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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I would be played by Rob Schneider. I'd be a cameo that just serves to claim the other characters are wrong.
  2. The entire cast of Firefly. Which kind of bugs me because I hate just about everything else Joss Whedon ever did.
  3. I'm sorry but I think people can do with the material whatever the hell they like. Fine, it's not the same as it was. If every story was told the same way every time there would be no reason to tell the story. I hate elitists who think their chosen fandom needs protection or somesuch dumb concept. Yes, fandom. Your fandom might be mythology and therefore somehow more "respected" or whatever, eventually you're still just that Power Rangers fanboy who never gets anything useful done because he's too busy bitching about the latest retcon. What I don't get it that this bitching stops if the changes make it better. "omg you cant change that!" "but... it works better this way..." "hey cool".
  4. Hey if I had to take somebody's life, no matter who it is I would only do it if the payment was really high. .... and only now I notice that this makes me sound like a bounty hunter.
  5. I saw Serenity again, after watching the whole of Firefly. I can't believe I used to scratch my head at people who were so obsessed with this franchise. It should continue in some cinematic form no matter what.
  6. My girlfriend's dad has clinical depression and has attempted several times. Of course I would never talk to him in such a way, because that would probably only give his apparent desire to end his life more fuel. I am not dumb enough to actually say crap like this to people who have such problems - that would be entirely counterproductive. But if he would do it, I would in fact find him a complete and utter jackass because he would basically be telling his wife, son and two daughters that they are simply not important enough to continue living for. There is no excuse to hurt the people who love you in this way, and if you do it, I'm pretty sure that you never truly loved them. It is one hundred percent unforgivable in my eyes. I'm holding that case you linked to as an exception however. Mostly because I have no point of reference to get into his mind. I don't understand why he did it and I get the impression that he didn't understood why either, or even what he was doing in the first place. The difference being with most other cases is that I have experienced clinical depression myself and I kept going because I didn't want to hurt anyone else. P.S. I have never said they were cowards. Just complete jerks.
  7. I never said I was a humanitarian. I said this because I've seen and experienced what it does to those left behind. I don't care if you guys don't agree with me - I think if you are weak enough to hurt people this much just so you don't feel pain you pretty much deserved everything you felt and more. I've seen the reactions a school full of people give when they hear a friend of them commited suicide and it is *much* more cruel than what I said should happen to this guy. There is no clearer way tell someone that their love and friendship is just not worth living for, which is something that will psychologically torture all those people for years to come. Look one of those people in the eye and say you understand. I ****ing dare you. Enough of this ****. I don't come to a video game developer's forum to deal with the reality of existence. I get enough of that from my shrink.
  8. I've seen people having to deal with loved ones commiting suicide, and I've dealt with it myself once, and I've come to this conclusion: Sorry, but that guy was an ****. Everyone who commits suicide is an ****. There is no worse way to cause people you leave behind pain, and you're pretty much doing it on purpose. It's the most selfish thing anyone could ever do. If it were possible, I feel everyone who commits suicide should be ressurected and psychologically tortured for years. I'm usually pretty empathic about things like this, but suicide is not one of them. I feel zero pity for this guy. However, that doesn't excuse people actually encouraging this dumbass to be so selfish. They need a swift kick in the head.
  9. The worst thing about Dungeon Siege is that it wasn't bad to the point of being funny, it was just plain bad. Which means that because he's getting better he's getting worse.
  10. That's Josh Hartnett, not Josh Brolin.
  11. Yeah, portrayed as a buffoon who should have listened to his father. Seriously, this was about as Patriotic as Starship Troopers - seems patriotic on the surface, but it's really not at all. It seriously confused me that a movie called the Patriot could make so much fun of patriots. Then it hit me, Roland Emmerich is German. (I guess there are people who still think Starship Troopers was meant to be taken seriously too, so I can't blame you too much.)
  12. I played for a while, but I never played more than 2 hours a week and it just didn't justify the costs. I tried playing on a cracked server at some point, but broken quests, lag and bugs were more trouble than they're worth (though the WoW beta was worse than that was).
  13. Are you kidding? Very patriotic? This movie's tagline should have been "this country isn't worth fighting for but the english killed my son, now it's personal."
  14. The Prestige 8/10 Some flaws, but excellent movie. Executed perfectly - it knows to give you enough hints about one plot twist to figure it out and feel smug about it, then gives you a second plot twist that boggles the mind even though it's so obvious only because you never took the time to think about it.
  15. Didn't it already? Didn't EA just lay off 600 people or something just when they're starting to produce better stuff?
  16. Oh yes, this was great The jokes in this series are really good, while they can make the viewer take it a lot less serious - otoh, which sci fi series where the main party always ends up smuggling cows or dueling with swords or saving a "witch" from being burnt can take itself serious? My favourite joke is River's reaction to Shepherd Brook's loose hair.
  17. This made me quite sad when I heard because Jurassic Park is pretty much responsible for 50% of my childhood.
  18. These people sound like they watched too many crappy B-Movies. "Look, I'm an extra in Killer Klowns From Outer Space!"
  19. "I like my sex the way I play basketball. One on one with as little dribbling as possible." - Leslie Nielsen "Life... is like a grapefruit. It's orange and squishy, and has a few pips in it, and some folks have half a one for breakfast." - Douglas Adams "Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches." - Jim Carrey Yeah. That was Lovecraft's favorite quote to, and attributing it to him would be faulty. Algernon Blackwood wrote that.
  20. Well, that doesn't take away the fact that species can change over time, right? And that's what evolution is, right? Natural selection and all would be blown out of the water, but I'm pretty sure evolution wouldn't be. Then again, what do I know? My knowledge of evolution ends with the fact that I like prehistoric animals.
  21. I pondered much about the potential for hilarity and pissed off nerdery of a movie adaptation of this:
  22. The theory of evolution is about whether or not evolution exists? I thought the theory of evolution is why evolution happens. Wasn't it's existence pretty much confirmed, if not by the finches then with changing generations of rodents/bugs in controlled environments?
  23. I'm not against the Islam per se (just anti-religious in general), but in this case I'm just saying eye for an eye.
  24. I'd like to tell every vegetarian that for any animal they don't eat, I'm going to eat two. Also, if they are doing it to save the animals, I'd tell them how much deforestation soy bean farming causes as well as how many small mammals die due to their harvest. I would like to tell all the dutch muslims that for every mosque they build in this country I'm going to build a church wherever they came from and for every church that gets destroyed a mosque will share it's fate. In fact, speaking of religious people, I would like to tell them that the universe is so enormously big that our entire species means absolutely nothing. Then I'd tell them that if they think they could possibly have the right idea or that any universal force is looking out for someone as insignificant as them then they are by that moment effectively the most arrogant person in that enormous universe. I'd like to tell most of my extended family that they should stay the **** out of my house. I'd like to tell the internet that just because it gives you anonimity that doesn't mean you get to act like a ****ing douche. I'd like to tell my neighbours that if they don't move someone might soon burn their house down just so they would leave. I'd like to tell the 90's that they sucked. I'd like to tell Japan fangirls and fanboys that they should get their ass to Japan if they like it too much and keep my ears free from their bullcrap. I'd like to tell emo kids that they should stop teasing us and push the razor in deeper. I'd like to tell modern animals that they are not nearly as cool as dinosaurs. More if I think of any. Oh yeah, I'd like to tell the mods that they're asshats for no other reason than to kick against the local authority.
  25. No, it actually worked well.
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