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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, seasoned mainly with paprika.
  2. Not so much lack of reading comprehension as lack of humour comprehension what with it being a foreign language and all. Although in actual fact Kaftan has a deep sincere hatred of huns, ever since they used to steal his lunch money back in school.
  3. It slows everything else down not speed your chracter up so you still have to deal with the cumbersome nature of the axe.
  4. The axe is slow, powerful but slow. I prefer the bush hook. The katana is very quick and powerful. The thing is you dont begin to get these weapons till around a third of teh way through the game. I honestly hope i'm not ruining your hopes for this game.
  5. If someone sends them that article and tells them they have zero credibility, so what? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have no qualms with that.
  6. yes the blood magic but that is only when its maxed out. I've also heard its not so great against enemies towards the latter part of the game.
  7. Its just a prediction page, if they get it wrong so what?
  8. I think its tremer that have their physical attributes capped at 4 but you do get the nice apt if you do the right stuff.
  9. No limb loss, the blood looks poor but the stealth kill is fun especially the little sound that is played.
  10. Would it? Its a visual film but i guess the lingo is part of the atmosphere.
  11. Is the spanish verion of The Passion dubbed?
  12. Hey, can i call you Llyranorsaurus? Oooh! no wait: Llyranorsaurus Sex. :cool:
  13. Llyranor is incorrect. The Force isn't about stupid midichlorians. Its an energy field that surrounds us and binds us.
  14. NWN2 uses the Electron engine, new.
  15. Those consoles were a bit before your time, were they like hand me downs from an older sibling?
  16. My guess is the comment about K3 possibly being an action game according to IGN. Only a guess though... "
  17. http://www.vampirebloodlines.com/patch/
  18. Vangelis - Blade runner, from that site^
  19. alanschu was paraphrasing oerwinde with the midget comment.
  20. Election Cheat Sheet <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks A few questions 1. Whats the voting system? e.g. proportional representation? 2. When was the last time, if ever, a single party had a strong majority in parliament. 3. Which tax is the biggest source of govt revenue? 4. WHat is GST (tax)?
  21. What are the main campaign issues in this election?
  22. That thought occured to me but to give hime a chance to explain i imagined this to be in development fantasy land - infinite money and time.
  23. who? me? how?
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