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Everything posted by Xard

  1. I can't take anything from Reese seriously. I blame this
  2. It's not "saber style", it's just way how he is animated. Which was copied from Malak
  3. CMX - Kain
  4. Also, am I only one who gets really depressed because of heat death? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_death

  5. Yeah, and then you get eaten by a giant robot. I really didn't get that
  6. Let's drink, cheers!

  7. ...oh wow, we have exactly same problems going on? Ironic

  8. Being from Finland, Russian politics are always interesting, like it or not. I'd be interested in hearing Aramil's thoughts on matter. We really don't have that many russians in these boards
  9. *shrug* No idea yet... next weekend will be decisive so to speak. Meanwhile I jus keep going

  10. "it's journey that matters, not the journey. " Of course I ment destination, not journey
  11. Wow, this comment box really is dead (no Accept, don't worry, you have no need to apologize. I was just irritated, mostly for RL reasons)

  12. Causes and ideologies, not religions, kill people (religions are subcategory of those) yet they're some and most important things in human lives. World without causes is empty, shallow. But they're source of great atrocities too. What people need is really start communicating, broaden their views, open their minds. Acceptance, forgiveness, something that aims in greater things than benefits of individuals, nations and organizations. Start using their brains, ask questions, seek answers, doubt things. Above all start searching, it's journey that matters, not the journey. Most people just eat, have sex, sleep, work and die away without greater understanding or searching it. ...Yeah, I get these idealistic outbursts once in a while.
  13. *sigh* Yeah, one attack usually kills as much people as war going on for years.
  14. How much did you pay for it and where? I read an interview in Nyt and suddenly got interested. 'Cos, pretentiously grim space opera rock>pretentious self-ironic art-rock. And the guys wore what looked like Cadian pilot flak armor in the magazine cover. It's so nerdy that it could possibly work. I heard it's some kind of Starship Troopers reference Hmh, I could go and start long babbling why I think it's wrong to call CMX pretentious. But that's not the point. Since they slowly became my second favorite band of all time (Aion is best finnish album ever, but curiously only CMX's one in my top ten albums. Well, was until this. ) I started to think there's only one band who could get me buy that expensive album without hearing music at all before, that would be them. Just warning: No one should start listening them with this album. Seriously. Grab Isohaara or Aura instead. Aion too would be bad one to start with, although it still might be their best album (hell, it's hard to say which one's better, Aion or Talvikuningas.) And especially, if you hate them, this album will be one hour nightmare for you. Talvikuningas is album that really needs work and delicate listening, this can never work as an background music. Well, what to expect from album that's one hour long song? Musically this is interesting, it's very, very prog album in many ways but "hc-m
  15. Laputa: Castle in The Sky It's Miyazaki's film. Every Hayao Miyazaki film belongs in list of best films ever. And Laputa is great even in his standards. Memories: Win and weirdness. I recommend it. First of those three "stories" for some reason reminds me of SS2. Maybe it's whole AI/mysterious spaceship thingy (also best one of those 3 short films) Tales from Earthsea... Haven't seen yet. Not great when compared against books IIRC, Ursula herself wasn't too fond on this movie. Yet even she thought it was fine movie, not just good adaptation of her books. By reviews I'd say it's 3 and half star material. Others... No idea Also, NO ONE has seen Paprika here?
  16. One of the best albums. If not best one. Ever.
  17. Exactly.
  18. For some reason I don't feel comfortable to register in place told by FBI
  19. :sad:
  20. Innebandy is great fun, I like it more than actual hockey. Well to be honest I hate playing hockey so saying "I like it more than hockey" doesn't mean much But it's fun sport
  21. you know what Accept, **** you

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