I wonder about Superman's judgement, sometimes. I mean, come on, who in their right mind would pick a woman who can't even recognize you if you wear glasses? "
Pfft, whatever she's hot...
Chuck does have a brother, a twin brother in fact. When they were young they always used to fight as brothers often do but the nature of their martial arts skills took the notion of sibling rivalry to a new level.
Ma and Pa Norris had the foresight to separate the two and they knew they had to put some distance between them. Chuck remained in the US while his brother was sent to live in the USSR. The Norris parents were denounced as Communists soon after. The brother was brought up as Soviet man loyal to the state.
His name... was Boris, yes Boris Norris.
I think it refers to the process and presentation of the turkey meat - curing it and selling it as slices or rashers. Or maybe its because nowadays dead farm animals comprises so much of the animal feed that i guess technically you could get pig meat out of a turkey...
A quality episode a few stealth jokes that may or may not have been intentional ^_^
The family guy stuff was a bit out of left field though. I enjoy family guy but matt and trey weren't wrong in their criticisms Now we just have to wait a few months for the reply
When we talk about over rating, whose rating are we considering? The discerning press critic, the man on the street, the pop radio DJ, the bitter and jaded genre fan or somebody else?
Lara looks realistic in the new game especially with regards to skin tone and lighting. Well... when I say realistic its relative to her previous incarnations. With a fair amount of plastic surgery a human person could look like her.
I never liked the first game because it seemed like room after room of emptiness where the challenge was to guess the jumps and overcome the problematic camera.
Its not really a pure communist superman as much of a soviet superman, raised on a collective farm and co-opted by the state as a military spearhead.
A "what if Superman landed in the USSR instead of the US?" story. The ending is weird.
Yeah they aren't supposed to imbibe alcohol but the specifics of that point are in contention... depending on who you talk to. I'm pretty sure any muslims in the proximity won't make a fuss about the bacon event, its not as if they are being denied the ability to eat food of their choosing at cafeterias.