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Everything posted by Hariwulf

  1. So...what is more DPS? Is it safe to assume that overall 2 hatchets would outperform 2 swords?
  2. Thank you for letting me know. Glad it's not a symptom of a more concerning issue.
  3. When I quit the game to Main Menu, sometimes I hear a very loud metal clashing sound. If I hear it once, I will keep hearing it for all my playthrough, every time I hit "Quit". Reload older save and quitting from there resolve this, sometimes.
  4. Dunno what would do without you. Thanks! Yeah, this build is awesome for disable, damage and a bit of CC. It "leads" the tide of the battle much more than other melee dedicated classes. Disengage and movement are awesome to get where there is need, and with Passives etc, you crit like a beast! Question: what you deem as most effective between dual wield and 2-handed as side option? EDIT: I ask because I got a bit inspired by that dual bittercut build....... :D http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/90476143846035263/BC7EE470B26B3E09255A8373EAF2278B77C495FF/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/90476143846035012/A26A67BD34F2C7283DC82AE4B370A773BC39B2C8/ Trying this with a Retailate armor, Barricade shield and a good saber. I. EXPLODE. PEOPLE.
  5. I concord. I swapped my ranger with a monk (call it Crusader/ Valkyrie). Max Might and Per. Heavy/ Medium armor (according lvl and quality). Sword and board (and a side 2 handed for high DR enemies). Oh boy...the FUN I am having with it!!! It's a marvel to watch!
  6. I recently tried to play as ranger, but I found what I consider to be a detrimental factor in its balancing, other than in the fun playing it. Or you develop Ranged abilities Or you take pet's ones. Mixing is unsatisfying in my experience. Now, my frustration comes from the fact that the pet IS a second character, I am forced to keep it but its death cripples my Ranger performance. Therefore to augment its functionality and survive-ability I must devolve the points gained from levelling up on said improvements. This result in a very boring Ranger. If instead I decide to strengthen my Ranger, then the pet becomes much of a burden and more frustrating than fun. I've been pondering a lot about it, and I honestly think that the "pet only" abilities (like DR reduction, knock-down, or damage boost) should be automatically unlocked upon levelling up much as the priest spells do. Another way to do it would be to allow me to level up my animal companion independently (separate pet XP). In this way I would still have some chance to learn some new abilities and to progress my Ranger ranged proper development. I feel this change should be implemented by Obsidian, but since probably it won't happen, I would like to know if anybody could Mod it according my suggestion, or teach me how to do it myself. Thanks for the reading.
  7. I was trying my Ranger as a recruit of lvl 15 to see how to build it, but jeez...I am getting the headache trying to level up having something NICE to pick every odd level. Why can't I just take my Abilities from a list, and Talents to improve them AT THE END of the process? Just like a re-spec pen-and-paper style? I always end up being forced to pick up some crap since I cannot save the point for next level. I don't know all Ranger unlocks by hearth. I really need to take them one by one in the "right order" so that every other lvl I have something decent? Certain design decision are so obtuse... Is there any char planner at least? T.T
  8. Guys you are the best, really. Thank you. Will experiment a little.
  9. I would like a balanced and damage oriented Ranger with the ability to (off)tank need should arise. So, for sure I need Might to deal damage, Dex to DPS, Per to crit and reflexes, Int for skills and Res for melee survive-ability. You see where I'm going... Might and Dex or Per should be maxed (18ish), but then I only have a bunch of points for Dex or Per, Int and Res. And no, dumping Con it's a baaad idea IMO. Now, I could forget to increase Res (and probably regret it first time I enter in melee) but still, Dex/Per and Int aren't gonna be as effective. I tried with a: Migh 18 Con 10 Dex 14 Per 18 Int 10 Res 10 Melee hurts bad and my skills are not as effective as I would dream. So I am asking the opinion of some of our RPG experts. 1. Which stats are easier to keep up by other means than char-gen? 2. What is most important to achieve the results I am aiming for? 3. In the aforementioned build, should I keep Dex at 10 and put those 4 points in Int? 4. Wood elf is good at ranged but I would go Human for more balance, is that ok? 5. What advice you have for me? Thank you! ^^
  10. Hem..."enhanced" how, exactly? O.o
  11. Politically correct balance. All damages are similar. All hail a new level of madness. But really, Paladin is unplayable (faith should be under Res, since Res is "Charisma" and since it makes more sense) and other classes are getting less and less entertaining. I would focus on THAT, more than everything else. Just my 2 cents
  12. So, unlike in the "Kill the caravan" quest, killing NPCs WILL result in failing quests and therefore screw leveling, right? Just want to be sure...
  13. Proud of backing Deadfire! ^^

  14. It's "Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire", isn't it? PoE was...IS, my favorite game of all times, and You guys have been a fantastic Dungeon Master in the best journey I had in my fantasy since...ever! Elements of PoE and a new grim setting mixed with some of the improvements of Tyranny would make for a glorious new chapter! And if that's the case: THANK YOU! ^^ @ the Community: So, why I think it's another game related to PoE? Well, because it have been stated that PoE sequel is in the works, and the imagery with which Obsidian is teasing us have clear references to PoE's fictional elements, like letters written in Vailian, and to Eder and Aloth/ Watcher characters. Therefore, I would be extremely surprised (and a bit sad) if it would end up being something completely different from my beloved RTwP Fantasy cRPG!
  15. PoE2: Deadfire. They already said they're working on it. So it would just be logical. Plus, we can all see clearly the Eder and Aloth references.
  16. Audio voice-over from "The Hermit of Hadret House" not played or played with crackling sound.
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