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Matsu Kurisu

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Everything posted by Matsu Kurisu

  1. Press the discard button at top right instead of move turn on double arrow This will now have the recharge option on the armour as well as voluntary discards This one caught me for a while
  2. Thanks for posting Nathan. Really appreciate the understanding on what is happening
  3. I have have been to level 17 twice with different party pre v1.0.3 and then started anew party after v1.0.3. I have noticed a lot of repitition on locations for levels 7-10. Of course they are locations I dont like
  4. Problem: Started turn with face up card on top of the location deck. Click card to explore and it expands to center screen for view but does not allow any interaction. Solution: Drag card to right hand side encounter space, card will now engage normally. See example screen shot
  5. I had a similar problem with an undefeated Night Belly Boa (henchman in Flood) Solurion was to drag the card to the top right where they appear when you are encountering a card. The game the correctly allowed me to use weapons etc and move on. You could try that in the future if it happens again
  6. I am finding the same thing. v1.0.3 screen shot attached. Recharging a cure
  7. So I have ground my party up to 18th level on quest mode..... almost got to the illusive Teir 1 cards and then I went to play some today. Quest button is non responsive The Store and Story mode work fine. I had this happen once before when I switched cards a lot in a combat then crashed out. At that time I copied out the saved games sdcard / net.obsidian.pacg1 / files , reinstalled and copied the saved files back. Good news Quest mode now works, bad news, no experienced characters and start grinding from lv 1....... Now I have quest mode frozen again I really want to be playing, however REALLY do not want to have to grind up again Any more techie people who understand the file structure underneath and understand where the quest file characters are stored, I really want to try and back these ones up before I do another restore.... Or if anyone can give me any tips to clear the current in progress quest without loosing the characters .... Much appreciated for any advice Thanks! Meseriel, Lini, Ezren, Seelah Playing on AMIDoUS v2.1.1 on Win 7 professional 64bit
  8. Really appreciate this level of communication. Many thanks!
  9. Thanks. Managed to get ES File Manager and copy the data folder. Reinstalled which means I can get into quest mode again, however I cant work out which files have the experienced characters in them. I copied the save games back, however it isnt that. I am going to restart my characters in the mean time so lots more gaming until the next pack is released
  10. Thanks guys. Unfortunately I am an android nube and have no idea how to copy files in it. I presume I need to use file management utility. Any recomendations? Thanks!
  11. Mid adventure at level 15. Changed mind cards I wanted to use on a combat and cancelled a couple of times. Ended up with screen with no way to move forward. Restarted app. Now Quest button on main screen in non responsive, story and store work fine. Any tips on how to reset the app state without loosing characters? Playing on AMIDuOS v2.1.1 on Windows 7pro 64bit Mesieriel,nEzren, Lini, Seelah
  12. Definately not the case my side. My party of Meresiel, Ezren, Lini, Sheelah are now level 15 and I am still only seeing basic cards for boons
  13. Processor and ram will be a big issue on iphone. I have been trying to play on ipad mini 1st gen. Have repeated crashes where it goes back to the desktop and then has to reload. Pretty unplayable. Have been playing on my laptop with a android emulator instead and that goes great. In short, if you do get it on your phone dont complain if you can't play
  14. 6 person is tough in the card game. You HAVE to optimise for extra explores e.g. your card feats need to be allies and blessings. All your allies need to have an explore. I haven't even bothered in the card game, as I prefer the experience of 4 players where you can mix cards a bit more
  15. Based on the card game, each card instance is separate so in your example 2-10 would give the same card as 1
  16. Hi If you encounter the 1/2 Elf Jusitcar villan by your self difficulty for active hero is increased (in this case by 3.) However all other heros checks e.g. temp closing, are also increased. See attached, Misierel is not the active hero This is NOT as per the card text. Is this a bug or design implementation (i.e. too difficult to switch the difficulty increase depending on who had focus) Many thanks PS This is the BEST Computer Game I have ever played Playing on AmiDuos v2.1.1 Party - Kyra, Miseriel, Ezren, Sheelah
  17. Have you tried (preferably, slowly) dragging a card from your discard list to the little 'dirt pile' icon in the lower left? I've seen players who expect that by tapping the card it will go into the Bury pile, but that's not how it works. Thanks, I thought I was trying to drag to the dirt pile bottom left, however not sure now. Have deleted the game session so I cant retest. Will keep an eye out if it happens again
  18. I have been running on PC, windows 7 pro 64 bit, using Amiduos vv2.1.1 android emulatior. Has run successfully for 5 days with NO unexpected crashes.
  19. on ipad you need to go to Settings / Game Centre and log in there I hit the same problem as I disabled everything unless I explicitly have to use it
  20. I hit a different bug with the Warchanter. Lost the combat and had to bury a weapon or item, however had none in hand Decklist opened with highlighted cards, however I could not bury any. Had to restart game Still at point of having to bury a card and although next action button was flashing, it was non responsive Deleting the game session and restarting Playing in Android emulator Amiduos v2.1.1 Party Sheelah, Kyra, Miserial Ezran
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