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Everything posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. spend more time on your triceps if you want your arms to look/get bigger (2/3 of your arm). those fat burners also have a lot of carbs. try to work away from the supps, you'll end pissing away all your nutrition with that many in action all at once (you can actually drink too much water believe it or not).
  2. i thought gene davis was an olympian worthy archer? thats funny because she looks so manly too.
  3. yeah thats probally what i should have done, i think i majored more in drinking and lifting then i did in class and i was a bio major. i had a weighting elective that i got credit for (1 unit) and i must have spent like 17 hrs a week in there i got ripped off.
  4. what are some marks you achieved while working out? running- i was able to run sub 5 mile lifting- bench 225lbs 8 rep squat 360lbs 8 rep srug 270lbs 8 rep while weighing only 160 lbs thats where my focus was in college
  5. hades you got fire some off first. think of it like an rpg... you need to level up before your ready to bag the big boss . hit the clubs and the bars and sag a few and micromanage a couple digits. the more thought you put into relationships the quicker they breakdown and that is a scientific fact as far as exercise too many people try to do it themselves. go find a friend and join a gym, since i joined with my wife i have found it easier to get the gym. its mainly the burnout factor that you have to fight. my old personal trainer told me that 3 days a week of no more than an hour of lifting with 3 days cardio at like 80% (progressive to your abilities) is what you should shoot for. which is funny because i remember doing 5 days of lifting and doing abs everyday then getting burned out and stopping for a week only to look better while resting then after a lift. just running a mile a day will do so much for you, its just getting involved on a consistant basis.
  6. i would take T3 over vash, but then again she put up a nice fight on koriban
  7. Are you honestly old enough to be married? I hadnt thought so. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats what my students say all the time.
  8. you sound depressed man . go get a pair of good running shoes and do 4 days a mile each (light jog) and curtail some junk food (its insane how much you can gain from a stupid bagel and the evil cream cheese). i use to be all super motivated and went to the gym 3hrs a day 5 days a week then i got married . gained like 15 pounds because i stopped regular exercise and i lost all of that just by a mile a day 4 days a week at like 50% pace and cutting down on the food. i got pretty down during that time too, but i'm back exercising like 4 days a week 2hrs a day and i feel a lot better mentally/physically.
  9. ok i shall clarify in KOTOR II, turret game, if you let everybody pass, you had to kill 25 sith off of your ship (however this way you get exp) better? p.s., your opinions DO count for something, i mean, heck i agree <{POST_SNAPBACK}> instant freeze when you do that.
  10. Because of that attitude right there, arrogant yankee bull****... isn't it obvious? Besides, terrorists haven't done anything to my country or region. you know only 2% of your population is muslim, so i don't think you have to worry about insurgent activity do you!! ****!!! and you know **** us for trying to help and do something about ****ed up situations. and if the nordic region was anything more than a ski resort and mail order bride service maybe you would have to worry about oil too MOD EDIT-Fixed quote. tarna
  11. i thought depp was great in that movie, i love burton darkness (not really fresh anymore but still good)
  12. why fight about whether it is canon or not. if you put a star wars label on it then it pretty much becomes a part of star wars. what makes it really sink in is how popular it becomes. either way everything in star wars has its own little niche in the timeline so it all fits together (Lucas makes sure of that). just take the G, C canon as lucas is the boss
  13. K2 snuffle luffagus (LS) and darth fart (DS) K1 obiwan kenblowmi (LS) and darth mauled (DS)
  14. this little conflict (war that was over last year) would be easier to handle if there was not so much bs from bush. he has taken something we all as human beings should support and made it look agenda centered and flithy. bush is just so dam inept that he ****s everything (good intentioned) up. what we should be focused on is that these people are being given a chance to live the way they want to live damnit and thats not meaningless. i just hate how clumsy people are, in truth its not just bush its all the antibush ppl too. everyone is waiting for a full assault every time bush screws up and it has just created this flith around the whole situation. everyone should have the vision of these poor people risking their lives two years in a row to cast a vote of hope for their society. no vietnam comparsions please this is completely different, we are not fighting armed forced we are fighting idiots who delight in death. these people have no hope for a civilized society, and most can't wait to leave this world. how many more people have to be senselessly bombed or beheaded by these psychos before everyone realizes these people are injust and deserve to be fought. im so sick of these idiots, i hope all these ****ers gather in the gaza strip so we can wipe them off the face of the earth ARRRGG.
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