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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Well, chronicles speaks even about Darth Kreia and Traya as different persons. Chronicles are not canonical. He who did those surely didn't play either of Kotors. LA even said sorry because of misinformation in chronicles. So don't believe in them
  2. Nah. JA's LS ending is just one of the "lollest" moments in whole SW. Oooo...Terrible sith lord ghost is coming to get you, spooooooookyyyy...
  3. Tried and failed MANY times by Imperials or even worse, Yuuzhan Vong. Luke's jedi students PUSHED whole fleet to another sector Though the one who channeled that insane strenght died.
  4. Well, you get FP in Korriban too, minus Ludo Kressh's tomb
  5. Hmh, but wasn't there "Hammerhead" ship in that cutscene where GO-TO's luxury yacht was destroyed? Well, not actually to dust. They won the fight yes, but remember Bastila's battle meditation. As DS sith fighters are pwning sojourn
  6. Kreia is old, lying hag. And IF she didn't lie (I believe she did so): Maybe she even could cut their bond by herself, if she wanted. Weird.
  7. Don't remind...
  8. Invernable? About Malachor: You get fp there
  9. Just read all these 18i lovely pages, and you'll find the truth
  10. Ravager looks cool, Republic ships are nice and effective too, but Leviathan's have more firepower. Goto's yacht...nah, it was blown up by Republic immediatly when cloaking device went off. So coolest one is Ravager, best Leviathan
  11. Because nasty game developers were too lazy to model that animation for PC, I suppose
  12. I haven't played Kotor I more than 20 times, thanks for info. Has anyone read that comic about those Terentatek hunters? It is quite cool
  13. Which one? DUring Outcast Luke anyway wasn't near to his full power, and later on Jedi Order has spread amongst other planets than Yavin IV too But yeah, one deathstar laser to Yavin IV: BOOM, end of Jedi Order. Admiral Daala tried that with his Imperial fleet though, and failed miserably
  14. You have played KOTOR too much
  15. Well, they won't. Kotors are RPG's, not MMORPG's. Oh, and fighting in JA just looks stupid. Especially in multiplayer. It is not elegant dueling, it is bouncing and rolling and spamming force lighting and whacking with lightsaber. Pity
  16. Well, it isn't worth it then.
  17. And other question: Did you read any of my messages? edit: Well, so what you could defeat him in JO? It is not storywise thing, it is just gameplay. (defeating Luke with so stupid AI is not big deal, heck, I could beat whole jedi order all by myself, but it is only gameplay. Storywise Katarn is weaker than Luke, and none can take whole jedi order out all alone.) edit2: Nah, reading all those messages is propably too big thing. Last one is gives somewhat answer. Fact is anyway, that Luke is strongest. Even though I don't like him much (surprise surprise, I am NOT Luke fanboy) I have to admit that he is strongest, just due numerous things that have been mentioned here and there... I like him, he is ok character, but I too like - for example - Revan more than Luke, but that doesn't mean he is stronger. My favorite character from movies is Obi-Wan, but he isn't strongest one.
  18. Sorry. You just don't know how many times I've posted that same gameplay & storywise thing. Just look at the most powerful jedi topic And I am not only one, Architecht (hard name to spell, sorry if that is not correct) Jediphile for example have written that same argument many times
  19. Ravager is flying only because of Nihilus. Without him it is just piece of junk, dead ship from Mandy wars
  20. Chronicles are rubbish. Revan was young jedi, not master
  21. Revan was more powerful than damn Malak, deal with that. And all those "teh Exile is more pwrfl becuz he can be lvl 50 and Revan just lvl 20" is gameplay crap.
  22. Leviathan naturally.
  23. It is Revan's "programmed" personalitys home planet, so it is just as likely as any other planet
  24. Yes, and that all is GAMEPLAY, not STORYWISE
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