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Everything posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. wook and tarna seem to be cool with all you guys so idon't think they would ban you. what did the guy do that got banned?
  2. its just jealously man i love the cat pic
  3. yeah sorry about that flame if you got one yesterday i'm duriable i can take a beating :D especially from someone who has a cap on there cat head just kidding just kidding
  4. its your guys' fault haha yeah i got one almost got 2 the other night
  5. feel the same as darkside, why be a character you have already been just don't see how that will be interesting. plus i think it was more interesting to make your own jedi.
  6. how long do they stay in motion? as you level up do you become more immune to ban attack? (w00t)
  7. how many warning before you get banned?
  8. the fact he could not wear jedi robes just really pissed me off, and when kreia was able to take more punishment then him he was done for me. all substance and no show don't cut it!
  9. it would have been nice for it to be more player intutive. like if you were evil but you did all this goody good crap to suck in your LS pupil, it would be nice if you could influence with intent of minpulation and have your DS points rise. or if you were good having this bank to keep track of character where once in the blue moon you do something good to influence a DS character the influence would account for all the negative influence you aquired and more. make it based on intent instead of actions that way it only effects the person you are working on and not you.
  10. malachor would be creepier if your jedi didn't own everything that could be targeted:devil:
  11. and remember lucas never wanted to be remembered as george "star wars" lucas. quoting lucas
  12. interesting fellow that man is, it would have been nice if his buddy ET steven didn't influence him so much. i prefered his vision the way it was in the 80's, besides spielberg is about as scientific as dr. seuse and Scientology. still enjoyed the movies though and the kids did love it so star wars will carry on
  13. do any of you believe that Lucas was so feed up with his fans he made a mockery of them by making these last films? i mean everything that was done in the prequel was so counter to what the original series stood for, and remember lucas never wanted to be remembered as george "star wars" lucas. also for as horrible the films were all cast to be by critics and fans alike... he is richer and more powerful then ever so he did have the last laugh
  14. soooooo what is everyone getting for christmas?
  15. aww here come the stereotypes lets not be a hypocrite, were on a gaming forum apart of topics such as the sexist game persona and what anime are you watching now. again coherent attacks plz oops please
  16. and not to be rude but i'm sick of the helping because you know your not so don't try to be nice when your just trying to join in the merry bashing. i'll follow the tenets in the guidelines but i'm not following your initiation guidelines that you senior members want. get over the power trip and just chill, if your polite about maybe i'll listen but if you come at ppl (yes ppl) with your crap they most likely are goin to be difficult with you. those are called social skills
  17. I bow down to no one and if you think i'm an idiot go do your truffal shuffle in the void of space i don't care about gaining your respect but disrespect me with your little stereotypes and expect to get it back from me unless the mods want to correct your misbehavior. remember YOU STARTED IT
  18. what is your favorite way to explot KOTOR 2? handmaiden's robe (credit problems....gone)
  19. did LA give an official character role for Revan like they did with carth and bastilla in EU?
  20. hardest part of the game is defeating hanhar when your at level 50 with an unleveled mira in the kath hound pit on nar shar, but it is worth it if you can (w00t) has anyone encountered the handmaiden problem when you can't defeat her in combat if you are like level 50 and she is unleveled?
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