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Everything posted by Kaylon

  1. Dorudugan has huge fortitude and Skyward Kick targets fortitude... The easiest way to disable him is with Grave Calling.
  2. Arcane archer/ascendant with Frostseeker/Essence Interrupter has hreat synergies and is both powerful and fun. It has great AoE dps which keeps ascended all the time - can be used as caster or ranged dps.
  3. Riposte is just a way to add a little free damage, it shouldn't be your main focus. Works better on tanks because they are attacked by multiple opponents and can trigger more ripostes. Probably a forbidden fist/trickster is the best candidate because he's tanky enough and ripostes can also chain trigger Swift Flurry/Heartbeat Drumming with Mohora Tanga.
  4. Pallegina heals using chants and auras, not Lay on Hands. Her Zeal is best used for Sworn Enemy, Shared Flames or Inspired Beacon. Pallegina isn't a damage dealer, she's a support tank. If you build her well she becomes almost unkillable and can carry your party through the entire game by herself.
  5. Without Blade Cascade you'll be always slower than someone using medium armor. The Patinated plate is meant for tanks because it really cripples your dps - Pallegina would make better use of it.
  6. Eder doesn't need heavy armor if he's not the main tank. The best for him is Devil of Caroc's armor which, combined with Armored Grace (and Nalvi if you unlock his pet slot), removes the armor recovery penalty. Works Well with Fair Favor, Tarn's Respite and gloves with procs on crit.
  7. Yes, but you can take care of it - 5-6INT and 25% area of effect from items should be enough from behind your tanks.
  8. Only the main character can do it because you have to stack resting bonuses to be able to tank Dorudugan. I did a video a long time ago, unfortunately not very good quality, showing my herald tanking Dorudugan. A blood mage/paladin or a forbidden fist/paladin can emulate that too.
  9. You don't need Wall of Draining, summons or any exploit at all. Having high enough defenses and regeneration is enough for all of them. The FF can use Clarity of Agony to clear the debuff from Brutal Cleave if really needed.
  10. The most unique build for Konstanten is howler equipped with Blightheart spamming Her Revenge...
  11. That's not true... A paladin multi classed with troubadour, blood mage or forbidden fist can tank Dorudugan without any external help. Interrupts can be avoided with Rekvu's helmet. And of course any character under BDD can tank anything. Any troubadour MC equipped with Rekvu's Cloak, Upright Captain Belt and Arcane interrupter can solo Dorudugan just by himself using Brisk Recitation and Many Lives... Monk MC can do the same, with a little more micro, using the Dichotomus Soul instead.
  12. The class that has the highest synergy with the soulblade is the rogue. The soulblade has two interesting mechanics: to spread the Soul Annihilation damage in an AoE with WotEP/Citzal's SL the ability to spam Soul Annihilation using Sun and Moon and Tuotilo's Palm/The Best Defense - the second hit of the flail will replenish your focus allowing to use SA continuously, while the bashing shields allow you to benefit also from the dual wield bonuses on top of the shield ones (basically you will spam SA as fast as a dual wielder) Adding rogue damage bonuses on top of these two already powerful tools becomes devastating. Another weapon worth mentioning is Voidwheel which allows easy one shots with backstab and has a great proc (up to 25% chance to trigger) that can also refill your focus bar instantly. The trickster is a nice choice for rogue because it has a few spells that can increase your survivability. However, if you have a herald in your party using Ancient Memory, Old Siec and Exalted Endurance you will rarely need any healing. That's for the melee cipher... For the ranged/caster version, ascendant/arcane archer with Frostseeker allows to refill your focus bar in 1/2 shots and has great ranged AoE dps and casting power. Ascendant/helwalker with Essence Interrupter is also a good option for a more caster oriented cipher.
  13. You need Energized from Their Companion... which should be used either for interrupting with chants (as Boeroer explained) or for added penetration for melee/Her Revenge... The Instruments of Death don't need many buffs because they tank very well already and the healing from your chants/auras is more than enough to keep them alive for their entire duration. As a herald you should focus on your versatility and pick the best option for each situation. Having summons at your disposal doesn't mean you have to use them every fight - but if you encounter hard hitting enemies it's better to have more meat shields or distractions. Against many weak enemies you don't need summons - you will want to spam Her Revenge... Other enemies can be vulnerable to interrupts and then you can use Their Companion + Thick Grew... and so on... Herald is not boring if you make use of all the tools at your disposal, but can be played also in a "lazy" way, piloted by the AI, because he's almost unkillable and can carry the entire party by himself. Another "must have" combo is Many Lives... + Bardatto's Luxury (enchanted with Death and Taxes) for the Hardy inspiration which stacks with everything.
  14. You should get the Instruments of Death, Her Revenge... and Their Companion... and let buffing to more specialized classes. "Each Kill..." doesn't stack with other might inspirations, at least for me...
  15. The site seems to be back Deadfire Dialogue Options Report | Let's Play with Fire Wiki (fireundubh.com)
  16. The site is down right now, but it listed the highest skill checks found in the game files. Some situations also give you the choice between multiple skill/stat checks and it might not be required to have everything maxed.
  17. I enjoyed Tyranny more than PoE2. NG+ and the choices you have to do at the beginning added more incentive to replay compared to PoE2. However it takes some time to adjust to the gameplay and understand the intricacies and the synergies. The best build is duelist with a combination of all the trees which makes you basically invincible with the right items and skills. Each companion can become good enough - Barik can become basically unkillable, Verse is a great dps, Sirin is a powerful CC, etc. but in the end you don't really need them because the MC can go alone and destroy anything in a few seconds (comparable to what monks can do in Poe2).
  18. If you use summons (chanter and monk can have infinite summons) to keep him away from your party and attack him from range using Essence Interrupter and scepters he goes down pretty fast.
  19. The point was the herald is able to achieve better melee AR (which is what matters because you encounter all of them in almost any fight) than the votary, the resources are irelevant here... In practice the herald can do very well just with Magnera's Chain and doesn't have to spend any resource or cast any buff. In a party the herald also provides more support and can carry easily his companions easily from the start to the end, compared to the votary/arcane knight who are more solo centered. Magnera's Chain can be obtained very early if you desire but, until then, Devil of Caroc Breastplate/Patinated Plate are superior to anything else. With brigandines I wouldn't bother unless I can cover the pierce weakness (or else you feel like wearing robes against ranged enemies) and the Bloody Links is a very bad armor overall, not even worth upgrading in my book because when you get it you don't want to be bloodied at all and latter it becomes obsolete. Regarding the Reckless Brigandine, it requires 4+ enemies engaged just to compensate the slower recovery over medium armor. It's very good for berserkers because you can also monitor their health at any time based on their armor, but for a thank who rarely gets bloodied there are armors with more desirable bonuses. Nomad's Brigandine is much more desirable because +10 deflection and immunity to disengagement.
  20. What matters are the lowest melee resists (the elemental ones being covered easily with items), which is basically 10 in the case of plate/brigandine. For that reason, Magnera's Chain is the best armor overall for a votary/arcane knight, with 12 as its lowest resist. The herald has basically the second best AR because he can cover the pierce weakness of the brigandine with ...Nor Flame...
  21. Corrupting Beauty comes from a weapon and is probably considered also a weapon attack (like all weapon procs), thus triggering also Avenging Storm. Since you empowered Avenging Storm, all the bolts coming from it are considered empowered and will trigger the effects from Sasha, Weyc, etc... when hitting a new enemy (there's a long thread about empowered abilities triggering these effects multiple times).
  22. The weapons you mention don't allow to refill your wounds during WotW. With the right items you can stay invisible even between WotW and usually you just have to use Resonant Touch on the last enemy standing (while still invisible). The Stalking Cloak is of course a major piece of the ultimate SC monk build. You kill Serafen on the boat. (Or wait until he dies during a ship boarding)
  23. As a max level monk, against multiple enemies, you will use WotW and the best weapon combo is Keeper of the Flame + Hand Mortar. Against single enemies it depends on their defenses - if you can crit easily then Mohora Tanga. Against very strong solo enemies you can spam FF but often is preferable to stay at range with a multi hit weapon and let the Dichotomus Soul do the tanking. During WotW you generate wounds with the help of Imagined Pain, at melee with FF curse and at range with Dance of Death.
  24. Going SC FF won't add more power because the benefits you get from extra PL are far inferior to the benefits from a second class. The enchantments on the best weapons and their synergies are simply superior to the fists. The bonuses you get from 1PL are not worth losing the benefits you can get from head gear. The +1PL is more suitable to casters, martial classes get little benefit from it...
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