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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Mortal Engines. I feel like I was missing hours of backstory... Mostly spent it wondering who these people were.
  2. *snickers* What on earth are you talking about. Didn't Blizzard just announce record profits? Isn't Bethesda gearing up to release Doom, Wolfenstein and Rage titles soon? Just because comment sections are salty doesn't mean they're in trouble. BioWare on the other hand, haven't been doing too well. I blame EA.
  3. coulda' been almost any o' those scandinavian countries, and they choose norway? https://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/nor/ norway is almost as dependent on raw resource exports as is russia, which ain't a compliment, and nearly 60% o' all exports is petroleum-based. as such, norway suffers from extreme volatility o' currency. is also geographical much smaller and cultural far more homogenized than US. problems facing norway is a bit different. got vast stretches o' highway in the west and midwest o' US with absolute nothing to mark passage save mileage markers. is no wonder infrastructure improvements is so daunting. just one example. coulda' used any scandinavian nation as an example, but we get home o' whale killers and recreational seal clubbers who is as over dependent on oil as russia? however, we get the point. there is examples o' socialism working okie dokie for folks. HA! Good Fun! The picture also referred to Norway as "countries" and "they".
  4. Yeah, the wife and I did a budget wedding for about 1,600€.
  5. Netflix' The Dragon Prince. Starting out really promising. Animated fantasy show created by Aaron Ehasz, who wrote or co-wrote 59 episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. (For reference, the show has 61 episodes.)
  6. Finally saw Aquaman, which was pretty damn fun. The only thing that wasn't good was the amateur costume design.
  7. Don't remind me of the pain.
  8. I spent the day eating dinosaurs in The Isle, a game that can alternate from light boredom to absolute terror in seconds. I usually don't get early access titles but... Dinosaurs.
  9. Curious, what about retcons makes you come to the time-wasting conclusion? Two of my coworers were discussing why the technology in the new Star Trek movies and new show was so much more advanced than the TOS. They decided it had something to do with something that happened in the enterprise show. I chimed in it was because the TOS was made in the '60s and the new stuff is, well... new. Apparently that wasn't the right answer. That sounds like they're just making stuff up. That's not a retcon, that's headcanon and that IS a waste of time.
  10. Gromnir is a lot more than just a signature and third person. You completely failed at that.
  11. Curious, what about retcons makes you come to the time-wasting conclusion?
  12. Gravy boat.
  13. Beat you to it.
  14. I grabbed Caveblazers, Graveyard Keeper and The Isle (because I'm a masochist) as well as My Time at Portia.
  15. Noooo discount Michael Ironside
  16. Captain Marvel's had some terrible trailers, but it's got the bestest of all time official website: https://www.marvel.com/captainmarvel
  17. *bzzzt* does not compute *bzzt*
  18. Nah, oby stuck around several years longer than Wals.
  19. Someone gave me Divinity: Original Sin. Any tips for a first time playthrough?
  20. I say nice things about game companies. I believe the professional term is "shill".
  21. Isn't that every year for the last fifty years with the sole exception of 9-11?
  22. And this is a problem because...? This thread continues to be an expression of insecurity. Oh em gee, someone might see an edit and think something! It doesn't matter, it won't be changed, and it isn't funny as a running gag. Let it go.
  23. It's pretty central european, really. I hate it too.
  24. What are you talking about? Fight Club is a literalized parody on why the manly man ideal is just another uniform you're forced to wear by peer pressure and eventually leads you to cause destruction. Members of project mayhem don't even get a name, leading all the manly men who join fight clubs right back to the empty disillusionment that our nameless narrator starts with. Well, except for, you know, Bob, who has breasts and isn't manly enough so pretending otherwise gets him killed. The book goes even further, where in the end the narrator is institutionalised because being Tyler Durden, the narrator's anthropomorphic personification of manliness (who is the villain) is a literal mental illness. I'd get into it more but I'm really not in the mood considering this place's track record. Go check out Folding Ideas' video on the topic, he explains it well enough. If that's not enough, go ask the author. Edit: Used the word literal too often.
  25. Oof that Steven Universe season finale was excellent.
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