What worries me at the moment:
Bio will not develope K3. That's sure.
OE wants to do that (I hope you guys haven't already forgot mah feargie post)
Now... the problem is, that OE is three titles company.
This means: 1 PC Title, 1 multi-platform title and one console title under development (although I guess this "console title" just means it'll be developed for consoles but it'll have PC conversion of it. Moar profit)
Now, PC Title = Neverwinter Nights 2 and if you don't count that then it's its upcoming expansion pack "NWN2: Mask of Betrayer"
Project Connecticut= Aliens RPG for both consoles and PC (although it's treated as "console title" of those three projects IIRC)
Project Georgia = Nothing about it is known except
A) It's new IP
B) It's published by SEGA like Aliens RPG
I guess PG is that "Multi-platform" title. Also, It might use Unreal 3 engine since OE has licensed it for some project. However, it's not for Aliens so there isn't another option...
Also, it looks like Project New Jersey (Original IP console title) was cancelled.
Now, what I'm trying to say, that neither Obsidian Entertainment or Bio has possibilty to work on KotOR 3 currently. Of course you could hire more teams for fourth project, but that's unlikely. Bio isn't interested in.
Now, this leaves two (both as bad options):
Pure sucking. Besides, I doubt they would be interested in SW as IP since they're making profit easily without it.
Lucasarts itself
Now this is what I fear what will happen. LA will try to make KotOR 3 by themselves!
That's my deepest fear and if they announce K3 soon, that's, like, well, the only option.