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Everything posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. <_< but that is suggestion on gameplay not on how you can aid in getting this thing developed. W/e i thought it was legitmate for a developer to convey the mass interest better then us fanboys but i guess wasting your time talking about what will never happen is a noble pursuit
  2. I don't care if you call me a nerd, but i think anyone on a game forum is a part of that community don't you? But at least i don't plan my day around who i can try and bash to make myself feel important, i think that defines a true nerd. anyways plz come up with something productive on the topic (I beg you) :D
  3. this is different no one is talking about a pettion, besides your replying to it
  4. just mad because i thought it was a productive idea, and i need a dam SW RPG!!! don't say SWG <_<
  5. fine then you come up with a KOTOR 3 thread and you direct it with your compelling dialogue and spell check so that we optimize our time. I won't be mean but you know how meaningful your life is
  6. yeah, but i guess it is worse that people know how to spell the name of that lame game. How bout this instead of bashing the thread you come up with an idea on what can be done to encourage LA to push KOTOR 3 so i don't waste my time net sniffing for some bogus KOTOR news on how the game will use unreal 3 engine or jade empire type gameplay or madden route running :D
  7. ok thanks for the heads up, but they deserve it for not listening to their fans. However if LA wants to go back into the dark ages of Teras Ki SW gaming by all means
  8. So your basically telling me you don't want KOTOR 3? and you agree that LA executives are retarded?
  9. I understand thanks for the support, i just don't understand when you have a product with the potential to be the next great RPG franchise and you waste it the way this product is being wasted? Is there any doubt that if they pushed this franchise that it could compare with FF, i mean i didn't even like RPG's till i played KOTOR and now they are just going to let it rot while ppl are flooding hyperspace, Bioware, and Obsidian with KOTOR 3 request for just NEWS. Where is the logic in that? <_<
  10. they said it in IGN they are hopeful to use what they have used in their new game on KOTOR 3 along with the potential for money on this title are you kidding me. It is LA that is the problem, i think GL needs to look at his gaming department and ask if they are being paid i mean come on. KOTOR and battlefront the greatest sales for SW games? and your saying they want no part of that pie? :D
  11. well at least answer the question before it is closed, its just obsurd that there is no NEWS ON KOTOR 3 sick of it
  12. I'm new so don't shoot me if this is old news or retreaded but does obsidian or has obsidian made a formal pettion to LA from the users on here of the desire for KOTOR 3 news on production or whatever. I read the article on IGN about if LA desires to make a new KOTOR title? why would they not desire to make a new title? I understand it is not obsidian's call on production but they seem to be the chosen one for this title and it would make sense if they could send a pettion as a developer so the idiots at LA could finally understand "Hey guys lookt here is demand for this game title...I'm gonna go out on a limb maybe, now stay with me, maybe we should put this game into production so we can fatten LA's wallet so GL can make his little artise films <_< " JEEZ sorry for the anger but just like to know if they had tried this or if not is it a good idea
  13. I think you can consider grey like what was said before as sitting on the fence. Jolee and Kreia were considered grey because they did not pledge to the Jedi or the Sith, therefore they did not blindly follow a code that makes someone a light sider or a dark sider. However, they did have biases like you said jolee was light and kreia was dark although they were pretty balanced. Although can you honestly say kreia was dark? think about it when you end the game it was almost like you completed another training task or what about the scene at dantoonie where she almost falls over when she comes back to the jedi temple..hmmm? I think she was so dedicated to her students that she pledged fully to them not any code. Btw if you read about Vegere (spelling), kreia's character is a clone of her using the dark side in the name of the light side to do the will of the force. that our i was fooled like anakin <_<
  14. another thing that would be nice if you can decide which person to follow or what to do, for example if you want to join the enemy then betray the enemy. For while comand that person's forces then turn them against him or destroy them. I think a thing that should improve is the impact your decisions have on the game play, faction type things for example along with improved understanding of minpulation for example not having to take light side points when its intent is evil.
  15. I'm more concerned about the combat system then the story, I played KOTOR 2 the other day and was bored out of my mind by the combat even though i wanted to play it. If they can make the combat more fluid and retain the RPG elements such as casting that would be sweet. As far as powers it would be nice if they could compound the powers, its way to cumbersome to try and use all the powers during combat. For example, combing powers like two and three at a time as you level, master the force and comand multipower force acts like force wave/lighting/kill. As far as story I hope that they can continue this story line and not culminate it like the trend seems to be reinforcing. I do agree the story needs to progress and make a dramatic evolution in this edition, but it should not cut itself off. I think they can take the story in the direction of the outer rim and explore a universe that is untouched. For example this universe can exist independently without messing up the cannon of EU, so these jedi in this region can explore new powers and other things that are exposed in the EU without messing up the timeline. I think this edition of KOTOR could have a unifying force theme where Revan and the Exile work to destroy the original rement of the sith but with competing idealogy (you decide the fate of the force). Will you follow the dark side or light side or will you unify the force and bring "balance". Of course this sounds like a cut off to the story, but termoil is easy to create. I think the three path would provide alot of replay to the story.
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