FLASH: DnD was never optimum engine for sheer roleplaying. What it does have arguably one of the best combat mechanics in any PnP game (with some housebrewing anyway). What, why do you think "elitistic" roleplayers don't like DnD that much...
I'm not saying great roleplaying can't be done with DnD (heck, most of my best rp'ing memories are with it), but what I'm saying it's pretty ridiculous critize crpg's for being so much about combat because that is what PnP is about.
No information death system before game was out? Oh please, I knew it was something like in kotors many months before game came out.
Forced companions? Out. Forced resurrection? "in", but we don't know how new system will be like. Linear marches through areas, linear area progression? No proof, but propable. However, if plot kicks ass, I'm willing to forgive. Open-endness is minor factor in what makes game grat for me. Lack of interaction with npcs? What the ****? No freedom of choice? What the ****?
Hey, if dealing with lighting helps performance, I'm all for it!
You quoted all the stuff about death in very misleading context
Since we know nothing about upcoming Death System Revised, bitching about it is stupid.
Icewind Dale 2's combat became tedious because there just werent any rewards for going through the trouble. It sucked fighting through a tough battle and then getting 0 XP and yet another bloody returning frost dart. One of my characters was stuck with a normal greatsword until 2/3rds of the way throuh the game and it was just some crappy weapon that ignored armor(or something similar - as if she had trouble hitting the enemies) and then that turned out to be the best weapon in the entire game. Not to mention the story wasnt compelling enough to drive one through the game.
And what kind of combat do you want then? Like in IWD? Clearly not. Falloutish? Too bad that it has nothing to do with DnD AND it is goddamn easy too. PS:Tish? DO NOT WANT
Only if you promise to drown yourself in it.
Sorry, my self-preservation instincts still work.
This is just the same hype they created before the original game. I can see through it like a window. They hyped up the dragon battles in the original NWN2 and talked about how it was going to be so tough - yet I won the battles without even knowing what the hell was going on(I played those battles at about 1 FPS struggling with the horrid interface). I remember clicking on Khelgar and then clicking on the giant king and few seconds later I noticed the king was dead. I wasnt even to micromanage Sand and Elanee, I just set them to autocast mode and they killed the dragon without me knowing about it(I was trying to send my main character to attack the dragon but he just stood in the same place like an idiot).
Pardon me for not being phat 1337 skillz hardcore player, but I had hard time with one particular red dragon. I basically had no fire resisting enchantments/stuff with any of my characters (well, Qara had robes of Fire Resistance and that was it) plus I was completely unprepared for battle. My melee were lucky if they hit it once before they went down. Mages brought it down eventually (and I believe next time shall be much easier since I know what to expect)
Also, you have already settled your mind with the expansion. "This is just the same hype they created before the original game. I can see through it like a window. " Also: "I dont think Obsidian has any credibility."
Hype? Sure. All of it being false? NO PROOF.
I would be more than interested to know what you WANT from NWN2 expansion. Another PS:T? Even though PS:T is my favorite game, I have to brutally frank: I don't want another PS:T. Especially expansion pack to NWN2 (which is sequel for NWN1, NOT PS:T) should not be it.
On combat: Only thing that really matters with it is that it should be fun. NWN2's was occasionally, although it definetly had its shortcomings. It being hard or easy doesn't matter.
Well, at least we're not encountering HotU. Oh, right. It's hype from Obsidian, therefore IT MUST BE DIRTY LIES!
Another part on combat you quoted misleading wasthis You didn't leave out other parts of that talk with purpose, didn't you?
Non-optimum characters being able to complete it? Goes under roleplaying category. Maybe my fighter mght be able to put some extra good in INT and WIS instead just for flavor!
And rest of quote "gives" what HARDCORE players want.
...Oh, right, it's Obsidian's hype!!!111&!1!1!
edit: Some tweaking