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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. If it's truly a spiritual successor to the Infinity Games, then there should be humor. Characters like Minsc, Jan Jansen, Morte, Edwin. I can't imagine those games without a significant amount of humor.
  2. Those everything wrong with videos really need some judicious editing, so they have to cut down and actually think about what is really wrong with something instead of just throwing every misplaced detail at you. Brevity is the soul of wit.
  3. Gone too far off topic. If you want to dicuss it further you can make a thread about racism in Way Off Topic, or a thread about racism in video games in Computer and Console.
  4. Skyclad, the original folk metal band.
  5. Where did you get the information that it is a horror game? It doesn't look like horror to me. More weird than scary.
  6. This topic has stopped comparing DA:I and PoE and just turned into a DA:I / BioWare topic, and therefore no longer has a place in PoE forums. Take it to the DA:I thread in Computer & Console.
  7. I'll second Bruce, while I haven't caught the last episode the first three episodes of The Strain were remarkably good. It starts out as Dracula as filtered through Guillermo del Toro's unique style and it seems to be building towards a mass monster rumble.
  8. Glad to see your dedication to romance crosses over into the real world, Bruce. Anyone has any decent ways to fight insomnia? Getting an average of 2 hours of sleep a night is starting to really mess with my head. It's like my vision is permanently vignetted and moving my head is like playing a first person game with mouse lag.
  9. I believe the ones in the video are the female ones and we saw the male ones in the Q&A. I may be wrong though.
  10. Enough of this. Back on topic before I get out the pruning sheers. If you want to make a PC vs Consoles thread you can do so but this isn't it.
  11. I didn't keep count, but mine were killed by a pink fluffy bunny slipper. It's more satisfying that way.
  12. Insomnia, a.k.a. the state of awareness that allows you to hear every living organism in a three mile radius combined with the desire to strangle every single one of them.
  13. There's a thread for romance, guys. Take it over there.
  14. Due to the use of the same skeletal scaling fuction for weapon scaling of differently sized characters as Josh pointed out that testing would have been carried out regardless of whether or not this feature was in. If they were to cut Big Head Mode out right this very instant the amount of testing time would remain entirely unchanged.
  15. Got about two hours of sleep every night last week. Just enough for the insomnia not to make me insane. Instead, I'm just irritable as hell.
  16. That might have been relevant if it wasn't the player making the choice.
  17. Just breaking up is not an option? You mean my choice is forgiveness or death? ... I'll have the chicken then.
  18. Emphasis mine. Technically, I would have to say ASM2 is a more well-made movie, but I feel ASM2 was a worse experience on account of how boring it is. The lack of villain and direction make it feel like a soap opera for 4/5th of the running time. In other news, Studio Ghibli is closing its doors for good.
  19. Sequel night - Amazing Spider-man 2 and Insidious: Chapter 2. Insidious: Chapter 2 was okay, the story was good but it wasn't very scary other than a few jumpscares. A few standout scenes had high tension but it was quickly diffused. Worth a watch but not as good as the first one (which also had its problems but at least 2/3 of it scared the fecal matter out of me). Amazing Spider-man 2 was... not okay. Probably the worst Superhero movie in recent years. This movie is the very definition of going through the motions. All the villains are unmotivated cartoons (especially Jamie Foxx, whose portrayal feels like it belongs to a Wayans brothers parody rather than a real movie) and 2 of them don't even show up until the last fifteen minutes and have maybe five minutes of screen time between the two of them.
  20. That's the entire point. Resources spent on something silly. As Josh already pointed out, it was discovered while working on another feature using scaleable bone systems and they just made a button to toggle it. The amount of resources spent on it is so infinitely small as to be negligable. If this had taken any effort, your point would make sense, but it didn't take enough significant time to even call it "using resources". The fact that Josh had to reply to this in the first place means this discussion has, at this point, literally wasted more significant development resources than this feature did.
  21. I've never noticed that, but just the idea of it made my day.
  22. Actually, didn't BG2 already fix that by halting romance progression while in dungeons? I know the progression pretty much stopped in The Underdark.
  23. I'd say what's missing from a lot of game romances is tension. There is never any will-they won't-they or sexual tension between characters at all. It's generally either tensionless lovey-dovey or more sex than you can shake your stick at and it is designed so players can make it happen via simple choice of dialogue (I'm going to pick the nice conversation option because that'll get me laid). If someone could figure out a way to generate some proper tension in a game romance I'm sure they would be much better.
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