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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Well, I bought it after getting bored of loaning my friend's PS2 ( I really should buy that console now that is teh cheap)
  2. I haven't no. I doubt that I'll be as excited as you as I wasn't too awed by the "philosophy" of MGS1 and have heard that 2 is worse, so I'm kinda awaiting a bull**** overload so that I can concentrate on the gameplay and the narrative, which is incidentially the high-points of MGS1 Wait what, MGS1 had philosophy? No, only MGS2 of these is only philosophical work. Maybe first one throwed some typical japanese quasiphilosophy but no, it wasn't philosophical work per se. Tale, can you tell Well MGS1 had more philosophy about the self and the will to live (How to beat foxdie? Live! IIRC) MGS2 was about the nature of society. MGS3 was just a cook fest. Ocelot Meowing included. I just wonder what would have happened if we had dealt with ADAM instead of EVA in MGS3. Was that NGE reference or just some tidbit of MGS lore I've forgotten about? I can't remember anything about "ADAM" in MGS's You'll find MGS1 has something of an anti-deterministic message. It was specifically that your life and what you're capable of isn't pre-ordained. Mostly specific to genetics, but Foxdie was a broader application of it. Yes. Anti-Deterministic! Yay for us naturalistic libertarians (which reminds me about one particular topic...eeh nvm) Japanese fiction in general tend to be quite deterministic in disguise of "fate". Sartrean existentialism and individualism is rare there compared to western world. Well, of course nature of worldviews are entirely different too Ahh, I I haven't played MGS1 in years. Maybe I should get my old psone out of its box... To find all the stuff I missed back then Why Konami has gone so against PC versions? MGS2 did have PC version but MGS3 didn't...
  3. Well, Shandra had very good storyline reasons for it and you could treat her like **** if you wanted
  4. GURREN LAGANN OST - Libera me from Hell Only Gurren Lagann can deliver lulz and sheer epicness with Rap-Opera (!!!!) ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWA
  5. It will be fun... for the time it lasts. It will never reach the revolutionary value of the kotor's, however Im loving the effects and game engine, so I guess im waiting for its arrival aswell. Id rather see a KOTOR 3 everyday on the upcoming game list though. TFU will surely be more revolutionary by its game/engine mechanics alone though There's nothing revolutionary about Kotors apart from Kotor 2's plot is quite revolutionary in SW setting Uhh, but that's it Engine was nothing but modified version of NWN engine It didn't feature physics etc. Plot in K1 was your random collection of SW lore Gameplay was dumped down version of over 20 years old system There was NOTHING revolutionary about Kotor
  6. ................ lol
  7. crap, now I don't have the petition anymore :(

  8. ' WAT Oh, and that 40 paeges should be more like 1000 pages remembering this is Part 24
  9. Beard-Jesus is popular preacher eh
  10. I haven't played CoH but doesn't you command small task force in it against enemies instead of your typical RTS gameplay?
  11. I haven't no. I doubt that I'll be as excited as you as I wasn't too awed by the "philosophy" of MGS1 and have heard that 2 is worse, so I'm kinda awaiting a bull**** overload so that I can concentrate on the gameplay and the narrative, which is incidentially the high-points of MGS1 Wait what, MGS1 had philosophy? No, only MGS2 of these is only philosophical work. Maybe first one throwed some typical japanese quasiphilosophy but no, it wasn't philosophical work per se. Tale, can you tell
  12. Not if we're talking basic functionality and games that are out (I've plenty of love for DoW2). Disagree, it has best RTS gameplay mechanics (with actually giving importance to moral, cover etc.) and great factions to play with That is unless latest expansion pack screwed it
  13. Moatiallita, I take you haven't played MGS2 then So, uhh, reviews MGS1 -> MGS3 -> MGS2 Note that qualitywise these are nigh-identical so the little things make up for this order MGS1: It has the best story and atmosphere. The base of MGS gameplay was laid here and it hasn't considerably changed after this title. Great gameplay (like in them all) and (for psone) good graphics and atmosphere. The story makes it my favourite. Great cast of characters too. From bosses Psycho Mantis is unforgetable, same with The Raven, Sniper Wolf, Ninja etc. And in any way you viewit fist fight with Liquid Sanke on top of Metal Gear was badass. That and it has nostalgic value like no other game for me minus Red Alert 2 MGS 2: Without doubt it was most anticipated PS2 title. It hones and smoothens the few gameplay falws original had and adds one big improvement - you can aim from first person with other guns in addition to sniper rifle. Yay! Like its predecessor it is defined by great gameplay, great characters and writing. However MGS2 is also most flawed of the bunch - it has many ridiculously long cutscenes. And I mean really, really long cutscenes. And instead of Mr Badass himself Solid Snake we get to play as sissy prettyboy Raiden for most of the game (apart from Tanker Episode in the beginning of game). Though he didn't annoy me half as much he did some other people. Boss fights weren't as good as in MGS1 (or in MGS3) but boss characters themselves were awesome. I share Tale's view that MGS2 has best Big Bad Evil Guy. MGS2 for its flaws is still most intriguing and unique game of the bunch. In fact MGS2 is one of a kind and when arguing are games art or not MGS2 is one of the best weapons for the "yes it is art" faction. Like I said before it is twenty years ahead its time in some ways. Since I can't sum it up on my own: I guess bolded parts might be reason why I like it so much Anyway, enough on MGS2 MGS3: As a game MGS3 is without doubt best of the series. It's gameplay is best, it has a lot better pacing, badass Snake returns (well, sorta) as main character and it has fantastic 60's atmosphere all over it. If you simply want awesome game get MGS3, then other two. If you want something unlike any other game get MGS2, then other two. If you want to be cool get MGS1, then the other two
  14. The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love
  15. Oh yeah, ****ing Raiden ...only reason why MGS3 and MGS1 kicks it ass But MGS2 must be experienced for sheer mind**** it starts to unleash further the game progresses And I'm not talking about "oh **** I didn't saw this one coming" or "wtf is this rapid montage **** going on my screen", it goes way to the bonker land. WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THIS GAME DO YOU SOMETIMES FEEL LIKE WANTING TO KILL SOMEONE DO YOU EXIST WHAT IS REALITY WHY DO YOU PLAY GAMEZ WAT DO Y00 WANT It is game version of Neon Genesis Evangelion or Serial Experiments Lain, perhaps more the latter (though it lacks mechs). ...needless to say with my elementary school english (or when did MGS2 initially come out anyway, 2001?) it was so confusing only reason I continued to play was that I got that badass sword to slice people with around that part of game
  16. Lack of love in this forum is disturbing Go get copy of MGS2 - it is awesome game that gets so postmodern one can't help but think it is twenty years ahead its time if games are considered as artform Seriously, it is utter mind****
  17. The Beatles - You Never Give Me Your Money
  18. MAMMOTH TANKS ROLL OVER ALL HAIL KANE SOVIET ANTHEM AND APOCALYPSE TANKS ARE COMING TO KICK YOUR ASS KIROV REPORTING KABOOSH KABOOSH KABOOSH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enoch, you should play Dawn of War - they're kings of RTS games nowadays
  19. ITT Northern Europeans bitch about EU and Southern + Eastern Europeans support it
  20. But F3 looks horrible anyway Crappy art direction, crappy engine and crappy surroundings
  21. just, not that

  22. ...words "personal Jesus" that gained another meaning :shifty:

  23. But he looks like Jesus

  24. You Never Give Me Your Money

    You only give me yooour situation

  25. And germans
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