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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. While game does have much flexibility with dialogue choices for character, one cannot help but find it hard to consider how killing can be justified for LS. Don't know, though. Unless finality can be refuted as a consequence of such acts with an alternative eventuation of something else assuming action of a similar magnitude is committed.
  2. Lightsabers for a few reasons. Blaster shots can be deflected with them, assuming that one has advanced Jedi defence feat, also if one has an Expert fencing emitter equipped in an equipped lightsaber. If you have around 200+ Force points or so, you can easily use Advanced Throw lightsaber which will deal ranged damage to around 3 enemy targets, and it always hits, although damage dealt is not exactly fixed, contingent on character level of lightsaber user. Used it with those two gun turrets that were positioned on high platforms where melee attacks were not allowed.
  3. Quite true, in a few ways. If one considers even leveling in TSL, perhaps say a lvl 15 Sentinel might gain a few hundred points of experience from ridding enemies while an NWN character would get experience considerably less than one in K2 from defeating monsters. Added to that, even without equipping armour, enemies are not likely to be as hard as could be across various difficulty settings.
  4. And pictures from these can be cropped or whatever else you are thinking of using such images for, that might include avatars, uploading these to a certain site so that URL addresses for these images are available as links that can be copied and pasted, even for posting.
  5. That is basically what I had for an NWN character, except was using a Fighter class with weapon focus feats for bastard sword and longsword. Yeah, some swords of such classes have names for them, with additional damage properties. One that encountered previously is Bloodletter, with vampiric regeneration +2 on every hit scored against monsters/enemies and a wounding effect.
  6. Suppose so. Tend to think that what was mentioned is probably likely for those playing a DS character, wherer some characters with LS alignment like Bao-Dur would experience increases with LS alignment whenever DS Exile further moves towards darkside. No wonder it sounded a bit convoluted initially.
  7. Am not quite sure about how you had lightside alignment while other characters would go further down DS path. However, it is possible for characters like Visas and Mandalore to continually gain DS points. If your character is a Jedi Master, you will find that it will tend to amplify alignment differences between your LS alignment and DS alignment of other characters. Simply speaking to them and gaining influence with characters once could easily raise their alignment level to LS mastery. Tried it with Visas with just an influence increase with her and she almost had it at mastery. Difference between one influence gain and none is quite substantial.
  8. Well, some NWN expansion modules were fan-made and not always in line with what was supposed to be theme of game, yet they made for interesting alternatives to storylines, like say module Kingmaker and a few others.
  9. Or to put it in an easier way, suggestions to discussions would be seen as contributions if a point is made that is not simply answers like Yes, No, or both. These are probably reflective of votes for say a certain character, or perhaps parts of game involved for polls. An expanded response would sort of help, if whatever is described cannot be explained in a few lines.
  10. Onderon soldier: "Halt, off-worlder. You'll have to answer some questions before you go into the city. What is your business on Iziz?" Exile: [Force Persuade] "I don't think my business is any concern of yours." Onderon soldier: "I don't think your business is any concern of mine." Mira: "You better not be trying any of those Jedi mind tricks on me." Mandalore: "While you're at it, tell him to forget he ever saw us. Could be useful." Onderon soldier: "Not only is your business not my concern, I can't seem to remember why I'm holding you up." Exile: [Force Persuade] "You have no need to question me again, about anything." Onderon soldier: "You're right. My questions are needless and only waste your time. You're free to go."
  11. Frankly, concept of wound in the force is as incredible as it is unbelievable. Trouble is when things take a turn towards abstractions, description of story tends to become unimaginably logic-defiant to some extent. And also, whether 'wound' and 'hole' meant slightly different things or perhaps things which are almost the same is quite vague in a few ways.
  12. Well, just an example. Batono's quest in TSL was relatively direct. When you try to escort him as a PC, his exhibited character is almost like a naive way of responding to the Exile. They could have added some hesitation in Batono rather than simply allowing him to conveniently believe that Exile was a Jedi, like say requiring some show/token that was indeed Jedi-related. Rescue plot for Batono could have been extended much further.
  13. Not doing anything now, but have been playing StarCraft: BW for past few days. Liked it as much as used to when it was first released. Especially Zerg race.
  14. Both for varying reasons. Talia - More like someone who tends to see things from a more flexible perspective and kindness of character. Vaklu - Someone who has his own sense of values and beliefs. In any case, he is not exactly a person who comes across as being arrogant. At least, not in an extremist sense, suppose. Would not mind helping him rather than the Sith, almost anytime.
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