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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Have you ever played proper games of that type such as Ninja Gaiden, DMC or somethng a lot less extreme like, well, heck nearly any good hack&slash game in the marker or fightin game such as Tekken or DoA?
  2. not again one of Gromnir's "PS:T COMBAT DOOMED THE GAME" rants... Can you really claim bad marketing and abnormal setting weren't the main reasons for game's "fall"?
  3. Whatever is Atari's reason for not releasing MoW anyway?
  4. Lucas is such a sad nutjob nowadays
  5. November 21, 2008 That trailer was weak. Planescape Torment trailer was great. Them's fightin words I just checked out MotB's trailer. It was great actually. For D&D game (srlsy, only D&D game with great trailer is PS:T) edit: before MotB I mean. And no I don't contradict my previous post because I'm allowed to be fickle with my opinions. So nyaaaahh!
  6. ...I wouldn't call any of them good wee!
  7. this Arcanum on the other hand has worst combat I've encountered in RPG's. Utterly abhorrent. Bloodlines was crap too edit: All those have better combat than Troika games.
  8. oh god that's just so goddamn wrong
  9. I laughed at the implication that RPG's haven't had good combat since Troika died which is silly considering how phail combat in Troika games were. Yeah, what we've actually seen doesn't seem to match at all the info I scoured from DA boards before trailers. Anyway, they could have MGS2 in their sleeve when it comes to marketing, that would be hilarious (but propably not) give me example of crappy uniquiness and why it is worse than crappy genericness And on these Freaky Humanoids thing I agree with Volo. They're not very orclike. Reasons why they seem such bad carbon cut copy of Uruk-Hai is due to other reasons
  10. Please do that for great justice and lulz!
  11. You had me up to this part LOL
  12. lol I'm not sure has this question been answered but the combat encounters on the overland map If we meet hostiles do we: A) get in Some Generic Combat Map (Fallout, Total Wars, JRPG's etc.) or B) fights happen on the overland map. I suspect and hope it is A because I don't see how B) could work out
  13. Mechanics who hyperventilate or mechanics governing hyperventilation? It's an important distinction that will be relevant in the future. In this particular case the correct answer is the latter variable. DAKKADAKKADAKKA
  14. well, it's hard to blame people after such LotR ripoff trailer
  15. do you really want to know?
  16. well, considering Will's looks he must be talking out of experience and in general and not about ME
  17. oooohh! I think I know perfect pic for it *hikes off to search it* edit: oh no, MCA made his wonderful blog private D': WHYY, HOW COULD YOU MR AVELLONE? where do I now get my fix for stick comics goodness? *baww* edit2: This seriously sucks and I can't seem to get over it. What did I do wrong? *sniff* edit3: I hope this doesn't end up in an heroing
  18. does this game have hyperventilating mechanics for such occurences?
  19. erm, you know people change their opinions and ideas? That (too) is all what happened
  20. Yeah, that was real attempt.
  21. not enough EPIC there Gromnir I wonder how these are going to work. Simple +2 to strenght and funny anecdote? Or something more like example they gave from Party Benefits?
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