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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. Some players are boring and don't change weapons so they won't suffer this penalty. They'll most likely select a weapon with 2 damage types making that +2 PEN bonus only +1 in practice. Extra penetration helps reaching overpenetration which, as i've heard, grants an important damage bonus.
  2. Noone is surprised by absurdly powerful spells given to wizards anymore. OTOH if druids were given spell that powerful it could end up with a thread in Bug Reports.
  3. You're kidding. Everyone, their brothers and dogs talk about DPS all the time. Are all players just hypocrites who only pretend to care about DPS while being perfectly fine without any DPS values being provided? Hmm... i'm not sure. Actually, it could be true given how very rarely someone on these fora provides a DPS value and nobody having a problem with that. True. DPS isn't be-all-end-all of everything. It's not some ultimate measure of performance but rather what is written on the cover: damage per second. That's a functions of at least damage and attack speed, sometimes also accuracy and maybe even armor's damage reduction but those last 2 (often) depend on stats of defender so they're hard to calculate. DPS won't take into account things like overkill - 1 attack per second with damage of 100 has same DPS as 10 attacks per second with damage of 10 but the latter is much more resistant to overkill*. Overkill is taken into account by KPM (kills per minute) or Clear Speed but those metrics aren't nearly as popular as DPS so i guess players are totally fine with overkilling. Besides, this thread has 'DPS' in title so i think it's valid to expect some DPS values. * and that's why absolute damage reduction is good - it gives high DPH attack a natural advantage in form or anti-armor efficency. Those attacks need an advantage because they have a nartural weakness in the form of overkill vulnerability. Hope i'm not becoming too annoying in my % damage reduction bashing.
  4. Thanks for you offer but i'm fine with not knowing things about games i play and discovering them myself. This is a part of what i pay for. I didn't actually buy Deadfire, for many reasons, but i might do it in the future.
  5. Make a Let's Play on Youtube your favourite video-sharing website so the world can see how pro you are. Experience will differ since you'll be talking about what you're doing.
  6. That's surprising indeed. Do druid's storm spells also have that long duration despite pulsing or does Obsidian love wizards more again?
  7. Those are classes, not builds. I recommend playing without any build. Pick whatever class you like and roll with it. Game isn't too hard and Veteran can always be lowered should you experience too much difficulty. You may also avoid Corpse Eater, Ranger and Wizard subclasses.
  8. And it could have been much improved. There was lvl 7 spell giving same amount of DR as lvl 2 spell. Madness. Weapons enhancements were giving % bonuses while armor enhancements - flat. There's more but i don't feel like posting about it ATM. Old system also gave advantage to 2H weapons as bigger DPH were better at going through armor. Advantage 2H wepons apparently need. Obs added +1 PEN to 2h which is not surprising as % damage reduction needs armor penetration mechanics to fix its flaws. Oh and one more thing - armor in PoE1 was weak vs huge DPH attacks like dragon's breath but that's actually the reason Adra Dragon battle was so good even RPG Codex liked it. You couldn't just facetank her. OEI could even copy New Vegas: armor was mostly absolute (think DR) but temporary bonuses (drugs in F:NV) could give % reduction. But no, "let's do something new, surely we can't go wrong!".
  9. This disbalance was discussed at lenght on these fora. DW's attack speed is not a bug, it's intended and it won't be nerfed because it was already (more than once IIRC) and Obs is too smart to nerf it further. Since i'm a special guy i'd like to see an asymmetric balance for weapon styles: one being better for auto attacks, other for special attacks. Since for special attacks: Accuracy > Damage >>> Attack Speed DW is a natural candidate for being best at auto and worse at special than 1H and 2H. But Full Attacks exist so something needs to be done about them. I don't think asymmetric balance sucks - Starcratf 1 is still played today. Many players, however, won't like this because they follow Obsidian's philosophy of Bringing Everything Closer and want DW, 1H and 2H being roughly same at both auto and special.
  10. Really? I was sure it added +10 accuracy for every attack made at the marked enemy. It is only for ranger and pet? Paladin's Coordinated Attacks work like this. Except it's passive so pala needs to be attacking selected target.
  11. Spellcasters benefitting from multiclassing... intentionally? That's not Obsidian i know.
  12. One of those mods states: "For simplicity's sake, I'm going to refer only to Path of the Damned in this readme. However, everything said still applies to all the other difficulties, just without enemies having a flat bonuses of +10 Accuracy and +5 Defenses." so it kept bonuses to accuracy and defenses flat. Like it wasn't a problem.
  13. Noo! I want to be swimming in gold and then complain on forums i have too much of it. I also want to use my favourite unique items all the time and then complain on forums there's no point in using other gear, especially non-unique magical.
  14. Please explain that. Deflection (as well as other defenses, accuracy, armor and PEN*) work on difference, not ratio so they are equally valuable regardless of how big the value was before it was raised. If on level one i have 50% THC vs lvl1 enemy and same chance when i'm 20 vs 20 lvl enemy on PotD i'm gonna have 30% THC (using your example of +20 defl). Vs both high and low level enemy. Story is different for damage and HP. +5 dmg and +10 HP may be huge early game but will be minor later. * except PEN from crit and overpen as they work on ratio. It means penetrating via crit gets progressively easier as values go up and overpenning gets progressively harder. For both sides, of course.
  15. Obsidian needs to design enemies better - add difficult enemies with low AR. Besides, players will switch weapons even if it's unnecessary because they love DPS.
  16. It's a game for modern players. Modern players don't pay for playing the game, they pay for winning it.
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