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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. For scanned artwork just cut out and random bits like ring binders and black areas.
  2. That was the 1337est post ever but now you ruined by posting another to make 1338
  3. Turn off auto updates and restart later.
  4. SOme of teh translations you see on boards may be made up e.g. Kate gives good head brotha.
  5. Ja Herr Kumquatq3, es ist sehr gut, sehr Interessieren. By the way, the morse code on bigspaceship1.com changes, today it reads: SOMETIMES A POLAR BEAR IS JUST A POLAR PEAR
  6. I thought that the script was a red herring.... It just seemed a little like a cop out to introduce zombies and Michael learns Korean so quick... then again we still haven't seen the others (the boat people?) and there is the matter of the tail section people and how there wre initially 23 survivors.
  7. Yes i was confused at first but then i remembered my old secondary school electronics. A breadboard is a plug in circuit board with rows of little holes where you can plug in components such as transistors, LEDs and capacitors etc. The point of this is to map out a circuitboard and see iff it works before you actually solder it to a real circuitboard. Is that what you broke?
  8. But to get people to watch it you have to tell them about it and really sell it. It needs the monster marketing to get the point across. Most of the reviews i read of it are positive to glowing - this suggests that the majority of people dont give a crap about reviews. Word of mouth doesnt cross the nerd/non-nerd barrier.
  9. Yeah well buffy did have monsters and stuff. Its ok now though they've gone
  10. This thread survives because it is a license to spam. Despite the protests of all who have posted in this thread they all secretly love it because it allows them to bend the rules a little bit. Oh and Master Revan? You've been Punk'd.
  11. Buffy was more than a niche, 7 seasons is more than respectable for a show of its type. Firefly didnt have time to sink into the minds of the public (cancelled after half a season) and the promotion seems like it was geared to the pre existing audience rather than try to gain new fans.
  12. The phrase "quality not quantity" is perfectly suited to this dilemma. In my time of posting here (whetever the name ) i have seen that the people with the fastest growing post counts have the least to say and tend to be the most annoying. So basically dont try and aim for a high post count - let it grow naturally. At least this way you have no fear of being tarnished as a spammer and the existing forum members can get used to you.
  13. But there are people here with high post counts who still start crap or are intensely dislikeable. This renders the "post count/seriousness" meter ineffective.
  14. Surreptishus


    Schmarth was right about you... in that other thread
  15. People that tell me things (news, gossip, random facts) 6 months after i told it to them first. P.S. Who hates my avatar? I think it might cause problems for those on dial up... well there is always AdBlock!
  16. Yes. People dont like rabid nerds, this is true. With star wars its something that has been with us for years and so built up a HUGE rabid core fanbase and passed into popular culture - add to that the promotional behemoth and you should be able to see the reasons for the whys.
  17. Reveilled and Walsingham got it on the nose.
  18. Peri Peri Chicken INGREDIENTS: * 1/4 cup paprika * 2 tablespoons hot chili powder * 1 cup fresh lemon juice * 3 cloves garlic, minced * 1 1/2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger * 1 1/2 teaspoons salt * 4 bone-in chicken breast halves DIRECTIONS: 1. In a large bowl, stir together the paprika, chili powder, lemon juice, garlic, ginger and salt. Rub chicken with the mixture, place in a dish, and marinate for 3 hours. 2. Preheat a grill for medium heat. 3. Place chicken onto the grill and discard the marinade. Cook for about 30 minutes, turning occasionally, until the skin is slightly charred and juices run clear.
  19. You missed my post...? :'( I think that Abrams is just messing with us by casting the same guy in two different roles... unless he left the chicken place, grew hair all over his face and head and then went to work for hurley's box company! Or maybe they are twins? Probably not.
  20. Surreptishus


    ... or a glass of water.
  21. Post count isnt a positive indicator of anything, if anything it shows how much time one has wasted here (my opinion, no disrespect to others :ph34r: ) A high post count does not gain any benefits. So far the only noob-bashing i've seen/participated in is against really rookie mistakes and obnoxious behaviour form over familiar noobs. You shouldn't worry Lawman you seem like a cool guy.
  22. When do people rip on mothman's age? Evyone used to rip on jodo kast 5 about his age but that is beacuase he was a **** about it. Mothman's behaviour is surprising.
  23. :o YOU'RE JODO?!?!?!?1 WTF!!?!?!>
  24. COpy and paste link, sawyer got robbed at his house.
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