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Everything posted by Xard

  1. So, he deleted it Ah well, I'm sure it has been copied and mirrored around internet by now
  2. You can't. With the bug, when you lake shore area loads up you've SE of 0 Bleaargh im ded
  3. Portal's best ever. **** you haters Anyway, I suggest (for everyone) that you play the turn-based experience of all time called simply "Pong"
  4. So, uh, I've been reading Bethesda's Fallout 3 forums for the lulz but I'm getting depressed. What's humanity's fate when people are this stupid? FYI: When people start to argue that Pong is turn-based, we're off to someone's twisted and insane macrocosmos. Also, Pong was first game ever and since first game ever was turn based FPV and real time combat is evolution from lesser turn based combat and it also should be noted that turn based combat means defensive or offensive while Oblivion's combat is both defensive and offensive at the same time and it has FPV which lets you see explosions.
  5. Now that you've found out about TSL's "ending" check this, this, this, this and
  6. "guards ****ing with each other :shifty: "

    take with away... that's almost Accept-level engrish!

  7. Unless you're aboriginal, but you aren' t. "We're a mob of barbarians. "

    Indeed *grin*

  8. Architect: Big words from a population that's product of criminals, whores and their guards ****ing with each other :shifty:

  9. Internets'' Serious business Bwhahahahahaa
  10. Komm s
  11. Googling is hard Oh well, I ended up downloading it from NMA - or rather, waiting in line... still 2 minutes to go. It has been some time I've played Fallouts. How did I deal with "Can not find/load text fonts" error when patching?
  12. Huge thanks, that has 1.02 However, I don't see children "patch" there...?
  13. Finns/Swedes thing is similar to yanks/canadians, except it's thirtythree times more fierce and severe

  14. With this I mean U.S 1.02 Patch and, of course, children add-on "patch". I'm just sick of having to wait ten minutes to get access to the ****ty servers. They must be somewhere! Duck and Cover?
  15. Nice bug in MotB I left from Mulsantir with full craving and spirit energy 100. When I arrive at Sunken City I die "This journey is brief enough to have little impact on your health" lolwut Anyway, is there fix for this?
  16. TA is like some kind of foam.

  17. Finns and swedes, especially in earlier times, were pretty much same people anyhow. That won't change the fact we are the better half *grin*

    Om, history is teh funneh

  18. Oh c'mon, you don't mean it really. You like us! :D

  19. Except me, right? Tale? Internet personality? Now that's impossible, internet personalities don't have that much twisted depth in them
  20. Today I realized I ****ing hate internet personalities
  21. I was going to install PS:T but CD1 has gone missing baaww :'( So it's kotor2 for me then
  22. And with horribly incompetent I'm talking about tactics like "whoops guise lets retreat little bit more. lolwut we're in sweden now lol?"

  23. When Sweden finally lost us to Russia in 1809 war, it should be noted that those forces that were commanded by finns did win fights against Russia. However, as usual in later times, swedish leaders were HORRIBLY incompetent and thus we lost badly. Swedes were awesome in skills of retreating though

  24. FYI: It's not good idea to mention in certain germany's states that you're related to hakkapeliitat :D

    Later on (when awesome swedish king Gustav II Adolf died) great military discipline of swedish army was pretty much gone. We did quite horrifying things to civilians few times...

  25. Too bad we finns made Sweden great power. Finnish soldiers ("hakkapelitaat") had frightful reputation in Europe during 30 year war. Sweden had national yet elite army compared to most of the other countries. And spearhead/shock troopers/etc. tended to be us finns. We were great warriors... and sometimes as barbaric as huns as well -_-'

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