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Everything posted by Xard

  1. OMG KOTOR 1 FTW!!!!!!! I LOVE CAPS LOCK, WOOT!!! Seriously, doesn't people use search. Duh. <_<
  2. Not if the save succeeds
  3. What challenge?
  4. Kotor 4 will pwnzor
  5. Well, it didnt have the new standards for most modern FPS' (dual weapons and such) which may have enhanced the game a tad if they had them. As you said "Star Wars" the title is the actual selling point, not the game itself...but it works perfectly...and they know it works. It is "ultimate marketing". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is why I hate LA. Money is more important than quality. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Everything is about money nowadays. Every company wants to make max profits for its owners, as that is their 1st priority, even above quality... If something average makes more money than something fantastic... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmh. Not Bio atleast. And NWN 2 seems to be fantastic! So...RPG developers seems to be atleast little bit "different". And Japanese gamehouses prob. I mean, Konami just loves MGS series
  6. That is his tactic, he is master of soresu, which is ultimate defending style (although it was made to some sort of laser deflection style in k2). Anakin's form IV (can't remember it's name) was no good against it. It was only a matter of time until he would make a mistake, Obi knew it.
  7. I think KotOR3 should be an MMORPG. Although I think it should be free per moth, like the MMO game "Guild Wars." Also customizable characters (sure someone has said that!) along with poss. other races, and not forced jedi. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kotor is RPG, not MMORPG. Deal with that people
  8. Maybe you're looking to mirror? I hope you didn't mean me...On other hand, you may
  9. Gungans were in Ep. I because GL liked gungangs
  10. Exactly. (answering when I am bored enough, prob. tomorow ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHAT DID I SAY EARLIER. I swear people just read what they want to hear. I said Mace Windu DID NOT (I REPEAT DID NOT) USE all of his powers against yoda. Her did NOT use his vapaad lightsaber form or dakrsided force pwoers because they are DANGEROUS and he only uses them when he needs them. If Mace would of unleashed his SUPER FAST INVISIBLE vapaad then Yoda would of been owned from Mace Windus inner darkness and rage. Mace beat Palps and mastered vapaad and the full fury of the darkside which Yoda could not do. Yoda had a hard time using his Atura without giving in to his agression. As for the kaiburr crystal. WHY do you think suddenly Luke could move BLACK HOLES (crush all the matter down and do the math. They weigh as much as planets.) and suddenly shoot emerald lightning. He suddenly gained AWESOME powers BECAUSE of this crystal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe because he's the son of the Chosen One?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah. Next you are going to say Exile would pwn Anakin... <_< And once again I say this: Palpy acted his lost to Mace. For long time ago, you asked proof for "Mace had difficulties with Palpy's lightning". Look at Mace's face when he says:"Don't listen him Anakin!" And you doubt my information about older movie scripts. Fine, doubt them if you want. They were only 100 % accurate. Anakin won Mace in one of those. And Mace couldn't win Palpy with him godly vaapadu and crystal. But Palpy tried to escape from Yoda... Why Mace wouldn't use vaapadu against Yoda, hm? And if Mace could only beat Yoda with his crystal (he couldn't) that means that Mace is powerful only because his stupid crystal... Duh, still not bored enough for teh counterpost This was prelude for it... edit: "he only uses them whe needs them" They weren't enough against Palpatine. It looks like you are trying to make something like this: 1.Overgod: Exile 2. Mace Windu 3. Rest suckers
  11. Wow (w00t) So...many...ships *drool* Why they are going to M4-78? Can't remember
  12. Near-humans. Hmh, I have to say ewok is worst name... it reminds me of wok, chinese food
  13. That's not quite true, the work on KOTOR II begun before the work on KOTOR was finished. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you have any links? It wouldn't happened if Kotor would've been flop. LA doesn't put money to projects that won't give sufficient profit.
  14. *sigh* I think I'll have finally write that damn counterpost *mumble* Very well, later on today. Exactly. (answering when I am bored enough, prob. tomorow )
  15. What is devilorian, or twelek, or madalorian?
  16. Well, it didnt have the new standards for most modern FPS' (dual weapons and such) which may have enhanced the game a tad if they had them. As you said "Star Wars" the title is the actual selling point, not the game itself...but it works perfectly...and they know it works. It is "ultimate marketing". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is why I hate LA. Money is more important than quality.
  17. Oh, of course. But they aren't called True Sith during that time, they are just siths of Sith Empire. And name of that war is that: The Great Hyperspace War, not True Sith war <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll let you in on a secret... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I should've known! That means TSLRP is manipulated by TS, oh noes!
  18. Lol, where did you find that information? You aren't supposed always end up to your level cap, you know... In HotU you end up like 25-27, but level cap is 40...
  19. Mabe you should try with your friends machine first, like aerowars suggested? (unless you are 100 % sure that it is your Geforce 7800)
  20. TSLRP surely knows about those
  21. Bastila
  22. Kotor is RPG, Ep III is hack'n'slash, Battlefront 2 is FPS. No way
  23. it is Kotor TWO, it is sequel. Only reason why K2 was ever made was popularity of first one. And third one is going to happen because of the damn cliffhanger ending
  24. Cut the SW theme out of them and you have very, very ****ty FPS's. Notw they are ****ty FPS with SW. But of course, words "Star Wars" will make the fans to buy them. I bought both of them, stupid, stupid me. I actually hoped BF 2 to be good. *sigh* Sold them "
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