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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Well, console versions without doubt feature some sort of an assistance for aiming. It might be subtle (like in Halo if I my memory works) or then it might be just PRESS-THIS-BUTTON-AND-YOU-LOCK-ON-ENEMY kinda thing. I'd guess it is the first option SO PC might too, but really, zapping guys with mouse aiming is easy. *shrug*
  2. Well, stats determine the amount of damage, what kind of special abilities you get etc. Only aiming is skill based
  3. now that is epic level fail WTF OBSIDIAN?
  4. well, it's wrong
  5. They also show up to help you on Telos, and you run into Vaklu's lieutenant on the Ravager, which makes no sense if you sided with the queen. I expect AP will be similar although hopefully a bit more involved and sophisticated. You do remember cutscene between Kreia and that bastard after the beast struck him down, right? Tobin being on Ravager has nothing to do with who won
  6. BAAAWW edit: okay fine fine I screwed up, I admit it
  7. DO WANT
  8. yeah, well, I guess... *hides in the corner*
  9. (Though I have to say that sex scene is quite bad) What annoys me most about this movie is that it propably won't have ANYTHING to do with how they're going to deal with 2012... It is supposed to be just another Monster of the Week type episode made into movie plotwise. Still, I feel like I should go to see it because A) it is X-Files after all B) if movie doesn't generate enough cash we won't see third movie which actually might and propably would deal with 2012 and C) it might still contain some clues to the Big Plot
  10. Yeah well, X-Files was definition of great scifi show...then season 6 rolled in But The Final was really great, they finally got their act together after 4 sucky seasons And we learned the Truth
  11. they did already, duh edit: in the final
  12. aaahh, I thought you simply ment the volume (which I thought was bit weird, heh)
  13. Clearly you haven't listened enough to hardcore punk
  14. I mean the game, not the movement of course And how did this all end up into talk about how sucky AIs can be? Nobody even noticed the mention of awesome music or "cosplay" awesomeness, sniff
  15. Far Cry AI was awesome apart from one thing: Those bastards could see you hiding in bush half mile away from them and IIRC you couldn't even hide again from them easily Reminds me of Vietkong...
  16. umm, WASD is (once you get past the thought you're using "letters" to move) most instictual way of moving character, it's not at all like typing at keyboard.
  17. I disagree on action games, but you're certainly right on fighting games. They're the "console genre" if RTS's and wRPG's (well, latter used to be) are "PC genres"
  18. Today I went to sauna and after that - like all decent finns - jumped to lake nekkid and made a lot noise
  19. That's becauce what you're used to - back in 90's when I transitioned from console player to PC player I felt somewhat similar but really, if looking "objectively" PC control scheme disintegrates console FPS's. Developers too acknowledge this, making console FPS combat easier and enemy reactivity slower and adding varying auto aims etc.
  20. yeah like, could we create **** monsters like in Spore? That would be supercool edit: heh, just kidding, that was valid question At least modders get all the new enviromental stuff
  21. oh wheere are you noow?

  22. lolwut birthday?

  23. since you're lazy bastards:
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