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About Fimconte

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker
  1. you mean... like a scepter? becuause those are, in fact, what blasting skills are attached to already in this game: wands, scepters, rods. there is no need for a modified staff, because they already did that. maybe move rod from noble to peasant (since noble has scepter already), and make unarmed a general class everyone gets at startup. then your staff users can use a staff, or a rod, and the rod gives them the blast ability if they are a mage. No. I don't mean a one-handed silly looking fat metal wand thing. I mean like a wizard's focus/battle staff. f.ex.
  2. 'Eh, ideally it would've been two different weapons; A 'normal' Quarterstaff for monks, fighters & matrim cauthon wannabees. A 'blasting' staff, ala Dragon Age / Guild Wars. Perhaps we will see mods in the future, that add 'staff' skins to rods/wands and custom animations.
  3. Not necessarily, weapon swap isn't that slow without the talent.
  4. Double Drain weapons is pretty obscene, it's funny how you see your endurance rush back up to full after taking a hit.
  5. Uh, upgrading the fortress should be an afterthought. Picking up good magical items (with great 'unique' enchants) is worth it, because you can upgrade them later with fine-exceptional-superb. You should also get Vulnerable Attack/Penetrating Shot.
  6. Resolution is from Endless Path, somewhere in the first five floors I think.
  7. One Stands Alone grants +20 damage if engaged with 2 or more enemies afaik. Not sure if WAD or someone made a typo.
  8. You are seriously undervaluing Carnage and Frenzy. The aspd multiplier from Frenzy is quite considerable, might is just gravy. Threatening Presence and other -Fortitude effects combined with Brute Force is also quite nice. The Fighter might maybe have better single-target dps (I haven't done the math), but make no mistake, with 2 or more targets in Carnage range, the Barbarian is the king in melee damage.
  9. Two handers are definitely not worthless. Rolling with an Estoc is quite viable. Fighter/Barbarian work best.
  10. I'm not sure why you think he won't reach front lines. If you go with a custom character or IEmod Kana, you can get high Int. Place them in the mid-ground and they'll reach both front lines and the ranged just fine.
  11. Even with the nerf, Ila's is still quite strong. As long as you have at least 3-4 reloading ranged characters, I'd bring a chanter still.
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