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Everything posted by Xard

  1. I wonder how much fault goes on the translation though - it is horrible thing to try translate from Japanese to English. It is much more complex and nyanced language full with inclined meanings just on the order words go. English on the other hand is evolved point of rather straight forwardness (though rules of your language more than a bit nonsensical compared to other languages in your language family - well, nothing that some hundreds of years of language evolution won't take care of) I should know - NGE has THREE major subs and none of those gets all quite right although Literal Translation Project and Platinum DVD subs are both great. But both miss SOMETHING and series with such subtle aspects forming theories on "wtf is happening at time" or "what's meaning of that" can be quite horrendous task, especially when remembering Anno has tendency to use particularly contrived though masterful use of japanese language. I guess thing is somewhat same in MGS's- many sentences that make perfect sense and flow in japanese may end up incredibly corny and stupid line in english. See Final Fantasy translations for example. Of course Kojima may just suck at writing dialogue in japanese too but from experience I'd blame translations
  2. So, I posted questions there. They're some of the ones actively circulated here and I doubt they'd get asked otherwise
  3. Damn, I might just have to register
  4. Instead of statistics I could've said numerous researches and surveys and my point wouldn't have changed.
  5. Cool, I'm off to Germany in next week btw, heh ...is it good thing?
  6. I don't think so. They're not targetting at the same audience with their current projects Those companies responsible for Sacred 2 or Argonauts however...
  7. After going through Mantis I see most of the bugs are cutscenes related. This is not surprising, kotor engine reportedly was horrendous with making cutscenes. Obsidian struggled constantly with making cutscenes work while game was under development. Kotor engine as it was just didn't suite cutscenes too well
  8. haha DJ **** - WHERE'S DA WATERMELON?
  9. Explain. Read previews, watch pics, hear developer brain farts and that's what you're going to conclude
  10. Studio executives jumped in and ****ed the ending. Apart from that movie was supposedly good, but then nonsensical ending came and ruined the movie. Well, DVD's have the "alternative" aka real ending
  11. What is Soul Eater about?
  12. uggh, mudcrabs became permajoke after games release HORRIBLE CREATURES I AVOID THEM WHENEVER I CAN
  13. Oh, I simply mean plot is downright confusing if you read it like that on wiki (I've done that twice in my MGS4 fever). In MGS2 it is confusing IN GAME too, but they eventually make sense. But reading short summaries of its numerous plot twists and bla bla bla is just overpowering
  14. I mean, you can't understand **** about the plot if you do that. Seriously. Games must be played
  15. Well, that won't happen anyway so what's the point?
  16. from wikipedia or what?
  17. Pixies - Havalina
  18. ...Putin isn't the president anymore
  19. AC/DC was aussie? Cool, I didn't know that.

  20. ABBA was exceptional and one of the biggest bands. In fact I can't come up with another as big non-anglosaxon band.

    Finnish music is ridiculously heavy metal oriented. And rock too.

    Pop etc. tends to be singed in finnish so there isn't much traffic for THAT

  21. So exceptional individual dies if torch burns his little finger? Riiiight And exceptional individual that has background of couple of years of thievery is instantly seen if guard has few petty ranks in spot?
  22. You can't compare a 1,000 pound Bear to a pack of 3' tall blue men. Who's to say that god forbid, you have non-combat situations that require role playing, puzzle solving, and building your character's history as a way to gain experience. You know come on creative leads be......creative But there's no real difference in that sense between lvl 3 and lvl 1. Honestly, only kids could really be lvl 1 because your average persons abilitites are closer to lvl 3 than one. There's not much roleplaying at lvl 1 that doesn't make more sense in lvl 3 unless you're going to play kiddo or something It's not fun or beliavable at all when my character (whose backstory involves military training) gets bit in the hand twice by wold and dies. By background alone his capabilities would be close to lvl 3. Or let's take wizard. You shoot one magic missile. Crap, that's it. Goblin only got injured and gets lucky with his dagger hitting my toe and ooooops I'm dead.
  23. Both CrashGirl and Patrick made a lot of good points. CrashGirl, Patrick is very right with you not being able to judge modern gaming too well without testing those games he mentioned. It was a bit surprise you hadn't played those as I tend to agree with you quite often. Now I don't nearly as long gaming history as you can CrashGirl have, even simply by my age. I had PC back in 95 and 96 (original Red Baron was luv ) but apart from watching elder ones playing Land of Lore my contact to RPG's was nil. Then I got playstation, fell in love with Ape Escape and MGS and was happy (mostly) console player for many years. Then in 2000's I got proper, powerful PC and got intrigued about RPG's after hearing about some upcoming game named "Knights of the Old Republic" (I was huge SW fan). Idea of RPG's started to fascinate me (for the record at the same time great classics of adventure games did too) and I decided to dug in this previously alien genre. Because of this I've always considered my views on older RPG's to be "pure" in the sense I can't be blamed on being nostalgic. Therefore it is quite striking my Three Favourite Games of All Time are PS:T and Fallouts. Games ranging from early 90's to beginning of 2000 are rather dominating on the list. There must've been some magic lost in the way then. I really think that from today's POV 90's were the Golden Age of gaming. Machines got enough raw power to generate and uphold more complex and bigger worlds and gamy systems, innovations were plentiful as mushrooms in the rain and great definining titles of genres were published; RPG's got titles like Fallout and Ultima 7 and Baldur's Gate made the genre profitable again, adventure games got their glory days from Sam & Max and Monkey Islands to Grim Fandango, Doom, Quake and Half-Life came out, real internet multiplaying began... Maybe there'll be similar, even greater period from 2010's onward, who knows. I won't deny it nor I claim innovations are nonexistent in modern games or that their by default inferior to older ones, but I can't help but feeling like gaming industry is currently in its "80's". Sure, 80's had some original, innovative and "soulful" stuff, but they were far less numerous and more under the radar than in 70's. Change from Golden Age of music called 60's and 70's to horrible commercial, overproduced and stagnant age of 80's... and change from introspective, artistic era of Hollywood called 70's to 80's cinema that was defined by blockbusters and all worst aspects of Hollywood... I feel 90's to 2000's in gaming world is in current light equivalent of of these two changes of decades in other industries. I wonder when in comes equivalents for alternative rock masters like REM and Pixies, unabashedly powerful GnR and golden days of Metallica that shovels away bad aspects of modern gaming like those bands did to soulles music that dominated most of the radio waves.
  24. Aren't we also supposed to be able to change our stance midway through convo? And I don't just mean obvious crossing points. Oh dear, someone might sig that
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