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Everything posted by Glurak

  1. Sind da auch meine geposteten fehler drin ? x) oder reichen die screens nicht ?
  2. Same problem here so i just need to be in stealth that they dont hostile to me ?
  3. i found many many many errors in the translation new screenshots on my steam profile. 1 Question when i use a community fix can i still get achievements on steam ?
  4. i buy the royal edition on steam and i dont have any extras in my folder noth the guide not the soundtrack nothing
  5. My castle is fully expanded but I didnt get the Achivement, what can I do?
  6. Ich hab mal screen gemacht von den Fehlern die ich gefunden habe. Allerdings sagt er immer ich hab keine rechte die bilder hier zu posten schade ^^ ich würd sagen schaut euch einfach meine Bilder auf dem link hier an alle screend haben fehler. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Glurak/screenshots/?appid=291650&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall
  7. Hi i found a Bug. When i try to Buy a Castle Building when a building is always in work an i have enough Money. I wll loose the Money!
  8. And i found someting weird thing see in this Screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=414571331 This _xoooD_ ???? ^^
  9. Hi i found some translation errors in the German Translation. Sometimes a he is a she or a she is a he. And sometime some letters a missing. Would be nice when you can overlook it. Sorry for my Bad english but its not my native language ^^
  10. I have this bug too. Windpws / Steam Version.
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