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Everything posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. well i wanna be that race that guy was a psycho
  2. how did anyone make more in K1 the handmaiden robe made it no contest!
  3. even if i was LS i refused to pay for T3 or HK. give me bargins or beware aliens muahaha
  4. manaan the scarest moment in the game was walking by the sharks, i had to take baby steps by the big shark :">
  5. Poor American education. you know albert einstein was considered an idiot in his mandated education i wonder how many other of the most brilant of minds were lost in the european education system. so don't hate (w00t)
  6. And NorCal is not 1337 or Netsp33k, it's a shortening of two words, usually used locally. Idiot. that just say it all, by the way i thought it was pretty unverisal to say ppl for people however i'm a violator and the idiot (oh yeah thats not flaming <_< ) by the way NorCal! NOR CAL *cough* poser *cough* what do you have a 14 ft tall truck 2 accept your hypocrite ways and please if you are going to make personal attacks make them coherent and not full of holes. lata burger king
  7. do they have bio 1A in england? "
  8. wow how bout that christmas cheer
  9. :D thanks, wow i was off that has to be a first that the voice actor was hotter than the game character anyone think of any others? thanks for the pic (w00t)
  10. i think him having no father was good enough, the midis were used to quanitify that he was stronger than yoda in the force
  11. it was the gate way to bigger and better things, samurai champloo good stuff
  12. i'll take the person who did the voice of visas what is her name michelle wie or something
  13. god i hope it wasn't the opening to the game... by the way what was that about anyways some presentation that was
  14. Lucas just try to put a scientific spin on the force by having these thing that are force cells that you can do like a RBC to determine how strong someone is in the force. maybe he was watching DBZ or pokeman and thought hey the kiddies are goin to love this
  15. its so funny that T3 had no dialogue in KOTOR than in KOTOR 2 he become one of the main characters, watch out for GOTO in K3
  16. thats true, if microsoft was smart they would make that an offical title and encourage bio/pandemic to make it so they could get the rights to the battlefront series also :D
  17. buy off the little pazak rat in the entertainment district, that aways fixes things.
  18. if you know its history it wasn't a normal part of the cell, it has bacterial origins and its own DNA. In a sense its normal flora not an organelle of the cell.
  19. does anyone get a laugh at speed reading the twliek speech during dialogue? (w00t) DOO
  20. only as long as you can shoot her when you lose (w00t). they should allow you to be a sore loser in a mod so you could kick that little tella tubby rat champion on nar shardar (dam card of his bleeds me dry ). who is the toughest pazak player in KOTOR 2?
  21. you get one with jorran if you save him, but he has some many darkside goodies. also don't forget the double influence bonus with Akere (the sulustin) for HK-47 and T3 if you agree not to turn him for the hydrospammer. I LOVE BUGS :D
  22. midi-chlorians > mito-chondria
  23. The thing is it is impossible to determine, he is a neutral character every opinion is right :D you might as well vote who is revan for you male DS male LS male grey ahhh........ think thats it :D
  24. didn't qui gon say they were cells that live symbiotically with our own cells if i recall. (w00t) like mitochondria wow. LA must have tried to put the science spin and realized star wars is far from science, like the WNBA being far from a sport
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