Hmh, Bastila's kinda hot (for bunch of polygons) and has great voice. Also, somewhat annoying personality, but not entirely horrible. I've always liked Bastila's character, even as she acts like total bitch some times. Something my character would easily find "romanceable". In real life, I could stand someone like her, for what, few months, weeks? That is, if she doesn't have other hidden non-"amazon" character traits. You know, something like she not being fangeeks wet dream in every frickin' accept with horrible hormone inbalance.
That said, it doesn't mean I'm searching the ****ing internets for Bastila pr0n like some...people... seemed to do from previous, freaky "apprecitation" threads
In general I tend to hate when people of the internets do that on characters I really like. **** YOU Mogudan and your ****ty doujinshis, Rei cries in the corner because of your horrifying crimes, as do I :'(