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Adam Brennecke

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Everything posted by Adam Brennecke

  1. We do have dynamic directional light shadow maps. Those are the shadows that are being cast by the spheres and characters. We do not have point light shadows, which can be more complex, and for us is challenging because of our psuedo-2d/3d situation. It's something that I would love to do moving forward! Adam, did you guys switch, or will you switch to Unity 5 while on this project, so many new goodies that seem like they'd be a good fit for you're team, however I understand sometimes switching in mid project creates a lot of new work too. The screenshots of the stuff you're showing at E3 look super cool. I love how you can see in the cracks and see some of the textures. Will your rendering techniques be able to use ambient occlusion or will your files be modible for us so we can go in after the game is out to adjust textures or maps at all? Unity 5 is not out yet. We are not going to be using it for Pillars of Eternity.
  2. We do have dynamic directional light shadow maps. Those are the shadows that are being cast by the spheres and characters. We do not have point light shadows, which can be more complex, and for us is challenging because of our psuedo-2d/3d situation. It's something that I would love to do moving forward!
  3. There's actually four layers - final, depth, albedo, and normals - all 32 or 24 bit. They are all compressed, but in a way to preserve as much detail as possible. Decompression is quick, and most of the load time is spent loading the textures off of disk. I don't have the exact size, but the game is going to be average download for today's standards.
  4. Good eye! We would like to have point light shadows too. It's one of those things that got snipped for Alpha, but at some point down the road we will be revisiting it.
  5. We still have a specular contribution in the alpha channel of the albedo map. It's very subtle and difficult to see in the video and screenshots, so I decided not to include it.
  6. The title should read update #79 instead of #80. Have a good weekend everyone!
  7. Also if you look again, you can see that the fireball's light interacting with the volumetric fog in the cemetery scene.
  8. Have you seen the teaser trailer? It features rain and volumetric fog. Take a close look at the cave scenes and you can see the volumetric fog, which I think looks fantastic in motion.
  9. The videos can take some time to produce, so that's why you haven't been seeing more of them lately. This video was shot with Josh's phone on our second take, and the quality stood up to our others. The first take was destroyed by a bad memory card on our digital camera, and we had to improvise with the phone camera.
  10. We've started to plan the expansion, but no one is working on it. Brandon has put together a initial staffing/budget plan to be reviewed by Feargus, and we've had a design brainstorming meeting. The team is entirely focused on finishing the base game right now.
  11. Yeah! *shakes fist* Get out of here Josh and Brandon! and give me more cheese and/or Arby's.
  12. I only get paid in cookies. And chocolate. Arby's also works for me.
  13. We have a similar definition of Alpha. Not only do we have all the features, but all of the content is in the game as well.
  14. It's going well! We are still in the process of getting information from everyone - so please make sure and get your survey done before the deadline. We are contacting people on a case-by-case basis if we see a potential problem with the idea, or if it doesn't fit.
  15. The scripted interactions are unique. It's been done before, but not in this type of game, and to the extent and refinement that we are shooting for in Pillars (to my knowledge, please correct me). I think it's a great addition, and allows our designers to run wild without blowing up the budget. You might be able to use the environment for a tactical advantage in combat, but it's not the norm. Most of the time the environment dictates where choke points are, and how much space you have to navigate in and around battles.
  16. I don't want to spoil anything. Here's something: Brandon Adler designed one of the levels.
  17. Yes! Our goal is to have the rewards ready by the time we ship the game.
  18. The two projects have different goals. I wouldn't compare the two. Apples and oranges.
  19. I can't speak to other games. Our areas are designed like the IE games, so you should expect Pillars areas to be very similar.
  20. Hundreds of ideas. That's part of being a game developer. You have to learn how to let go of ideas.
  21. Most encounters involve much pausing, positioning your party, assessing threats, looking through your ability/spells, casting damage spells, buffing/healing the party, keeping an eye on stamina/health, etc.
  22. Hey everyone, I'll see if I can get to most the questions that came in after I left. Thanks, Adam
  23. There will be some randomization on ability selection. We don't have plans for completely randomizing spell books however. We currently don't have plans for sequencer/contingency spells, sorry. The art for the scripted interaction scenes fit the world - I don't know for sure if an artist in the world would use a similar style. All of the interface art follows a similar sensibility.
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