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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Xard


    I have really, really hard time believeing Herman Hesse's book can be worst ever Anyway, I'm reading book called Life After Death that mostly deals with different conceptions of death and afterlife in different cultures. Really insightful and and informing book, polynesians beliefs were some heavy **** back in the day
  2. What this has to do with Herve Caen btw?
  3. that doesn't entail they're instict or anything else yet.
  4. DON'T BUY IT It is absolutely horrible game, horrible Get Jedi Academy instead
  5. dunno about 4E but as far as rationality goes 3E > infinite deep sequence > Previous editions
  6. M&B is best indie game ever. It is just fantastic Hmm, I should get this
  7. Pink Floyd - Coming Back to Life
  8. The Beatles - Real Love
  9. Davd Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
  10. more dreadful: due to vast Communist conspiracy (which is nowadays carried out by China isntead of deceased USSR) quality of precious bodily fluids of average american agent has been steadily decreasing for decades. This means each time Thorton has sexual encounter with woman he has 45-75 % chance off permanently losing some of his physical attributes and sexual frustration too which can be piled up up to point it emerges as special negative perk that enforces Thorton to go through psychopathology. This in turn can only be funded by doing various difficult missions for the questionable underground psychiatrist. Imagine the choices and consequences! Either you get all the use from the women and get this severe thread OR you get nothing which is relatively harder AND safer option. Then we could tie in mission where you infiltrate Chinese Communist Poison factory in hope of finding cure!
  11. I just realized what kind of huge dangers can affect Thorton due to his behaviour. I say we must get some proper traits if he chace these women in AP. And like in Fallout they should have negative effects too (preferrably placed on general outlines of my link) C&C baby
  12. Pink Floyd - Any Colour You Like
  13. Rather interesting though that's barely anything more than robot with Bioparts. There's world of difference between consciousness, decisions, mental noise etc. and basically building network from organic matter. (alo rather good note towards the philosophical zombie problem) The really interesting bit is about neurons re-networking themselves, but that's nothing new.
  14. That's exactly the point. It would be awesome to have great combat in RPG first time in many years... Is Alpha Protocol supposed to cater specifically to the "real players" and the "hardc0re"? I do not mean for it to have a 'win button' I assumed that it would be a "Very Easy-Easy-Normal-Hard-Very Hard-Hardc0re" setting sort of thing. I just wonder how they'd actually make it without breaking game's combat as a whole.
  15. Xard

    China did it

    Communist party is today about is nowadays as hegemonious as party consisting of private owners, party loyals, farmers, officials etc. can be. It is entirely different deal than in 1980's. The voting situations aren't anymore simple Yes-No questions with everyone agreeing.
  16. the **** you're even alive then? You should be scavenging the world to get loot and rape other people's wimminz instead of waiting someone to ****ing shoot your brains on the computer screen. In fact it should've happened already
  17. SUOMI PERKELE That is all
  18. Xard

    China did it

    lolwut? How one "fakes" fireworks?
  19. Wouldn't this break game's combat however? You get whining from hardc0re roleplayers about MotB being too easy but if you visit MotB boards you'll see topics with desperate gamers trying to beat some fight. If you start to incorporate "suitable easy mode" to gameplay mechanics you have great chance of creating Win Button. And I'd rather have for first time since IWD's good combat in RPG The dangers are real unless they make something like this: Brutal & Masculine - Very Hard - Hard - Normal - Easy - Very Easy - For Co-ordinately Handicapped - Win Button" And isn't this argument that everyone should be able finish the game the same argument "real players" nowadays sneer so much at? Yep if it is an "Action" game like Mass Effect that works for me. Well, ME's realtime combat isn't any good
  20. I blame GTA and bad Hollywood comedies!
  21. mkreku can only blame himself for choice of words and construction of the post "pretentious" is worst buzzword ever that is used to label and undermine everything the viewer doesn't get and therefore wish to remain ignorant. "lol that movie is so pretentious like it has this philosophy in it and ****" Truly pretentious works are rare, but what are labelled as pretentious are numerous. That and just as vague and silly term "pseudo-philosophy" in the same post hits even lower point
  22. SO IT IS I watched Dr. Strangelove and the question is same as always: Best comedy ever or best comedy ever?
  23. Seriously? I don't know, could be
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