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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Why it still is king of anime openings
  2. Even toddler can kill you with gun Just sayin'
  3. lolwut Anyway, welcome back Role-Player - I thought you were banned or something
  4. Wouldn't romance between Revan & Exile (YUCK) be masturbation technically? I mean, they're both PC's...
  5. I brought Aliens in as example why using some certain setting won't make game revolutionary Revolutionary 1. Of or pertaining to a revolution in government; tending to, or promoting, revolution; as, revolutionary war; revolutionary measures; revolutionary agitators. 2. (advertising) pertaining to something that portends of great change; overthrowing a standing mindset 3. (sciences) pertaining to something that revolves As you can see being first something doesn't alone mean somehing is revolutionary
  6. Uhh, no that isn't revolutionary at all Aliens RPG will be first RPG set in Aliens setting. That doesn't make it revolutionary. If it'll be revolutionary it'll be because of its other merits Kotors would've been revolutionary SW RPG's if the game system itself had had SW aspects deeply incorporated in it in som meaningful way. Kotors simply used ancient stripped down D20 mechanics with SW makeover and SW plots That's all there is to it
  7. logic that is quite lulzy indeed Revan lieks tacticz and overeloborate plans. Infilration to enemy ranks and causing civil war or such among them is pretty much only way he can delay their attack against known space. Plus there's no reason to believe they'd just bump into each other immeaditly. Besides, Revan and Exile must be killed in the game or otherwise written out of the picture. Game itself gives inclination towards Revan vs Exile deathmatch What's better and twistier way than using the "Nice Job Screwing It, Hero" trope OOOOOOOOOH I KNOW I KNOW REVAN JOINS TEH TROO SITH!!11!!!111!!!1!!!&!1!223 ...wasn't that clearly a joke
  8. lol Troika ****ed up this other quest too Except she don't. EVER Whore disappears every time I enter cemetary Seriously, I know this game is known for broken quests etc. but during these loooong hours I've already spend with the game I hadn't encountered single one of them. Now two in a row \o/
  9. Toreador I have perfect perception and near-perfect firearm skill meaning I'm about as destructive with gun as possible. But when gameplay is **** it is **** DN: If you do the mission later in the game (I've pretty much just arrived in Hollywood) you have bullets for the sniper rifle/whatever I don't have that luxury
  10. Especially if it is game with horrible gun mechanics. Gates are on opposite sides of that huuuge graveyard too. Just how exactly is one without that "haste" ability supposed to complete the mission? "The zombie will relentlessly attempt to beat down the two different gates here in the cemetary (one on each end). To successfully complete the quest, you must make haste between each gate and destroy any zombies that are attempting to escape. Since the gates are a considerable distance apart, this will prove to be quite difficult. Only focus on those zombies that are a major threat to the gates (the ones that spawn the closest), or you'll never make the full five minutes. " Says Gamebanshe. How the **** do I know which ones are going to spawn closest to the gates when there are dozens of them all gurgling aroud me? I've tried that "let's shoot only ones attacking the gates" method three times already! Yeah, I trade that mission to Pimpin' for Romero quest immeaditly. But then I don't get the gun...
  11. Bloodlines again after a week long pause Guy who designed that "let's keep zombies in the graveyard and shoot them for 5 mins" quest deserves kick in balls. It is nigh-impossible and at least I couldn't beat it. You're clearly supposed to use the rifle he gives for you (e.g you defend the upper gate and once in a while snipe zombies battering the lower gate) but it only has 4 friggin' bullets in it and it's not like you can buy more. Broken designing. I run between two gates with my shotgun blazing but they always manage to break through one of them when there's about minute left
  12. Red Alert kicks ass ****

  13. Very unlikely I love TSL as much as the next guy but minus the fact Kotor was first Star Wars RPG there was nothing revolutionary in them
  14. That bit came from KOTAKU'S STAFF, not from the employees I find that to be very beliavable
  15. never played Fallout 2? He was referring to tech section of these forums, Skeeter's Junkyard
  16. Facebook indeed ....I be silent for now
  17. Have you taken any useful tips from here Blank?
  18. Maybe I could join Facebook just to show off some seedy love for OE edi: somehow that sounded very wrong
  19. OOOOOOOOOH I KNOW I KNOW REVAN JOINS TEH TROO SITH!!11!!!111!!!1!!!&!1!223 Anyway, I think Revan'll be killed. Maybe by Exile (maybe Revan is acting as "undercover sith lord" - LOL - and Exile thinks he/she is enemy) and then we'll get nice case of Nice Job Screwing It, Hero trope and plot twist To make it better maybe our New PC somehow manages to deal with both of them, thinking they're the Bad Guy and The Lesser Bad Guy It would fit. Especially when remembering that originally Nihilus's mask was ment to be made of Revan's skull
  20. I'd be satisfied with ability to drag bodies
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