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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. No it is not currant to me, I am not Revan, I am Khazar - Nosferatu female ( <_< ).
  2. The wind was a promotional stunt.
  3. you mean like a "vorpal" gun? yeah that would balance out the saber and would make a non jedi playable character more appealing.
  4. Its become par for the course to expect a multi film franchise these days. With something like Spiderman i dont mind as there is a wealth of good stories in the comics from which to choose.
  5. Swerving it back on topic, i hope the 360 doesnt fail like the DC and takes up more of a market share than the Xbox, competition is always good. It might actually result in some quality platform specific releases and warrant me buying one of the new crop.
  6. Masters of the Universe? Rocky IV? Universal Soldier?
  7. people who complain about "objectionable content" on tv should be shot.
  8. No Diamond!! don'y let steve bully you he always belittles people!! Stand up and be proud of the T3 viewing!!
  9. I read somewhere that these courses dont really teach about hardware and software and just concentrate on using the most up to date equipment at the time. This is fine except once you graduate yoru knowledge is probably obsolete.
  10. T3 was ok, if the first two were A/A+ then T3 was a B.
  11. This is old news. The person behinf Eldar and Cantousent are one and the same.
  12. Devastimator!! Futuristic war movie might be good, but it just isnt't the same without Ahhnuld. I don't want the old botox ridden fatass Arnold - unless he provides the voice for a fully cgi one.
  14. It does seem mean but i think its an alt.
  15. Oh right, you mean piracy is killing the PC gaming industry. Says who?
  16. The "board" deemed them worthless and so they will not be recorded.
  17. This way please, http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showforum=18 Enjoy your stay.
  18. Yeaa thats cos you've probably seen it like a billion times, right?
  19. Only if you download them... what is funny is that guy that founded the company has failed spectaclularly or has been involved with failing businesses.
  20. Whiner just get a console. But seriously what are PC games sales as a %age of the whole market? I'm theorising it aint much compared to that of console but i need stats to confirm. If true then not surprising that PC gamers get the short end of the stick. As for a cross platform console, the manufacturers would like their version to be the industry standard i doubt they would agree on a unified approach.
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