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Everything posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. did anyone enjoy the revenge of the sith solo lightsaber duels? i think if they can add that or something in for the boss or important battles that would be sweet
  2. you'll miss their quality programing......
  3. uber or normal play? i've never been much of a defensive man, can you get your player to jump around like nilihis if you load on defense?
  4. thats my parents favorite movie... no my mom is not a hooker ahhhh fight club on showtime tonite, movie still kicks ass
  5. what will the poor minority sitcoms do now? the jedi's are going to feel this one
  6. maybe your DS jedi was weak and the guy thought he could take you
  7. maybe the politicans can help clean up the monotonous **** that has become current gaming genres as a by product of this push on anti-violence. i mean how many times can you be a freaking elf or black mage??
  8. WTF (w00t) this game good lord entertaining to the last
  9. rogue jedi's like jolee or kreia are my style, do what you want without ties.
  10. but you are a master sith lord ,or whatever class, manipulation is your trade.
  11. this app must be unearthed- mars volta good crazy stuff mars volta or at the drive in ? (if there is any fans of their stuff)
  12. sith is about power LS is about peace, so obviously its sith. which teaching is better would be a better question
  13. you don't see Darth Sidious lose his DS powers or "alignment" when courting that byatch Losealimbakin
  14. subatomic particles that create a constant energy field in everything in the universe...what is an electron? so much interest in religion on these forums
  15. this reminds me of the south park movie when jebus and the devil fight and the devil throws the fight
  16. thats all i'm saying, if you are a DS than you want to corrupt the people in your group. I don't get that satisifaction by gaining dam lightside bonuses
  17. the characters were solid in K2 i think. I thought kriea was well done, but i do agree the concept of good and evil is not fluid enough. I hate having to do things that counter my intention to get influence or a favorable outcome. It would be nice as you progress you could gain special dialogue skills through class progression like manipulation for example were you get DS points for corupting your peers or doing light side acts in the name of the evil.
  18. i hated jade empire, most overrated combat! if K3 goes that route i'll be very pissed
  19. 61 and the punisher i'm a fan of thomas jane
  20. it would be nice if people like bin laden didn't represent muslims or bush didn't represent christians, sadly those kinds of people are the most noted. i do agree that the way each religion is conducted against one another makes them more futile than useful (ala the middle east). people are just flawed and doomed might as well except it and carpe diem .
  21. i thought him and bush were allies already... oh they are going to make it public
  22. at least its not as bad as invading iraq for oil " oh and don't worry about france saying what they want because they always do
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