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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Does that mean you are a picture of a willy?
  2. Lou Gutman Persevering Igloo
  3. I dont know whether that is sarcastic and so be resntful or if it is honest and be condescendingly pitiful.
  4. Mighty similar wouldnt you say? P.S. I like you using my lines to poke fun at me but come on now...
  5. No, he pios far
  6. Listen, King Beardyface 1. Its not domestic to me - I am not from this planet. 2. The worldwide is the US domestic ($14m) + overseas ($1m) slim chance of it going up a lot more. 3. I'm not crying - i'm not bothered either way but i like to extract a little pleasure from the shattered hopes and dreams of others.
  7. Being set on fire, being eaten alive by ants, even being eaten by fire ants. These are all vastly preferable to havig Monty Python quoted at you incessantly. P.S. I like python but come on now...
  8. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=serenity.htm Numbers (not 4 8 15 16 23 42) Prod budget ~$40m, worldwide gross ~$15m hmmm sequel? not bloody likely.
  9. I iz not from da US so pleez splain why u hav a holleeday for dat geezer wot solves crimes and is cross eyed.
  10. Oh dear - you got it wrong. Its post favourite lyrics not give vague opinions on genres of music Legend of Zelda - System of A Down Link, he come to town Come to save the princess zelda Ganon took her away Now the children don
  11. AT the moment they've got the HDdvd at 30GB capacity, yes blu ray is reporting dual layer at 50GB but is that extra space useable? (for movies at least there is a ceiling beyond which the extra space is moot) Intel and MS backed hddvd cos they reckon blu ray wont allow network streaming or something. Blu ray said this is absurd as the copy protection for blu ray is based upon the same thing as hddvd -- bleh at this point the arguments are technical. HD has an advantage in that the discs can be produced using teh same eqipment as for current gen DVDs. For blu ray new machines and processes must be used and no doubt the extra cost will be passed on to the consumer.
  12. kuru
  13. ermm.... from a gloabal perspective. I meant pre release promotion. The first weekend of a film is the most important - after that the numbers drop off drastically. I guess they saved money by not going al out on advertising and stuff.
  14. Starship Troopers 2 was straight to video wasn't it? One of the reasons for the numbers is almost zero promotion.
  15. Oh man , the fact that you prioritised the former means the latter would never happen.
  16. I didn't want to be so graphic, but yes - i would imagine that some roasting of teh spit would occur. EDIT: whoever voted for suicide is mighty impatient. or just one of thos annoying people that has to be the first to do anything.
  17. Oh dear, looks like you'll spend your last day being tag-ravished by GoA and hades then
  18. In essence very much so
  19. I'm going to watch it without having watched the series - if its rubbish, i'll get you... all of you.
  20. Yeah me too, Viking was a euphemistic way of saying i wanted to be a complete "natwest banker"
  21. So you'd spend the day in denial.
  22. Never watched firefly, watched the first 9 minutes - didn't hate it may watch it in full.
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