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Everything posted by Xard

  1. bumb It's confirmed
  2. Look guys, shut up! I want to know what the hell is Samus!

  3. Well, MTW ends around 1500 I so want Colonialism: Total War or something like that :sad:
  4. This is ****ing great. You spam my comment box so much that I have no hope to have my OWN COMMENTS in there for few minutes =/

  5. Yeah, I know you're not talking about DT game. I was just trying to give (well, more like my own insane ramblings) example why it would be so awesome if game in veins of DT cosmology would be created. Apparently I ended up using DT in examples This is my keyphrase: but milieu similar to DT one = HELL YES Also, this is complete list of Kings DT related books (although all of them happens in DT's WORLD. Well, in some of them anyway) But still, no ninjas or samurais in my multiverse game thank you
  6. DT doesn't have samurais, ninjas or pirates. Still, if I could end up even in remotely similar situation like Roland in Gunslinger... Whew, that would be powerful moment. And evil. Actually closest thing like Tull I've got in video games when I *accidently* slaughtered whole Junktown in Fallout. but milieu similar to DT one = HELL YES
  7. I'm watching Azumanga again
  8. Tale just explained my dream game :sad:
  9. Hahaha! That'll go into my sig. You're so evil. I can't believe you. Now my humiliation will be immortalized in your signature. Maybe I should just leave this board. Thanks, meta. Look what you did. Oh, think of poor OPG
  10. Wut r Samus?

  11. Brazilians aren't natural?
  12. That's only because games are ****ing easy
  13. Since Planescape as setting is dead, there can't be any official games in that franchise anymore However, you might be very interested (like me and many others) on certain upcoming series of NWN2 modules if you have the game Click
  14. Fine thank you =)

  15. Thanks for mental image
  16. lol, I newbed like tect.

  17. "Stars fading but I linger on dear

    Still craving your kiss

    I’m longin’ to linger till dawn dear

    Just saying this"

    Feel the love ppl!

  18. Dream a little Dream of me I blame Van Buren's "trailer"
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