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Everything posted by ShadySands

  1. Took me a while to get the hang of the army battles but I still don't think I like them. I wish my character or party played a role.
  2. I don't think I could do it either TBH
  3. I ordered some Leffe on Drizly but forgot to uncheck the box that lets the store substitute if it's out of stock. They brought something called 1664 Blanc and I hate it. I hate it so much and now I have 2 six packs of it.
  4. Here's a link https://www.newsweek.com/greg-abbott-blames-texas-power-outages-green-energy-state-depends-gas-1569804
  5. They've already tried to blame it on green energy so why not
  6. I'll say the same thing I said when the Koch dude died, my condolences to the people who lost a loved one
  7. I also start on my right index finger but then it gets tricky. Pretend that's a right hand
  8. I doubt Hurlshot is looking for a mansion and a quick Zillow search in the Gilroy area makes looks like there's not a lot of inventory.
  9. Some of our pipes froze and we were without cold water for about 30 hours but so far that's been the worst of it. Other than the general misery of freezing and a wind chill of nearly negative 40, that is.
  10. 4 of the 7 anyway. The chat on the update is pretty much as expected. Some want them all to be playersexual and some want more options for X orientation.
  11. In honor of the day Owlcat released some info on the romance options Bruce, here you go. 1. Lann 2. Wenduag 3. Camellia 4. Daeran 5. Arueshalae 6. Sosiel 7. Queen Galfrey.
  12. It's a quarter after 8 and it's negative 1 outside. Fahrenheit not Celsius.
  13. It's so cold. Why do people live here? Why do I live here? Am I people?
  14. We're looking at solar panels as well but they're pricier than I expected
  15. I made topopos and another batch of fideo soup
  16. It turns out that I backed at a level high enough for the beta but still not sure I want to jump in yet
  17. Would have been a better game if hitting your receivers in the face with the ball counted as a catch
  18. Halftime show was better than expected but still suffering from the curse of whatever team I root for losing.
  19. Squirrel in the back yard is teasing and tormenting my dogs. I used to like squirrels but these suburban ones are ****.
  20. https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/star-trek-voyager-bryan-fuller-behind-the-scenes/ Made me laugh
  21. I've been rewatching Babylon 5. Only 3 episodes in so far and I don't really remember this show at all which is weird because when it was on the air I was all about it.
  22. The girly drink thing reminded me of this
  23. For quite a while now the Democrats just haven't appeared to be very savvy. At least it seems that way to me.
  24. I bought my wife a big ass cappuccino machine a of couple years ago but 99% of the time she uses a French press. I don't drink coffee myself but I'd recommend the French press for ease of cleaning and longevity.
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