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About Issaic

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. no. You start out whereing nothing but this weird outfit. its not kool at all. but ltr u get a mining uniform. u should have a jedi robe by the end of paragus
  2. I always liked Shi-Cho better cuz I went dark side and had to kill lots of people at once
  3. I always kinda wondered where your allies lives went to. Does mira ever kill hanharr and stuff like that... Edited by SteveThaiBinh for inappropriate language.
  4. I though it sucked. I chose dark side and understood why kreia did everything she did. then I went light and ashe did the same thing. I was hoping it would divide all your allis and make them fight to the death while you and the other jedi Fought Kreia, Sion, Revan, and Nathilas. I know it sounds like a corny ending but they could have made it differently from the dark side...
  5. Character: Darth Sion Place: Koriban(infinate exp Glitch) Least favorites Place: Secret Academy. My comp always F***s up here. sumpin bout a cheat node. Character: Mira . why cant she just kill hanharr and get it over with
  6. Gonna have to say orange and Droid. HK is so funny.
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