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Bulgarian Jedi

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Everything posted by Bulgarian Jedi

  1. Well, the project can recruit a voice actor for the lines of Kaah, no matter whether he is human, twilek, or something else. I know the TSL Restoration Project has done the same: voicing already existing lines. Now the question is will the M3-78 Restoration Project have to create most of the lines for Kaah, or are most of those done by Obsidian.
  2. Too bad there isn't a choice "sit, watch, and laugh"
  3. The KotOR tool show that both face models and portraits have 3 versions: normal face, DS 1 (mild transition), and DS 2 (full transition).
  4. Ranged weapons? Please. When more than half of the party is Jedi-fied and can use a lightsaber why would you need ranged support?
  5. In order to visit M4-78 you will still have to go to Korriban before that, right?
  6. I think it is some kind of manipulation. I have read an explanation for the bond between the Exile and in a thread here somewhere, but I am not 100% sure.
  7. Malak betrayed Revan by shooting at the bridge of Revan's ship, trying to kill both his master and jedi onboard. Malak failed to kill Revan because Bastila saved the sith lord's life (and thus creating a bond between the two). Still, Revan was heavily wounded, physiacally and also, in my opinion, mentaly. Bastila brought Revan to the jedi counci. As wounded he/she was, the council decided to to give the Sith lord new identity and use his/her knowledge against the Sith. Also "Jedi do not believe in killing their prisoners" and this is another reason for sparing Revan's life. K2 "blurrs" this concept from the first game because Kreia said several times that evan never thruly fall to the DArk Side, becoming a Sith Lord was needed to protct the galaxy from a geater evil, etc. So, believe in what you wish.
  8. I have Internet Exploter and I haven't experienced serious problems with it... for now.
  9. That was just a joke.
  10. Face lifting, for starters
  11. K1 I have beaten fully 6 or 5 times. I have also loaded a save games before I choose a Jedi class and continue on with a different build a few times too. I have beaten K2 7 times and I am currently playing it the 8th time.
  12. The Watchman is my favourite - a powerful and balacned class. The other two are still quite powerful, if bulild correctly. Mixing classes like Consular --> Weapon Master or Guardian --> Jedi Master gives good results too.
  13. I think the game's title should rather be galaxy or universe of Starcraft. And if you think that is a Blizzard April Frist joke, look the the new Alliance race in the WoW expansion. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrus...hall/wisps.html
  14. I guess genetics will take the upper hand. Or something entirely unknown today.
  15. Sith Lord, of cource. Still, playing a Marauder is fun too.
  16. Reviving a topic from 3-4 days is not necroposting. Reviving a topic from 3 weeks is.
  17. A pathetic jedi to be more exact. If leveled correctly HK can become waay more powerful than Atton
  18. And the plans for what Atris's place in the story could have been makes the current version we see in the game even more pathetic.
  19. This thread is from December 2004!? Aah, necroposting at its best.
  20. The one that gives bonus in melee combat. I think it was the third. Also the first one.
  21. I like a lot KotOR TSL. What I hate, though, are the bugs and especially the cut ending.
  22. I have heard of Hoth and other planets mods, but I don't think there is an Aldearaan mod, yet. Edit: another ones I remembered are the Ord Mantel and Yavin IV mod. All of the mods I mentioned are for K1
  23. Наздраве!
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