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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Today, 9/11/2008, I migrated from atheism to agnosticm
  2. but Sand, how could you, that's again libertarianism!?!?!?1!
  3. The person who made the website must be on some strong stuff. I'm guessing she doesn't want the LHC to work and prove the Big Bang. lolwut, Big Bang has been proved aeons ago LHC really can't change the whole ridiculous and utterly futile and unneeded "science" vs religion debate Anyway, much lulz has been had
  4. ask a few canadians that have the money to pay for their own health care and you'll get a different answer: they come to the US. "supposedly" and "from what I've heard" is code for "as reported in the media." It's not worth reviving the latter debate because it was buried under bazillion other posts, but did you consider for a moment that reason why people come to US for very high-up med care is NOT the reason it is market driven but the fact USA with its vast resources and hundreds of thousands research center is still No.1 place in world as far as research goes? It stems from these purely scientifical and logistical facts why most of this kind of "healthcare" is found from USA. It's not virtue of private sector model. Considering how much you use the fact we don't live in USA an don't have the "experience" to understand "how it all really works" or at least "how it should work" (compared against evil socialist greed) this is silly. Gorgon can make such claims just as much from experience as you do when it comes to economics btw, this **** doesn't start to make sense before taks A) defines what he means with socialism B) explain why invisible hand of market is morally and practically superior system in all areas
  5. The Beatles - Paperback Writer
  6. The Canadian and French public healthcare is actually pretty good from what I've heard. supposedly Canada has the best one
  7. Xard


    say whatever you want, that was literary genius
  8. Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely
  9. btw, is Thorton NSA or CIA agent or what? I hope it's not CIA... I don't want to play member of Most Dumb****ed Intelligence Agency of History
  10. The Doors - Break on Through (To the Other Side)
  11. has the SoZ been released yet? hmm, NO
  12. Dire Straits - Money For Nothing Goddamn that riff is such a classic
  13. Syd Barrett - Here I Go
  14. CMX - Siivek
  15. CMX - Helvetin Hyv
  16. Mist, anyone? meh, string theory is bs Anyway, I'd be more worried about Quantum Zeno Effect if Lawrence Krauss (one of top names in modern day physics) manages to overcome "safeguard" of gravity when we're Observing dark matter. If he does defeat that obstacle on his rather gloomy theorem we might be more screwed up than by any LHC paranoidisms Thankfully that hasn't been apparently case but mere idea is creepy
  17. CMX - Veden
  18. My Michelle is so awesome
  19. Eric Clapton - Layla
  20. Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
  21. the only people that think canada and europe have better healthcare than the US are the same fools that think socialism works. it's not a surprise that people in canada and europe come to the US for quality care, not the other way around. lol "Sweden socialists would've collapsed if it wasn't for US" to freely paraphrase your old post. Tells all what one needs to know of your understanding of Europe and "socialism" I used word AIDS just like I could've used word cancer to represent whatever nasty disease one might have. Internet thing edit: ****, the thing you think/thought of Sweden as socialist country in the first place tells enough
  22. only american can talk like this enjoy your AIDS while Canada and Europe facepalms at your healthcare system
  23. Pink Floyd - Money Money, it's a crime Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie Money, so they say Is the root of all evil today But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're giving none away
  24. yeah, especially live it is epic

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