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Everything posted by Xard

  1. That's quite pitiful defense as we slugged through first two rounds at least as bad as you did - still depressed about losing to Russia. But what can I say, we sucked way less.

    4-0 bwahahaa :D

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  2. ahahahaa Swedes ****ing suck

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  4. Pixies - Ana
  5. Pixies - Winterlong Pixies always made great covers
  6. Aye, so it is. Though modern production doesn't serve it too well even if it still sounds awesome. Hammond organ in 70's prog is luv Mellotron too has very special place in my heart Pixies - Gigantic
  7. ...and to continue with songs bitching about music industry... Pink Floyd - Have a Cigar Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar, you're gonna go far. You're gonna fly high, you're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try; they're gonna love you. Well I've always had a deep respect, and I mean that most sincerely. The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink? And did we tell you the name of the game, boy, we call it Riding the Gravy Train. We're just knocked out, we heard about the sell out. You gotta get an album out, you owe it to the people. We're so happy we can hardly count. Everybody else is just green, have you seen the chart? It's a hell of a start, it could be made into a monster if we all pull together as a team. And did we tell you the name of the game, boy, we call it Riding the Gravy Train.
  8. Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine You bought a guitar to punish your ma, You didn't like school, and you know you're nobody's fool, so welcome to the machine. Welcome, my son, welcome to the machine. What did you dream? It's all right, we told you what to dream.
  9. Freaky, I just, like, 30 minutes ago watched Cat Soup Pink Floyd - Cymbaline
  10. moar liek Fail Guy amirite?
  11. heh, let's keep this up Radiohead - Idioteque
  12. Radiohead - Just You do it to yourself, you do...
  13. What, no Just among their best? From Ok Computer my absolute favourites are Paranoid Android, Exit Music, Karma Police and No Surprises Though for some reason Fitter Happier always moves me Radiohead - The Bends
  14. Yeah, I spotted it from there. Then some wisecrack started to make some weird **** up and for long time I (or anyone else for that matter) couldn't be sure if interview I quoted was real one. That's why I put "presumably" after the source. Well, it appears to be legit, yay Of course I forgot to bold most important part Well, Soule is being Mr. Obvious here but this is yet another strike against "credibility" of F3
  15. We already ****ed up in 20th century. China's population was doubled during Mao's reign from 500 million to one billion for example Really, this planet can't take even billion more human beings, as it is we're already exceeted the limit by far. Only reason we don't see it already so clearly is the ridiculously uneven share of goods.
  16. Well, I think Radiohead has two unbeliavably good albums - The Bends and Ok Computer. Rest isn't that important. Pablo Honey is ****, it is so mindnumbingly boring and predictable alt rock record. Kid A is very good though and Amnesiac isn't bad. It has more traditional and recognizable structures but apart from Pyramid Song (best Radiohead song ever, maybe ) and Knives Out rest is...well, very uneven. You and Whose Army plus I Might Be Wrong are ok too I guess. Kid A however has The National Anthem (most hypnotic bass riff ever), How To Disappear Completely (beauuutiful), Optimistic and Idioteque ( :wub: ) which all are fantastic tracks. Treefingers is nice and most of the rest is ok too. Hail to the Thief is just...gahh. 2+2=5 is another candidate for best Radiohead song, it is blast. There There is good and that...uhh, "sail us to the moooooon" track is ok too but otherwise... Gahh, plain suckage IMO. I'd give it two stars at most. Pixies - Where is my mind?
  17. ...lolwut I don't think anyone in here is advocating holocaust or something
  18. Spare me the brownnosing, we all know about the atrocities they caused in Africa and India. I agree on the Navy though, that was traditionally the best, until they got scared of the Germans competing with them in early 20th century....Ya know how that ended. I have no reason to brownnose british empire (duh) as I'm not brittish or anything. And I think overall their influence (like colonisation and imperialism all in all) was strongly in minus, but that doesn't mean there wasn't positive effects too. Germys didn't get best of the Royal Navy in either world wars, even with all that trying But I find it funny you criticize British Empire on basis of them "enslaving half-world" because honestly, that's pretty much what all great empires have done. You should ALSO remember british (and those of other european countries) atrocities in India AND Africa didn't start before Imperialism kicked in around 1850. Heck, Africa was pretty much undivided cake up to that point.
  19. While we're sitting comfy in our chairs problems are already culminating here and there. The recent biofuel **** up is the newest case
  20. The British Empire was biggest Empire known to man. It's not like they were saints but British Empire was far from worst options. Really, there's a lot of positive things about their influence (in addition to bad ones) It should also be noted British Empire didn't had this drive for conquering and conquering unlike many of their rivals. What they cared about snatching the trade for themselves and ruling the seas. Really, british "invade" their areas quite slowly. For long time it was mere merchant posts and like on site before army finally came to take over. For long time their acquisiton of vast lands was half-accidental That and they were cool, especially the navy
  21. and that's lesson of the day kids: Capitalism and neoliberalism sucks
  22. "All I Need" is better. Bah, Videotape has best lyrics and its heartbreaking musical minimalism is astoundishing. Overall In Rainbows is quite...meh. The guys mucked around for years, changed producer just for change's sake and what do they release? Bunch of half-baked songs of which some sounds more like demo takes than proper tracks, some of which are badly composed and many that are horribly arranged. Some tracks ruin their moments with boring, sucking, generic distortion walls and boring guitar tones. Yorke's melodies and singing tend to be quite good but sometimes they just blow so hard they manage to ruin otherwise average/listenable track e.g Bodysnatchers. There are some great numbers in here, namely Weird Fishes/Arpeggi. Jigsaw Falling Into Place and of course Videotape. Other good numbers e.g All I need is merely good and would've been only worthy of single's B-Side in their prime. Then again, it's not like they've released timeless classic since Ok Computer. In Rainbows is still far better than snorefests called Hail to the thief and Pablo Honey, somewhat better than half-good Amnesiac and far below The Bends/Ok Computer/Kid A holy trinity Radiohead - Weird Fishes/Arpeggi This is another superb track from the very uneven and half-baked album
  23. Sand is right - though I'm not sure how accurate he is with the numbers But earth already IS seriously overpopulated. It won't take long to all hell break loose in poor and heavily populated areas in e.g east asia
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