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Everything posted by Hariwulf

  1. I wouldn't want multiplayer either (imagine to have to play a rtwp game multiplayer - I don't know I wouldn't have tried it - sounds chaotic and leans towards those who can cope fast realtime combat without pausing or slowing down). I'd love a single player arena mode as Wormerine suggests. Just fights of my custom party against opponents of chosen level (or custom build opponent party). EDIT: It could also be a side game. With its own progress in addition to free fighting. Like you start with a level 1 party and you fight 3 pre-made fights at different level 1 opponents then you advance one level and so on until you beat the last 20th level group. Man, the more I think about it the more I like the idea! :D No one is talking about Multi. Single Player arena mode is what I requested.
  2. Your poll was: Would you like multiplayer in Deadfire? Arena doesn't have to be multiplayer, nor would work on a Real Time with Pause system. Single player arena is what we want
  3. Sorry to disagree again, I do respect your opinion, but this is another point on which we diverge: - Removing a party member was unneeded and dumb, since is the Player to decide how many he/ she wants, not the game. In a party of 6, permanently removing one character is a huge limitation to the tactical possibilities. Plus, if I recall correctly, you get better Exp with reduced party, but don't quite me on that. - If you play PotD you are asking for the maximum challenge. You get what you want. But still, you can slow-mo and Pause. - I assure you, I am 100% human and, as I said, I am not any "pro", I can be decent at best, but I never had problem to follow my party, in the worst case scenario (such as occluded view AND tons of enemies) a little Pause and 6 clicks would make the situation clear. Not totally sold on Grim Dawn, surely on Normal difficulty the game feels more...open? Streamlined? But that's part of the balancing, as well as what segment of users Obsidian wants to satisfy the most. And here comes the issue: the only thing that these recent changes achieved, is to make a "RTwP newbie" feel "better" about himself. Which is kinda bad, because to pursue this goal, so much was lost. And I really, honestly and wholeheartedly, don't think that slowing the game will magically resolve issues that are deeply nested in core mechanics' execution. Besides, people are complaining about the slowness already now, think how it will be at release... Before was too fast, then too slow... It's nonsense. And that's why I would prefer Obsidian to let each player tailor the experience according his or her personal taste and need. In the end, that's the best solution. That, and improving AI and other core mechanics, of course. Edit: grammar. Sorry but here is late night and I am K.O.
  4. Precisely. To appeal to some "slow players" (no pun meant), they took away the enjoyment of others. This is so infuriating, they break the game for no reason. Why take away the choice? Can you believe I cannot play the Beta because of how frustrating is to see those 5 dummies staring at the enemies? I am Not a pro, but I almost never slowed down time in POE1. I just Paused few times.
  5. 100% agree on the whole line.
  6. First, combat have never been "fast", unless You pressed Fast Mode (unless we live in 2 different realities). Second, Real time with Pause means Real Time, duh. Third, you will have complaints always and regardless, so "bending over" is not the best strategy, because you risk to disappoint your "loyal clientele" for no actual gain. You can Slow Down the Game in POE1 and on top of that you can Pause. And if the Devs implement a second slow mode (that is, even slower), then also a paraplegic could play the game without even the need to Pause. I, as many others, never had a problem with any Infinity engine game, and found POE to be by far the best. Moreover, you are attributing AI flaws to combat speed, and these are 2 different things. The AI of POE1 was not the brightest, and on top of that we had other minor issues, but those are not "time-related". We have a better AI this time, so it's quite probable that this new little marvel can be tuned more and better than its predecessor. Lastly, I am suggesting to give more options to the player, and to let him or her decide which setting works best for them. I played POE for 400+ hours, on Classic and higher difficulty. Never slowed down the combat speed if not during Dragons and Bosses fights, and I'm telling you: I am far from being a "pro". This issue is fixable in way to suit everyone. And that's all I ask for. Thanks for reading
  7. Poe 1 was fine. About the speed modes: I suggested to add an extra-slow speed, as well as reintroduce the slow one from the first game. About the recovery time: It's Real Time with Pause, if I'd want to see sitting ducks, I'd play Turn-based games. Also, providing freedom of choice to player is often better than taking it away, especially when the choice was a neat mechanic.
  8. *** DISAGREEMENT ALERT *** You try to hold aggro in this game ? Like, on the Skulking-Terror laguafeth for example ? Son of a gun keeps moving away or turning away from my MT to engage my rogue, even though there's engagement. Tanks have a terrible time keeping aggro right now. Like, the guy literally about-faces to smash my rogue in the face no questions asked, even though I waited say 10-20 seconds before making my rogue attack. There are no field control skills whatsoever at the current time. Enemy triggers a disengagement attack ? Oh noes, he's gonna get grazed for damage that won't defeat his armor... Yeah, I commented this aspect too. A barbarian is bashing the skull of a Lad...Ladguaferth...geez, the fish thing! And what happens? The enemy totally ignored him, pays disengagement attack upon attack as he chase down my Rogue on the other side of the screen, even if said Rogue is idling since combat started. We saw this behavior in POE 1, but here is even worse, at least at the moment. But I will admit, for a while it was fun to see an enemy chasing a squishy, while chasing said enemy with a melee.
  9. What is this? A slug race? A sloth parade? Real time with pause means Real Time, what is this thing you did with the combat? You did it right in Pillars of Eternity Act I. Normal Speed should be in real time, and without trained warriors staring at an enemy bashing their skulls for 4-6 seconds! Slow Speed should be reintroduced, same as it was in POE 1. Fast Speed should be as it is now. On top of that, there is Pause. Just make sure to provide a simple and clear Tutorial and even the King of Dumblandia will get it. Wanna really help people with mental problems? Put 2 Slow Speed modes instead. Slow and Super Slow! (and call it console-speed, haha!) Thanks for reading! PS: A friend wanted to say hello, the only one that appreciate the new slowness! FINALLY HE CAN PLAY TOO!!!
  10. Weird, because POE2 normal combat speed is slower than POE1 normal combat speed (it's close to the slow speed of POE1 actually but with more misses from everyone, including enemies so everyone dies slower). If you find it "way, way, way too fast" are you sure you aren't in fast mode? It is too much slow. Way too much. Real time is bullet-time now. Plus extremely long recovery times. And misses. 4 seconds to swing a sword? Is my character a freaking sloth? I didn't bake the game to have it ruined in an attempt to suit to players that are not gonna like it anyway. Enough bending over Obsidian.
  11. At normal speed, combat should flow in real time, which means faster as it is now in the Beta. Between this an the long recovery times, fights are ridiculous idling chores. Slow speed should be re-introduced. Removing options is not adding value, especially good options; plus this would complement real-time speed well. Fast speed should be left as it is. I hate to "bash", but Obsidian, this was a short sighted mistake IMO.
  12. Thank you for your participation, I like what you said. Another hardcore selling point of the Overkill system is that will push the player to role-play each team member properly. For example if a Rogue or Wizard get hit in the face by an Ogre, chances are the player is doing something wrong. Each class tend to have resistances tied to the role, so that should keep things balanced.
  13. Because, as the community stated, it breaks the flow of gameplay a bit too much often. Besides, you can always rest if you wish, I merely suggested 2 ways to punish less a small mistake, while punishing increasingly more repeated misdoings.
  14. I had an idea while answering a discussion, but I liked it so much that I decided to make a post about it. Basically the community noticed that the injuries can be greatly debilitating, like a Gaping Wound, and are perceived as overly-punishing. So, I thought about a couple of ways to improve that aspect. I would overhaul the troublesome or harsh aspects of the injury system by sorting the gravity of the injuries according the number of wounds already obtained (in a progressive way). Another way to do it could be to determine gravity of wounds according the negative health value reached upon receiving a killing blow (overkill mechanic). An example: Progressive Injury System 1st Injury- Minor wound (low debilitation, can heal in time) 2nd Injury- Medium wound (medium debilitation, 50% chance to self heal in time OR heals in long time) 3rd Injury- Mortal wound (high debilitation, won't heal unless treated) 4th Injury- Death (definitive debilitation, won't heal unless reloading a prior save, haha) OR: Overkill Injury System Calculate "overkill value" (the damage below 0 health points) and set gravity of the injury received accordingly. The following numerical values are provided to give an example. PC at 50 HP, receives 50 damage, gain Minor wound (low debilitation, can heal in time) PC at 50 HP, receives 100 damage, gain Medium wound (medium debilitation, 50% chance to self heal in time OR heals in long time) PC at 50 HP, receives 150 damage, gain Mortal wound (high debilitation, won't heal unless treated) The reason I am suggesting such methods is simple: In the Progressive example, the aim is to forgive little mistakes and not push the player to rest after each battle "gone slightly wrong", while increasingly punish a careless player or a player that is facing many powerful enemies in succession, and therefore is probably in an area where he/ she shouldn't be at that given level. The Overkill example follows the same rules, since if an enemy manages to overkill a character with a big margin, and therefore causing a highly debilitating injury, it probably means that the player is in an area with higher level requirement than the one currently possessed by the party, or using Mages and Rogues as tanks without investing in resistances. Both are seemingly realistic, balanced and immersive.
  15. I would resolve this by sorting the gravity of the injuries according the number of wounds already obtained. Another way could be to determine gravity of wounds according negative health value upon receiving a killing blow (overkill mechanic). An example: 1st Injury- Minor wound (low debilitation, can heal in time) 2nd Injury- Medium wound (medium debilitation, 50% chance to self heal in time OR heals in long time) 3rd Injury- Mortal wound (high debilitation, won't heal unless treated) 4th Injury- Death (definitive debilitation, won't heal unless reloading a prior save) OR: Calculate "overkill value" (the damage below 0 health points) and set gravity on injury received accordingly. For example: PC at 50 HP, receives 50 damage, gain Minor wound PC at 50 HP, receives 100 damage, gain Medium wound PC at 50 HP, receives 150 damage, gain Mortal wound
  16. I forgot to mention: Near death talents are kinda useless at the moment, since by the time they activates, the character will be or dead, or healed. We need a way bigger "threshold" to call as "near death"
  17. In my experience, per-rest mechanics takes away the "badassery" if anything, and having to spam sleep to refill spells was very annoying. Use "Empower" on a spell, that will be fun. Having the right spell at the right time is very satisfying. Spellcasters are on steroids in POE2.
  18. After fiddling around with the Beta I feel that, in way to provide better and faster feedback to Obsidian, we would all benefit from an Arena Mode: - A room (arena) with spawning enemy waves or a set of rooms with enemy encounters. - The ability to recruit, level (up to x level) and gear up a full fledged party. This would be extremely useful to test various party-compositions synergies and weaknesses. Plus, if the implementation will be done properly, the Arena Mode could be kept and included in the finished game. What's not to like?
  19. Hello everyone! Sorry for being late, but I wanted to get a good feel before posting my feedback. I am mostly extremely pleased with the presentation and new elements included in the Beta, therefore, I will focus on my issues with it. 1. Penetration is a lovely mechanic, but as others stated, it should be percentage based, instead of point based. Watching my team killing flies gets old really fast. 2. Fight pacing: the "bug" causing one-handed weapons to strike with 1 sec recoil is actually a feature in my experience. Battles are too much slowed down, characters are idling instead of fighting. I would "speed up" all the mechanics so that in base-speed we will experience somewhat a realistic flow of actions (real-time like). Then, I would definitely re-enable the ability to slow-down time if needed, as well as keeping the option to speed it up for trivial encounters. All these, together with the Pause function, will keep the flow engaging. 3. Exploring via foot on the map is an extremely nice feature, but I do hope that in the full-release we will get more encounters, random events, discover dungeons, treasures etc. Keep exploration exciting! 4. We need shortcuts in character creation (the lower panel). 5. Aggro: having enemies chasing my rogue or casters all across the map while ignoring the immediate threat of characters bashing their skull in front of them is kinda annoying. 6. The new class system and level-up tree are awesome, really outstanding. I like how the roles are more defined and talents more relevant and interesting. Good job there! This is all for now, I hope it was useful!
  20. I like the new system due to the increased specialization, which provides further differentiation among classes and roles. Not being able to replicate the same character as in POE1 is not a bad thing, the game is vastly different, and so are the classes. I really like the new interpretation.
  21. This happened on the 2nd map, to the point I find it unplayable because it bugs out every time: - Enemies are un-targetable - Combat won't end even if there are no enemies - Wounds won't heal, or heal after 6 rests - UI flickering - Party health becomes invisible on portrait - Characters run back and forward in combat
  22. Happens to me too. And characters hit themselves.
  23. Putting in formation your party is basic strategy. AI have very little to do with this anyway, besides not breaking formation to chase enemies, which is in my opinion far more "AI-centric" behavior. If you don't like the idea to say to your guys "stand in line and hold it", then don't use such option. Having the choice to put your team in a, let's say, shield-wall and being able to move or turn the formation without breaking it, is what we want and are asking for. Enemies CAN break it, f.ex. a successful cipher's mental control would certainly break it, or, 2 enemies can try to surround us in way to get to our back, or disable us, and that's fine too. More tactics, more depth. Me, and many others, have experienced many cases in which we had to disable AI totally in way to keep a formation, or move it. What we ask is a way for the game to recognize what I want to do and allow me to do it without giving me a headache. Or is decide where my party members stand on the map too much cheesy for you? Because we can do it already, it's only extremely annoying. Turn based rpg combat don't usually allow formations. Besides, I never ever liked turn based, so don't worry about that. We have formations for travelling, we want to be able to use formations in combat, if wanted.
  24. Yes, I am totally on the same page.It would really innovate this combat system. Simple, intuitive, tactical, deep, fitting RTwP. Sorry to have missed your post(s). Hopefully having the same suggestion coming from different people will bring this aspect to the attention of the developers! Little edit: Maybe you could link your topics here, so that anybody browsing this discussion could gain a wider perspective about this feature?
  25. Since we will get an awesome improved AI, I hope we will be able to, for example, put characters in shield-wall formation, lock it, and be able to "turn" the line in way to keep enemies in front of the formation (unless they manage to break it or move behind). There are many historical formations that provide different benefits as well as weak points. I just think it would be so much fun. Moreover, I am certain this would add a new tactical layer to RTwP mechanics, and provide further differentiation from Turn-based titles. Thanks for reading!
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