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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. You do realise it was the OP who brought up MMOs, as a Strawman? I don't really see what the appeal of PoE is with respect to a multiplayer game, anyway. It's world is generic and it's ruleset is a bit of a mess. About the only thing it has going for it is some good writing, and good writing is pretty irrelevant to a multiplayer game. I dunno, maybe the OP just goes round every game forum asking for it to be converted into a NWN clone. Dragon Age forum: "This game should be converted into a multiplayer toolkit"; Witcher forum "This game would make a great multiplayer toolkit"; Call of Duty forum: "This game would make a great fantasy RPG tookit"; Chess forum: "This game should be converted into a multiplayer RPG toolkit".
  2. There is a thread in the general discussion forum detailing what is known about the expansion. Soulbound weapons appear to have a choice of three classes to bind to, e.g. there is a two handed sword that can bind to a Fighter, a Paladin, or a Barbarian.
  3. I felt that the main quest resolved Durence's story satisfactory. The epilogue I got seemed to wrap his story up nicely anyway. Sagini's quest seems to be the most neatly resolved - perhaps too neatly for some.
  4. People do it all the time; especially at hardware stores, and places like Wal*mart. Tools, clothes... Anything they can get away with. Just ask anyone that works at those places. What about the sellers getting cheated? This happens all the time, all over the world; or do they not count in your world view? Customers routinely by clothes to wear to parties, then return them the next day for a refund. I'm pretty sure that customers cheat (and outright steel from) retailers far ~far more than retailers cheat their customers. You are making unfounded assumptions about the rest of the world based on fairly narrow experience. If you tried to return a used lawnmower to a hardware shop in the UK, the most likely outcome is you would be told to get lost (politely). There is a slim chance you would be given a like for like exchange, roughly equal to the chance that the police would be called and you would be charged with fraud.
  5. The thing is, with "The White March" pretty much everyone who enjoyed PoE will buy it. With a Romance Pack DLC, some people might really love it, but a significant proportion of PoE fans would give it a miss. The economics is obvious.
  6. In New Orleans, people are used to it, and houses have air conditioning.
  7. Agreed, Hrm. You have me thinking... how would it be to play a bleak, totally destitute story line, with a mired bunch of would-be-heroes who just don't care anymore, but keep shoving on for the sake of not dying from boredom, and really, to ensure they die of something more glorious. A weird, misanthropic viking cRPG for example, where Ragnarok occurs. I'd play it! Very best, Isn't that called The Banner Saga?
  8. Humor doesn't have to be silly. And frankly, I'd be thrilled with the idea of stamping out all trace of silliness. I don't find silliness and outright stupidity to be funny. No, it doesn't HAVE to be silly, but silliness is a perfectly legitimate form of humour. Just because YOU don't like that type of humour doesn't mean it has no right to exist.
  9. I always thought NWN was a bit dayglo in terms of colour scheme. But what would I know, my favourite movie is Guardians of the Galaxy?!
  10. It's pretty sticky in London too, but not as bad as it was on Wednesday.
  11. I would imagine so, but if it doesn't run satisfactory you could always take advantage of the Steam refund policy.
  12. Why should Might affect how much you can heal, or Intelligence affect how long you can knock someone down for? The stats in PoE don't make much sense, and at the moment Constitution doesn't do anything useful.
  13. I suspect Bohemian mercenaries where among those fighting them though.
  14. It didn't help that the Mongols had just seen Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  15. Yeah! Don't you guys realise that computer games are a deadly serious affair that must be treated with the utmost gravitas?! Any trace of silliness must be stamped out immediately!
  16. Generic Openworld Trite Historically Inaccurate Cliche
  17. Or, maybe Steam got wind of Buggy Batman, and decided it would be the ideal time to implement thier refund policy...
  18. It's called Steam, I imagine. I'm not in America, but I know loads of computer games that feature sex and nudity as a selling point. It's never "mature", because mature people have real sex, so don't need to look for pretend sex in computer games.
  19. Divinity: Original Sin does something like that. It is really fun to have two characters you created argue with each other.
  20. Bull. It's there because sex sells. Maturity is when choosing between sex and watching a Doctor Who rerun is a difficult decision. BTW, I'm not American. Oh, and "kiosklitteratur" would translate as "pulp fiction", "penny dreadful" or "yellowback"; "tantporr" would be "mommy-porn".
  21. I see this as a negative, not a positive. I was NPC's to be playing from the same rulebook as my characters, and NOT get special abilities. Even when they are, they aren't. PCs have the option to min-max. NPCs don't have that choice. It's also worth noting that in both BG and PoE the PC gains unique abilities unavailable to NPCs. "playing from the same rulebook" means NPCs should also be able to gain unique abilities.
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