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Adam Brennecke

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Everything posted by Adam Brennecke

  1. I haven't read that. If I had to speculate on why someone would say that, I could think of a few reasons. First, C# has some fancy multithreaded things like concurrent collections and parallel loops that are built in and don't require a library. It's pretty easy to make your program take advantage of multicore/cpu machines. Secondly, C#, like Java, uses a runtime framework that theoretically can run better on a variety of hardware. Line-for-line C++ is always faster than C#.
  2. You bring up some interesting ideas. That's why I enjoy our setting. Thanks for the kind words - I'll pass them on to the South Park team.
  3. Yes, we have a system in place for encounter AI. I would say it's "advanced" but not "fancy" - and designers can customize the hell out of it. Advanced is a bit of a loaded term methinks. It can mean different things to different people. Good game AI isn't smart. Good AI is predictable and deterministic. I'm not sure if the AI has hooks into the difficulty yet. I do know that encounters can change depending on the difficulty.
  4. I don't see why not. He does have a lot on his plate right now.
  5. The beholder is such a great iconic monster - don't you think? We do have a few "Aberration" like monsters in Pillars. Production wise, they are the most expensive to make because they have such strange rigs (like tentacles, lots of limbs) and animations. Also they aren't a good candidate that could be reused for another creature or rig.
  6. You probably can't say and I was going to ask if you could do a current play through of the game now, or at least the main quest. I'm guessing this kind of answers my question. I can say. You can't do a complete play through yet. We are currently focused on the main quest and getting a complete crit-path play through. From character creation - to end game slides. We want to make sure that everything in the middle is in place for our alpha.
  7. We have started to prepare for VO sessions, but not have recorded any final VO yet. The music is going well.
  8. Everything has it's unique challenges. I wouldn't say that any one thing on this project has been more or less challenging than anything else. things: ruleset made for rtwp, higher fidelity art/tech, Tim Cain, more experienced dev team, better tools No, sorry. I can't say anything *for sure* at this time. So I've only seen the first episode of True Detective. I do hope that people enjoy the finale and it lives up to people's expectations, and I'm looking forward to watching the season once I finish House of Cards and ST:TNG.
  9. I like C#/C++, and don't have a strong dislike. Steve and myself already had experience using C#, so the transition was smooth. Tim is a very smart guy, and got up to speed very quickly. Any programmer should be versatile to be able to pick up a language and be productive with it in a short amount of time. Onyx uses a component system that is similar to Unity's, so the transition to Unity's way of doing things was pretty easy to get a handle on. As for features, I think every feature is fun to implement. Unity makes programming fun (or more fun!). Scaling issues are always funny. When we were hammering out the weapon scale system, sometimes NPCs would have really, really small weapons (palm of your hand sized), and sometimes they would have 10m long weapons. I always laugh at stuff like that.
  10. I don't know how to answer without writing too much. The architecture is defined by the engine, Unity. Play to it's strengths and don't try to do things it can't do. Never try to force a square peg into a round hole.
  11. I'm not exactly sure what you are asking? We have a ton of weapon types. Josh did the weapons in New Vegas, so it's in good hands.
  12. Yup, you are right that there are 8 companions. I'm not sure if we are going to release the class makeup before shipping because of the spoiler thing. You can always hire the missing pieces at the adventurer's hall if you need the full suite of classes.
  13. We are still in production, and hope to be at Alpha soon.
  14. The Cipher. Chanter might be the next one in line, but I haven't put too much time in playing one yet. The coffee maker isn't typically crowded. Most of the hardcore coffee drinkers have their own supply and brew machines in their own offices. I try to only drink two cups a day. See Thoros of Myr.
  15. Many? Definitely more than one and greater than two. There are multi-part quests with a subset of objectives that can be solved in multiple ways.
  16. On larger projects, you might have teams dedicated to each platform. Our team is small, so you are correct that the same people work on the three different versions (although we will have dedicated testers for each platform). We are very lucky, because Unity supports the three platforms out of the box. There are minor things that we need to do to get it all to work out, but all three are developed concurrently. Most of the challenges arise when things don't work the same - it takes programmer time to figure out the issue on the individual platform, and more time to program a solution.
  17. Hey Everyone, I'm working all day today (yup it's Sunday, and I have no life). Feel free to ask some questions about Pillars of Eternity, or being a programmer/producer at Obsidian, and I'll do my best to answer them. Some things I can't answer - sorry in advance! Today, I'm working on a few odds and ends - bug fixing and miscellaneous features. Right now I'm looking into an occasional bug that causes party members to get stuck-in-place permanently after they get knocked down. That's no fun, so I'm going to fix it. Anyone get a chance to play South Park: The Stick of Truth yet? I'm looking forward to doing a complete play through hopefully soon. -Adam
  18. We haven't announced the date yet. We will announce an expected backer-beta date in a future update.
  19. Mark moved to Michigan to be closer his family. We all wish Mark and the Bremerkamp family the best! So do we! Who's taking over Lead Animation duties for him on Pillars btw.? Shon "Stewie" "Stew" "Boss" Stewart
  20. Mark moved to Michigan to be closer his family. We all wish Mark and the Bremerkamp family the best!
  21. I'm really happy that everyone likes the update! I'm enjoying reading the discussion. *goes back to work*
  22. It looks like a server went down, we are actively looking into it. Edit: It should be back up.
  23. Same here. Yup. I hope this is because the site's getting hammered or something and not because I'm a weird foreigner with a weird foreign phone number. Am also a weird foreigner with weird numbers and address. Also, if Justin Bell reads this: I love the music. It's a lot better than the Kickstarter music (which was also awesome), so kudos! I really enjoyed it. As Pierce Hawthorne would say: It's streets ahead! Same here. For those getting this error, did you try again? It looks like it went through because your badge is showing up.
  24. From the other thread: We found out this Sunday night that the site was not going to be ready to go because of a few issues that came up. We didn't feel confident in fixing and testing the issues in one day before going live. Because we had some extra time I gave Justin Bell the go ahead to do some additional polish work. We want this thing to go out just as much as all of you, and I understand why you are upset. Thank you all for being patient.
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