings and scrolls - while their sturdyness is legend anyway. And once you get Clear Out and Charge (and combine that with Knockdown and maybe a diabling weapon like Cladhaliath, Godansthunyr or Starcaller or something like that) the whole gameplay gets a lot more interesting, too.
  24. If you like Nightshroud: it's a soulbound weapon and therefore works with any weapon focus - it also profits from any of those priest's talents that give +10 ACC to two weapons. Like the Pallid Hand gives you +10 for mace and Great Swords, Hope Eternal gives you +10 to flails and morning stars. Nightshroud works with all of them. So you could play a good hearted but dedicated eoathasian vessel slayer and start with flails - there's a nice early flail in the ruins of the temple of Eothas in Gilded Vale named "Gaun's Share" which is connected to Eothas ("Gaun" is an alias of Eothas). And once you get Nightshroud you could use that. Or you could start with a priest of Berath and use maces right away. A really nice mace for mid game lies in the cellars of the Brackenbury Sanatarium, named "Ravenwing". It's appearence and the whole raven theme fits a priest of berath nicely I'd say. For a shield: if you pick a dwarf the best looks you will get with a large shield (there's Thy Clef with looks great with that mace, also dark colors) - but it will not only lower your melee but also your casting ACC. But of course you'd gain a lot of deflection and reflex. If you decide for this, you could consider to lower RES a bit and put more poits into PER. You would balance out the loss of ACC and deflection you would have enough anyway. Small shields are good, but look a bit funny with maces. A medium shield might be the best compromise, here "Refield" comes to my mind, which has the enchantment "harbinger" that decreases enemies' ACC a bit. It might fit a priest of berath well because church wardens of baerath are called "harbinger" as well as far as I know (see the church in Dyrfort). That shield comes quite late though. A nice substitute may be Ilfan Byrngar's Solace which you can find in the Endless Paths lvl 5. What about dual wielding maces?
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