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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. http://www.goldeneyesource.com/media.php
  2. Random reworked goldeneye 64 music for the Goldeneye half life 2 mod
  3. and teh fourth image for mus? is
  4. Without spam it would be bad - a full protonic reversal. imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
  5. This dude http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...ndpost&p=464528
  6. How come you say arse instead of ass? wher did you pick it up and do you emphasise the "r" in arse so as to make it aRRRRRse? Jack Thompson is Aaron Lightblade's lawyer.
  7. Yeah it was that thread - i dont remember who it was but i am pretty sure you don't look like him.
  8. who (celebrity) did you say you look like Mus? ?
  9. I just wanted him to qualify his "joke" but i didnt wanna mess up da piccy thread.
  10. Explain the above statement.
  11. Twats posting on internet fora.
  12. The Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe.
  13. Actually there is mileage to be had in Drafette, i thought it was only Drafet at first but the extra "te" makes all the difference.
  14. 352 days until release! (w00t) What would be funny is if it turned out to be crap. 10 years to make a crap game.
  15. ...and twinkies love you it would seem.
  16. ned = chav
  17. Awesome!! (w00t) Hades you should consider a career in public relations!
  18. nah eddo had some kind of warped genius. Jodo was just straight dumb.
  19. I think hades may object to that name the most, then the mods and then darque. Oohh i know a name that screams charisma and likeability - Jodo Kast 5
  20. No need to be nasty fraket i was only being friendly Fraket..... Friendly Fraket!!1 (w00t)
  21. Exactly... so settle for Fraket, ok Fraket?
  22. huh? its mothman, not mathman you silly.
  23. Let Fraket make his own choice.
  24. ARe you sure that is a girl? he/she has what looks like some scote popping out of her shorts and then in the second pic he/she has diguised his/her aroused phallus as a gun type thing. So now you arte saying Darque is a he-she?
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