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About house2fly

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    (9) Sorcerer

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  1. I'd like to make an item that can turn TB mode on and off to save typing it into the console whenever I want to switch, and I'm wondering if the "SetTacticalMode" console command can be set to an "inspect on use" button (like the one the Ordinary Sword has, that when you inspect it replaces it with the Watcher's Blade). So if you're in turn-based mode you'd use the inspect button and the "settacticalmode disabled" command would take effect and switch you to realtime. I've tried various permutations of trying to script this, but it doesn't seem to be possible to make it happen. I was wondering if anyone here with more technical knowhow had any ideas? Or if by any chance BMac is passing and would know?
  2. The reason it isn't on the Deadfire OST is that it was actually added after release- at launch the boss fights had regular combat music.
  3. The designer decided to make the Port Maje section of the quest have a 50/50 chance to fail. I don't know why either. All I'll say is, thank God for Qwinn123!
  4. Not a massive impact, no. Priest does have the largest number of reactive dialogue options, but I don't think there's anything at all locked behind being a priest specifically.
  5. Dexterity resistance is pretty strong, though I could take or leave Elemental Endurance. Racials are trivial to mod, so maybe that could be replaced with additional AOE/duration with spells, equivalent to 3 or so points of Intellect. Ooh or faster casting
  6. I don't think that should matter; Soul Mind has one statuseffect linked to it so I don't think there's any reason it shouldn't have two. If it's showing up in the tooltip then the statuseffect should be OK; did you create a new character to test it? If you already have a psion in your party then the changes to the ability might not take
  7. I've really wanted to be able to go to SSS earlier since it came out. It defeats the whole point of a combat arena to have it only available at the end of the game! I tried a couple of things to see if I could make it open up after Hasongo instead of Magran's Teeth (mainly messing about with the DLCStartingScripts in the global files) but no joy. If someone can figure out just how to do that I'd be happy
  8. to get the ID of any object in the game (just about) hover the cursor over the object, open the console and type printinstance oei_hovered That'll copy the object's UUID (the long string of letters+numbers) to your clipboard, and you can paste it anywhere you like to save for later. Then you can use the "adding items to a store" tutorial in this subforum to add a lootlist to that object. If you modify an item like a grimoire, it may not reflect the changes- to see if the mod is actually working, type iroll20s in the console to enable cheats, then giveitem (item's debug name or UUID) so to add Aloth's Grimoire you can just type giveitem Aloth_Grimoire and you'll get a copy of it in your stash. That version should have any changes you made
  9. As of my last TB playthrough about a year ago it's still an issue. Splattering the guards doesn't seem to get you enough negative rep to lock you out of anything, at least
  10. Install this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/499
  11. Under AttackTargetFilter for the Relentless Torture statuseffect you'll see keyword ID 4cb9e779-269f-42e3-8855-feabb837d50c. Having that keyword in the attacktargetfilter means the statuseffect will only be applied when attacking targets who have statuseffects attached to them with that keyword; that particular ID means "mind affliction". The ID for resolve afflictions is: 1aa8802e-b5cf-4ac2-bd6a-dd619cde4e65. There are more keywords in the gui.gamedatabundle (I think) just search for KeywordGameData
  12. I've been thinking about changing the stats on various ship items, if only so there's more difference between them. The extra items they put in with a free DLC have the exact same stats as other items, eg Ymyran helm and Lurker helm. What's the point of that?! I experimented a bit with chance to be hit (or "hittability" as the code calls it) and if it's low enough the enemy doesn't even bother firing on you and just closes to board. That might be why it's not a visible stat and no equipment changes it? Sounds hard to balance
  13. The StatusEffectManager towards the end of the statuseffects.gamedatabundle might have some answers. The first statuseffect for Overbearing Shot is AttackEnemyOnEvent, and in the manager that effect type has this data: That first UUID points to this And in the gui.stringtable that 3037 is apparently So it manages to fill {0} with "attack targets on successful attack" (attackenemyonevent with eventvalue being OnScoringGraze etc) and {1} with "arbalest weapons".(associated keyword). The coding which tells it to do that isn't exposed, as far as I know.
  14. The global.gamedatabundle will let you tweak the numbers, open it up and search for GlobalGameSettingsGameData. There's entries in there such as AttributeHealthMultiplier, AttributeAccuracyAdjustment, etc. I don't think you can change what each stat does though, just alter the values of what they currently do
  15. That's the name given to all final saves, so far as I know. It's almost a complete game save; it saves right before the final dialogue where you choose what to do with the souls (you may remember the game seeming to freeze for several seconds when you interacted with the machine--that was it creating the save) so what you do with the souls won't carry over, but everything else will. Dialogue options implying you don't know/remember Eder are for new players who didn't play the first game. When you get to the beach and he joins your party, check his equipment. You'll see he has a medallion, and it's item description should match his ending slide from the first game.
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